• curl
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  • Sift API Overview

    Sift is a machine learning platform that helps stop fraud and abuse online. Sift empowers businesses to make accurate, real-time decisions that both improve user experience and increase revenue. You can use Sift whether you’re building a brand new risk system or looking to augment an existing legacy system.

    Sift makes risk predictions in real-time using your own data and data from the 100s of millions of users in Sift’s global network. Our machine learning systems identify patterns of behavior across thousands of device, user, network, and transactional signals. These are often patterns that only a machine learning system can spot. Using Sift, businesses have stopped 100s billions of dollars of fraud worldwide.

    There are 5 different unique types of abuse that Sift can stop:

    • Payment Abuse - Reduce friction at checkout to increase revenue and stop chargebacks before they hurt your business.
    • Account Abuse - Stop fake accounts from polluting your service and block bad users before they harm your business.
    • Account Takeover - Stop bad actors from hijacking users accounts. Keep your users safe and ensure that they always trust your service.
    • Content Abuse - Stop spammy and scammy posts from polluting your service. Keep your users safe from malicious actors.
    • Promotion Abuse - Make sure you’re only rewarding real users by stopping referral rings and repeated use of promotions.

    Sift easily integrates into your existing systems using modern REST APIs, Javascript snippet, and SDKs for iOS and Android. In addition, Sift offers Workflows, a powerful rules automation platform, and Review Queues. These enable you to build a complete solution with Sift.

    The next sections will walk you through getting started with Sift.

    Sending Data to Sift

    To use Sift, we need to know about your users, what they do with your service, and what actions you take in response to your users. This includes:

    • How your users are interacting on your website and/or mobile apps (eg what pages they are visiting, which devices they are using, how long they spend on each page, etc). We automatically collect this data when you add our JavaScript snippet to your website and our Mobile SDKs to your app.
    • What actions your users are taking, usually key user lifecycle events (eg creating an account, placing an order, posting content to other users, etc.). You will send this data from your application to Sift via our REST API.
    • What actions your business is taking in response to users (eg approve an order, ban user due to fraud, cancel order due to chargeback, etc). You will also send this data from your application to Sift via our Decisions API.

    Because Sift gets smarter the more data it has about your business, you can jump start your integration by backfilling a few months worth of historical data.

    If you have any questions about what data to send to Sift, check our integration guides for recommendations based on your type of business. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at support@sift.com.

    Get Started with Sift Scores

    Once you start sending data, Sift starts to make predictions about whether a user will be good or bad. Sift represents this risk with a score between 0 and 100, where risky users have higher scores. Sift generates a unique score per type of fraud you're preventing (e.g. payment fraud, content abuse, etc.), so a user could have a high score for one type of abuse and a low score for another.

    Sift’s Risk Scores are generated in real-time in response to whatever data has been sent. As you send more data for a user, the predictions will become more accurate. Scores can both increase or decrease in response to new data. It all depends on whether the user is exhibiting good or risky patterns.

    You’ll use Sift Risk Scores to help you make decisions about your users at key lifecycle events (e.g. creating an account, placing an order, etc.). For example, whether you want to automatically block an order, send it to manual review or approve it, all these choices can be decided based on the Sift Score. Since all businesses are different, finding your unique score thresholds that achieve your business goals is key. Don’t hesitate to email support@sift.com if you need any help choosing the score thresholds that make sense for you.

    Build your Business Logic With Sift Scores

    The final step to using Sift is adding business logic that makes Decisions based on the Sift Risk Score. This step is so important because the real power of Sift is using machine learning to efficiently and accurately automate decisions in your business.

    Here’s an example of using Sift to stop payments fraud. When an order is created by a user, the business checks the Sift Score:

    • If the score is low, automatically approve the order.
    • If the score is high, automatically block the order and flag the user.
    • If the score is mid range, send the order to a review queue where an analyst can decide the best next step.

    To build this business logic, there are two different approaches that you can take. You should choose your approach based on your business needs.

    Create a Sift Workflow

    You can build your business logic on Sift with our Workflows Platform. Workflows let you set up criteria that get evaluated whenever specified events occur. For example, you can setup a Workflow that evaluates whenever a user creates an account. You can specify criteria (e.g. country = “Canada” & Sift Score > 80) that when met, Sift will auto-block, auto-accept, or send the user to a Sift Review Queue for manual review. The configuration is all up to you, and logic can be updated by your fraud manager without any developer involvement. Learn more about setting up Sift Workflows.

    Create Business Logic Within Your App

    You can build your business logic within your application using Sift Scores. You can request Sift Scores synchronously each time you send an event. This will allow you to implement Sift Scores into your existing internal systems and manual review tools. Note, make sure to send all of the decisions from your system to Sift as Decision events.

    For more information on building any of the above, check out our list of vertical-specific tutorials. They'll help you customize your Sift integration to fit your unique business needs. Client libraries are also available.

    Installing the JavaScript Snippet

    The JavaScript snippet tracks user interaction with your website and collects device information.

    Important: only include the JavaScript snippet when the page is accessed externally by a user of your website. If your internal tools offer a way to simulate logging into a user's account, for example to investigate a user or place a phone order, it is important that you do not include the JavaScript snippet in those cases so that we do not link your device and IP address with the user.

    Install the JavaScript snippet

    1. Insert this JavaScript snippet onto your webpage, just after the opening <body> tag:
      <script type="text/javascript">
        var _user_id = 'al_capone'; // Set to the user's ID, username, or email address, or '' if not yet known.
        var _session_id = 'unique_session_id'; // Set to a unique session ID for the visitor's current browsing session.
        var _sift = window._sift = window._sift || [];
        _sift.push(['_setAccount', 'INSERT_BEACON_KEY_HERE']);
        _sift.push(['_setUserId', _user_id]);
        _sift.push(['_setSessionId', _session_id]);
       (function() {
         function ls() {
           var e = document.createElement('script');
           e.src = 'https://cdn.sift.com/s.js';
         if (window.attachEvent) {
           window.attachEvent('onload', ls);
         } else {
           window.addEventListener('load', ls, false);
    2. Change the parameter to _setAccount above to your JavaScript Snippet key.
    3. Set _session_id to a string that identifies a unique session ID for the visitor's current browsing session.
    4. Set _user_id to a string that identifies the user, e.g. a user ID, username, or email address. (Leave user_id blank if you do not yet know the ID of the user.). This user ID should be consistent with $user_id in your Events API requests.
    5. If you have a single-page app, see our help article.

    • To minimize download latency, we've hosted these files on Google CDN. To minimize page load delay, this code executes as asynchronously as possible, yielding several times.
    • This code will set a long-lived cookie named __ssid on your domain, also known as a first-party cookie. We only use this to identify unique visitors. You can optionally set the domain for the cookie via another JavaScript parameter _setCookieDomain, _sift.push(['_setCookieDomain','subdomain.foo.com']);

    Mobile SDK Overview

    The Sift Mobile SDKs collect and send device information and app life cycle events to Sift.

    Broadly, the Mobile SDKs are the analogue to the Sift JavaScript snippet. Just like the JavaScript snippet allows Sift to collect a range of browser properties and client-side user actions, the Mobile SDKs allow mobile applications to collect and send device properties and application lifecycle events to Sift. These events are the foundational data that drives machine learning at Sift.

    The Mobile SDKs operate at high performance and are designed to be simple, robust and easy to integrate. Performance optimizations that reduce end-user impact include batching, compression, deduplication, archiving, and many other techniques detailed in this blog post.

    iOS SDK – Integrate the iOS SDK into your mobile application.

    Android SDK – Integrate the Android SDK into your mobile application.

    iOS SDK

    Installing the library

    The SDK can be installed through either CocoaPods or Carthage.


    • Add this to your Podfile: pod 'Sift' (this uses the latest version).
    • Run pod install.


    • Add this to your Cartfile: github "SiftScience/sift-ios" (this uses the latest version)
    • Run carthage update.

    Configuration & Set Up:

    At a bare minimum, configuring your use of the Sift iOS SDK requires passing in your account id and beacon key. Your account id is retrievable by your account's admin in your profile section. The beacon key is the same key that is used in your Sift JS Snippet, and can be found in the developer section. Note in particular that this key is not considered secret; a sophisticated bad actor could recover this key from your app, or from the JS beacon, and use it to submit mobile events.

    1. Initialize the Sift instance

      The SDK works in the background, so you have to initialize it when your app starts. It usually makes most sense to initialize the SDK in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.

      Here is an example of what you would do within AppDelegate.m:

      #import "Sift/Sift.h"

      Add the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions instance method if it doesn't exist, and insert this code snippet (replacing the placeholder strings with your Sift account credentials):

      Sift *sift = [Sift sharedInstance];
      [sift setAccountId:@"YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID"];
      [sift setBeaconKey:@"YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_SNIPPET_KEY"];

      Import the Sift framework via CocoaPods or Carthage as described above. Create a bridging header and add it to Build Settings > Swift Compiler - General > Objective-C Bridging Header.

      Add the following code snippet to your AppDelegate.swift file (replacing the placeholder strings with your Sift account credentials):

      let sift = Sift.sharedInstance
      sift().accountId = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID"
      sift().beaconKey = "YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_SNIPPET_KEY"
      // Set the user ID once it is available
      sift().userId = "USER_ID_GOES_HERE"
    2. (Recommended) If your app does not use motion sensors (accelerometer, gyro, and magnetometer), add the following to the configuration block above: [sift setAllowUsingMotionSensors:YES];. This enables the SDK to collect motion data in the background.
    3. If your app uses user location data but you do not want send it to Sift, add the following to the configuration block above: [sift setDisallowCollectingLocationData:YES];.
    4. Set the user ID for the user, this allows us to associate mobile data with data sent via Sift’s Rest API and Java Script. When the user ID is available (for example, when user has just logged in), please set the user ID:
      [[Sift sharedInstance] setUserId:@"USER_ID"];
    5. (Recommended) Add the following to your application’s Info.plist file. This change allows us to detect whether or not Cydia is installed. This step is optional, but highly recommended.

    Android SDK

    Installing the library

    Add the latest version of the Sift SDK to your application's build.gradle file:

    dependencies {
      implementation 'com.siftscience:sift-android:VERSION'

    If your application uses Google Play Services, you will need to configure your build.gradle file to fix its dependency version:

    compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:YOUR_GMS_VERSION'

    You may also need to add the following packagingOptions to the main android block:

    android {
      packagingOptions {
        exclude 'META-INF/DEPENDENCIES.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE'
        exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE'
        exclude 'META-INF/DEPENDENCIES'
        exclude 'META-INF/notice.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/license.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/dependencies.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/LGPL2.1'


    There are two different integration paths to take for incorporating Sift into your application.

    The first one will be detailed below in the Application Integration section. Follow these instructions if your application flow is primarily based on Activities.

    If your application flow is based on a combination of Activities and Fragments, please refer to the Custom Integration section.

    Application Integration

    Add Sift to your Application file

    Create an Application file if you haven’t already. Create an internal class that implements the ActivityLifecycleCallbacks interface and register Sift as shown below:

    import siftscience.android.Sift;
    public class App extends Application {
        public void onCreate() {
            registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new ActivityLifecycleCallbacksHandler());
        private static final class ActivityLifecycleCallbacksHandler
                implements ActivityLifecycleCallbacks {
            public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle bundle) {
                Sift.open(activity, new Sift.Config.Builder()
                    // Uncomment to disallow location collection
                    // .withDisallowLocationCollection(true)
            public void onActivityPaused(Activity activity) {
            public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) {

    Set the user ID

    As soon as your application is aware of the user ID, set it on the Sift instance using the code below. All subsequent events will be associated with that user ID.


    If the user logs out of your application or their session ends, you should unset the user ID:


    Custom Integration

    Initialize Sift in your main Activity

    Configure the Sift object in the onCreate method of your application's main Activity (the one that begins the application). If the user ID is known at this point, you can set it here. Otherwise, you should set it as soon as it is known. In the main Activity, also override onDestroy and onPause as shown:

    import siftscience.android.Sift;
    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            Sift.open(this, new Sift.Config.Builder()
                // Uncomment to disallow location collection
                // .withDisallowLocationCollection(true)
        protected void onPause() {
        protected void onDestroy() {

    Add Sift to your application flow

    For each Activity or Fragment that represents a unique page in your application flow, override onStart, onPause, and onStop:

    public class OtherActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        protected void onStart(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            // For Fragments, use Sift.open(this.getActivity()) instead
        protected void onPause() {
        protected void onStop() {

    Set the user ID

    As soon as your application is aware of the user ID, set it on the Sift instance using the code below. All subsequent events will be associated with that user ID.


    If the user logs out of your application or their session ends, you should unset the user ID:


    Events API Reference

    Use the Events API to record the core actions users take in your application. The more detail we capture about user behaviors, the better we can distinguish between good and bad users. We have two types of events:

    • Reserved events are events are sent in a standard format, allowing us to do lots of advanced analysis on the values sent. When possible, model the actions users take on your site or app with reserved events.
    • Custom events are events you create to capture actions unique to your application. If there are key actions most of your users take that are not captured by our reserved events, send these as custom event.

    Each event has fields that provide details.

    • Each event accepts required, reserved, and custom fields.
    • Some fields are of type object or object list.

    Events API Endpoint

    Sift's Events API accepts event data as a JSON request body via a HTTP POST request at this endpoint:


    Every event must contain your $api_key, the event $type, and a $user_id (if this is not available, you can alternatively provide a $session_id). Make sure to look at our error codes.


    Use $create_order to record when a user submits an order for products or services they intend to purchase. This API event should contain the products/services ordered, the payment instrument(s), and user identification data.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after login or account creation. Required if no $user_id values is provided.

    • $order_id

      The ID for tracking this order in your system.

    • $user_email

      Email of the user creating this order. Note: If the user's email is also their account ID in your system, set both the $user_id and $user_email fields to their email address.

    • $amount

      Total transaction amount in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros.

    • $currency_code

      ISO-4217 currency code for the amount. If your site uses alternative currencies, specify them here.

    • $billing_address

      The billing address as entered by the user. occurred an address object.

    • $payment_methods
      Array of Payment Methods

      The payment information associated with this order. occurred an array of nested payment_method objects containing payment type, payment gateway, credit card bin, etc.

      Note: As opposed to $transaction, $create_order takes an array of $payment_method objects, so you can record orders that are paid for using multiple payments. See Payment Method under Complex Field Types for more details.

    • $shipping_address

      The shipping address as entered by the user. occurred a nested address object.

    • $expedited_shipping

      Whether the user requested priority/expedited shipping on their order.

    • $items
      Array of Items

      The list of items ordered. occurred a JSON array of $item objects.

    • $seller_user_id

      For marketplace businesses, this is the seller's user ID, typically a database primary key.Follow our guidelines for $user_id values.

    • $promotions
      Array of Promotions

      The list of promotions that apply to this order. You can add one or more promotions when creating or updating an order. occurred a JSON array of promotion objects. You can also separately add promotions to the account via the $add_promotion event.

    • $shipping_method

      Indicates the method of delivery to the user.

      Allowed Values
      • "$electronic""$physical"
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $create_order event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"             : "$create_order",
      "$api_key"          : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
      "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
      "$amount"           : 115940000, // $115.94
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$billing_address"  : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      "$payment_methods"  : [
              "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
              "$payment_gateway" : "$braintree",
              "$card_bin"        : "542486",
              "$card_last4"      : "4444"
      "$shipping_address"  : {
          "$name"          : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"         : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"     : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"     : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"          : "New London",
          "$region"        : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"       : "US",
          "$zipcode"       : "03257"
      "$expedited_shipping" : true,
      "$shipping_method"    : "$physical",
      "$items"             : [
          "$item_id"        : "12344321",
          "$product_title"  : "Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor",
          "$price"          : 4990000, // $4.99
          "$upc"            : "097564307560",
          "$sku"            : "03586005",
          "$brand"          : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$category"       : "Food and Grocery",
          "$tags"           : ["Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"],
          "$quantity"       : 4
          "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
          "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
          "$price"          : 39990000, // $39.99
          "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
          "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
          "$brand"          : "Slanket",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
          "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
          "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
          "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
          "$quantity"       : 2
      "$ip"                 : "",
      // For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     : "slinkys_emporium",
      "$promotions"         : [
          "$promotion_id" : "FirstTimeBuyer",
          "$status"       : "$success",
          "$description"  : "$5 off",
          "$discount"     : {
            "$amount"                   : 5000000,  // $5.00
            "$currency_code"            : "USD",
            "$minimum_purchase_amount"  : 25000000  // $25.00
      // Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      : "apple_pay", // "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         : "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     : "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" : false
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $create_order event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
      "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
      "$amount"           : 115940000, # $115.94
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$billing_address"  : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      "$payment_methods"  : [
              "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
              "$payment_gateway" : "$braintree",
              "$card_bin"        : "542486",
              "$card_last4"      : "4444"
      "$shipping_address"  : {
          "$name"          : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"         : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"     : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"     : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"          : "New London",
          "$region"        : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"       : "US",
          "$zipcode"       : "03257"
      "$expedited_shipping" : True,
      "$shipping_method"    : "$physical",
      "$items"             : [
          "$item_id"        : "12344321",
          "$product_title"  : "Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor",
          "$price"          : 4990000, # $4.99
          "$upc"            : "097564307560",
          "$sku"            : "03586005",
          "$brand"          : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$category"       : "Food and Grocery",
          "$tags"           : ["Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"],
          "$quantity"       : 4
          "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
          "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
          "$price"          : 39990000, # $39.99
          "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
          "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
          "$brand"          : "Slanket",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
          "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
          "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
          "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
          "$quantity"       : 2
      "$ip"                 : "",
      # For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     : "slinkys_emporium",
      "$promotions"         : [
          "$promotion_id" : "FirstTimeBuyer",
          "$status"       : "$success",
          "$description"  : "$5 off",
          "$discount"     : {
            "$amount"                   : 5000000,  # $5.00
            "$currency_code"            : "USD",
            "$minimum_purchase_amount"  : 25000000  # $25.00
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      : "apple_pay", # "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         : "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     : "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" : False
    response = client.track("$create_order", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $create_order event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id"       => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$order_id"         => "ORDER-28168441",
      "$user_email"       => "bill@gmail.com",
      "$amount"           => 115940000, # $115.94
      "$currency_code"    => "USD",
      "$billing_address"  => {
        "$name"         => "Bill Jones",
        "$phone"        => "1-415-555-6041",
        "$address_1"    => "2100 Main Street",
        "$address_2"    => "Apt 3B",
        "$city"         => "New London",
        "$region"       => "New Hampshire",
        "$country"      => "US",
        "$zipcode"      => "03257"
      "$payment_methods"  => [
          "$payment_type"    => "$credit_card",
          "$payment_gateway" => "$braintree",
          "$card_bin"        => "542486",
          "$card_last4"      => "4444"
      "$shipping_address"  => {
        "$name"          => "Bill Jones",
        "$phone"         => "1-415-555-6041",
        "$address_1"     => "2100 Main Street",
        "$address_2"     => "Apt 3B",
        "$city"          => "New London",
        "$region"        => "New Hampshire",
        "$country"       => "US",
        "$zipcode"       => "03257"
      "$expedited_shipping" => true,
      "$shipping_method"    => "$physical",
      "$items"             => [
          "$item_id"        => "12344321",
          "$product_title"  => "Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor",
          "$price"          => 4990000, # $4.99
          "$upc"            => "097564307560",
          "$sku"            => "03586005",
          "$brand"          => "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$manufacturer"   => "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$category"       => "Food and Grocery",
          "$tags"           => ["Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"],
          "$quantity"       => 4
          "$item_id"        => "B004834GQO",
          "$product_title"  => "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
          "$price"          => 39990000, # $39.99
          "$upc"            => "67862114510011",
          "$sku"            => "004834GQ",
          "$brand"          => "Slanket",
          "$manufacturer"   => "Slanket",
          "$category"       => "Blankets & Throws",
          "$tags"           => ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
          "$color"          => "Texas Tea",
          "$quantity"       => 2
      "$ip"                 => "",
      # For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     => "slinkys_emporium",
      "$promotions"         => [
          "$promotion_id" => "FirstTimeBuyer",
          "$status"       => "$success",
          "$description"  => "$5 off",
          "$discount"     => {
            "$amount"                   => 5000000,  # $5.00
            "$currency_code"            => "USD",
            "$minimum_purchase_amount"  => 25000000  # $25.00
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      => "apple_pay", # "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         => "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     => "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" => false
    response = client.track("$create_order", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $create_order event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'          => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$session_id'       => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
      '$order_id'         => 'ORDER-28168441',
      '$user_email'       => 'bill@gmail.com',
      '$amount'           => 115940000, // $115.94
      '$currency_code'    => 'USD',
      '$billing_address'  => array(
        '$name'         => 'Bill Jones',
        '$phone'        => '1-415-555-6041',
        '$address_1'    => '2100 Main Street',
        '$address_2'    => 'Apt 3B',
        '$city'         => 'New London',
        '$region'       => 'New Hampshire',
        '$country'      => 'US',
        '$zipcode'      => '03257'
      '$payment_methods'  =>array(
          '$payment_type'    => '$credit_card',
          '$payment_gateway' => '$braintree',
          '$card_bin'        => '542486',
          '$card_last4'      => '4444'
      '$shipping_address'  => array(
        '$name'          => 'Bill Jones',
        '$phone'         => '1-415-555-6041',
        '$address_1'     => '2100 Main Street',
        '$address_2'     => 'Apt 3B',
        '$city'          => 'New London',
        '$region'        => 'New Hampshire',
        '$country'       => 'US',
        '$zipcode'       => '03257'
      '$expedited_shipping' => True,
      '$shipping_method'    => '$physical',
      '$items'             => array(
        // A list of items
          '$item_id'        => '12344321',
          '$product_title'  => 'Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor',
          '$price'          => 4990000, // $4.99
          '$upc'            => '097564307560',
          '$sku'            => '03586005',
          '$brand'          => 'Peters Kettle Corn',
          '$manufacturer'   => 'Peters Kettle Corn',
          '$category'       => 'Food and Grocery',
          '$tags'           => array('Popcorn', 'Snacks', 'On Sale'),
          '$quantity'       => 4
          '$item_id'        => 'B004834GQO',
          '$product_title'  => 'The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea',
          '$price'          => 39990000, // $39.99
          '$upc'            => '67862114510011',
          '$sku'            => '004834GQ',
          '$brand'          => 'Slanket',
          '$manufacturer'   => 'Slanket',
          '$category'       => 'Blankets & Throws',
          '$tags'           => array('Awesome', 'Wintertime specials'),
          '$color'          => 'Texas Tea',
          '$quantity'       => 2
      '$ip'                 => '',
      // For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      '$seller_user_id'     => 'slinkys_emporium',
      '$promotions'         => array(
          '$promotion_id' => 'FirstTimeBuyer',
          '$status'       => '$success',
          '$description'  => '$5 off',
          '$discount'     => array(
            '$amount'                   => 5000000,  // $5.00
            '$currency_code'            => 'USD',
            '$minimum_purchase_amount'  => 25000000  // $25.00
      // Sample Custom Fields
      'digital_wallet'      => 'apple_pay' // 'google_wallet', etc.
      'coupon_code'         => 'dollarMadness',
      'shipping_choice'     => 'FedEx Ground Courier',
      'is_first_time_buyer' => False
    $response = $client->track('$create_order', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.CreateOrderFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Address;
    import com.siftscience.model.Item;
    import com.siftscience.model.Discount;
    import com.siftscience.model.Promotion;
    import com.siftscience.model.PaymentMethod;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new CreateOrderFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setBillingAddress(new Address()
                    .setName("Bill Jones")
                    .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
                    .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
                    .setCity("New London")
                    .setRegion("New Hampshire")
            .setPaymentMethods(Arrays.asList(new PaymentMethod()
            .setShippingAddress(new Address()
                    .setName("Bill Jones")
                    .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
                    .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
                    .setCity("New London")
                    .setRegion("New Hampshire")
                    new Item()
                            .setProductTitle("Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor")
                            .setBrand("Peters Kettle Corn")
                            .setManufacturer("Peters Kettle Corn")
                            .setCategory("Food and Grocery")
                            .setTags(Arrays.asList("Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"))
                    new Item()
                            .setProductTitle("The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea")
                            .setCategory("Blankets & Throws")
                            .setTags(Arrays.asList("Awesome", "Wintertime specials"))
            .setPromotions(Arrays.asList(new Promotion()
                    .setDescription("$5 off")
                    .setDiscount(new Discount()
            // Sample Custom Fields
            .setCustomField("digital_wallet", "apple_pay")
            .setCustomField("coupon_code", "dollarMadness")
            .setCustomField("shipping_choice", "Fedex Ground Courier")
            .setCustomField("is_first_time_buyer", false));
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $update_order to record when a user updates an order for products or services they intend to purchase.

    • This event contains the same fields as $create_order.
    • The existing order will be completely replaced by the values sent in $update_order. Be sure to specify all values for the order, not just those that changed.
    • If no matching $order_id found, a new order will be created.
    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after login or account creation. Required if no $user_id values is provided.

    • $order_id

      The ID for tracking this order in your system.

    • $user_email

      Email of the user creating this order. Note: If the user's email is also their account ID in your system, set both the $user_id and $user_email fields to their email address.

    • $amount

      Total transaction amount in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros and 1 for 1 micro-Bitcoin.

    • $currency_code

      ISO-4217 currency code for the amount. If your site uses alternative currencies, specify them here.

    • $billing_address

      The billing address as entered by the user. occurred a nested address object.

    • $payment_methods
      Array of Payment Methods

      The payment information associated with this order. occurred an array of nested payment_method objects. As opposed to $transaction, $create_order takes an array of $payment_method objects, so you can record orders that are paid for using multiple payments.

    • $shipping_address

      The shipping address as entered by the user. occurred a nested address object.

    • $expedited_shipping

      Whether the user requested priority/expedited shipping on their order.

    • $items
      Array of Items

      The list of items ordered. occurred a JSON array of $item objects.

    • $seller_user_id

      For marketplace businesses, this is the seller's user ID, typically a database primary key.Follow our guidelines for $user_id values.

    • $promotions
      Array of Promotions

      The list of promotions that apply to this order. You can add one or more promotions when creating or updating an order. occurred a JSON array of promotion objects. You can also separately add promotions to the account via the $add_promotion event.

    • $shipping_method

      Indicates the method of delivery to the user.

      Allowed Values
      • "$electronic""$physical"
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $update_order event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"             : "$update_order",
      "$api_key"          : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
      "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
      "$amount"           : 115940000, // $115.94
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$billing_address"  : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      "$payment_methods"  : [
              "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
              "$payment_gateway" : "$braintree",
              "$card_bin"        : "542486",
              "$card_last4"      : "4444"
      "$shipping_address"  : {
          "$name"          : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"         : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"     : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"     : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"          : "New London",
          "$region"        : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"       : "US",
          "$zipcode"       : "03257"
      "$expedited_shipping" : true,
      "$shipping_method"    : "$physical",
      "$items"             : [
          "$item_id"        : "12344321",
          "$product_title"  : "Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor",
          "$price"          : 4990000, // $4.99
          "$upc"            : "097564307560",
          "$sku"            : "03586005",
          "$brand"          : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$category"       : "Food and Grocery",
          "$tags"           : ["Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"],
          "$quantity"       : 4
          "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
          "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
          "$price"          : 39990000, // $39.99
          "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
          "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
          "$brand"          : "Slanket",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
          "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
          "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
          "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
          "$quantity"       : 2
      "$ip"                 : "",
      // For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     : "slinkys_emporium",
      "$promotions"         : [
          "$promotion_id" : "FirstTimeBuyer",
          "$status"       : "$success",
          "$description"  : "$5 off",
          "$discount"     : {
            "$amount"                   : 5000000,  // $5.00
            "$currency_code"            : "USD",
            "$minimum_purchase_amount"  : 25000000  // $25.00
      // Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      : "apple_pay", // "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         : "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     : "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" : false
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $update_order event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
      "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
      "$amount"           : 115940000, # $115.94
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$billing_address"  : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      "$payment_methods"  : [
              "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
              "$payment_gateway" : "$braintree",
              "$card_bin"        : "542486",
              "$card_last4"      : "4444"
      "$shipping_address"  : {
          "$name"          : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"         : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"     : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"     : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"          : "New London",
          "$region"        : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"       : "US",
          "$zipcode"       : "03257"
      "$expedited_shipping" : True,
      "$shipping_method"    : "$physical",
      "$items"             : [
          "$item_id"        : "12344321",
          "$product_title"  : "Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor",
          "$price"          : 4990000, # $4.99
          "$upc"            : "097564307560",
          "$sku"            : "03586005",
          "$brand"          : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$category"       : "Food and Grocery",
          "$tags"           : ["Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"],
          "$quantity"       : 4
          "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
          "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
          "$price"          : 39990000, # $39.99
          "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
          "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
          "$brand"          : "Slanket",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
          "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
          "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
          "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
          "$quantity"       : 2
      "$ip"                 : "",
      # For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     : "slinkys_emporium",
      "$promotions"         : [
          "$promotion_id" : "FirstTimeBuyer",
          "$status"       : "$success",
          "$description"  : "$5 off",
          "$discount"     : {
            "$amount"                   : 5000000,  # $5.00
            "$currency_code"            : "USD",
            "$minimum_purchase_amount"  : 25000000  # $25.00
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      : "apple_pay", # "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         : "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     : "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" : False
    response = client.track("$update_order", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $update_order event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id"       => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$order_id"         => "ORDER-28168441",
      "$user_email"       => "bill@gmail.com",
      "$amount"           => 115940000, # $115.94
      "$currency_code"    => "USD",
      "$billing_address"  => {
        "$name"         => "Bill Jones",
        "$phone"        => "1-415-555-6041",
        "$address_1"    => "2100 Main Street",
        "$address_2"    => "Apt 3B",
        "$city"         => "New London",
        "$region"       => "New Hampshire",
        "$country"      => "US",
        "$zipcode"      => "03257"
      "$payment_methods"  => [
          "$payment_type"    => "$credit_card",
          "$payment_gateway" => "$braintree",
          "$card_bin"        => "542486",
          "$card_last4"      => "4444"
      "$shipping_address"  => {
        "$name"          => "Bill Jones",
        "$phone"         => "1-415-555-6041",
        "$address_1"     => "2100 Main Street",
        "$address_2"     => "Apt 3B",
        "$city"          => "New London",
        "$region"        => "New Hampshire",
        "$country"       => "US",
        "$zipcode"       => "03257"
      "$expedited_shipping" => true,
      "$shipping_method"    => "$physical",
      "$items"             => [
          "$item_id"        => "12344321",
          "$product_title"  => "Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor",
          "$price"          => 4990000, # $4.99
          "$upc"            => "097564307560",
          "$sku"            => "03586005",
          "$brand"          => "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$manufacturer"   => "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$category"       => "Food and Grocery",
          "$tags"           => ["Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"],
          "$quantity"       => 4
          "$item_id"        => "B004834GQO",
          "$product_title"  => "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
          "$price"          => 39990000, # $39.99
          "$upc"            => "67862114510011",
          "$sku"            => "004834GQ",
          "$brand"          => "Slanket",
          "$manufacturer"   => "Slanket",
          "$category"       => "Blankets & Throws",
          "$tags"           => ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
          "$color"          => "Texas Tea",
          "$quantity"       => 2
      "$ip"                 => "",
      # For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     => "slinkys_emporium",
      "$promotions"         => [
          "$promotion_id" => "FirstTimeBuyer",
          "$status"       => "$success",
          "$description"  => "$5 off",
          "$discount"     => {
            "$amount"                   => 5000000,  # $5.00
            "$currency_code"            => "USD",
            "$minimum_purchase_amount"  => 25000000  # $25.00
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      => "apple_pay", # "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         => "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     => "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" => false
    response = client.track("$update_order", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $update_order event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'          => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$session_id'       => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
      '$order_id'         => 'ORDER-28168441',
      '$user_email'       => 'bill@gmail.com',
      '$amount'           => 115940000, // $115.94
      '$currency_code'    => 'USD',
      '$billing_address'  => array(
        '$name'         => 'Bill Jones',
        '$phone'        => '1-415-555-6041',
        '$address_1'    => '2100 Main Street',
        '$address_2'    => 'Apt 3B',
        '$city'         => 'New London',
        '$region'       => 'New Hampshire',
        '$country'      => 'US',
        '$zipcode'      => '03257'
      '$payment_methods'  =>array(
          '$payment_type'    => '$credit_card',
          '$payment_gateway' => '$braintree',
          '$card_bin'        => '542486',
          '$card_last4'      => '4444'
      '$shipping_address'  => array(
        '$name'          => 'Bill Jones',
        '$phone'         => '1-415-555-6041',
        '$address_1'     => '2100 Main Street',
        '$address_2'     => 'Apt 3B',
        '$city'          => 'New London',
        '$region'        => 'New Hampshire',
        '$country'       => 'US',
        '$zipcode'       => '03257'
      '$expedited_shipping' => True,
      '$shipping_method'    => '$physical',
      '$items'             => array(
        // A list of items
          '$item_id'        => '12344321',
          '$product_title'  => 'Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor',
          '$price'          => 4990000, // $4.99
          '$upc'            => '097564307560',
          '$sku'            => '03586005',
          '$brand'          => 'Peters Kettle Corn',
          '$manufacturer'   => 'Peters Kettle Corn',
          '$category'       => 'Food and Grocery',
          '$tags'           => array('Popcorn', 'Snacks', 'On Sale'),
          '$quantity'       => 4
          '$item_id'        => 'B004834GQO',
          '$product_title'  => 'The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea',
          '$price'          => 39990000, // $39.99
          '$upc'            => '67862114510011',
          '$sku'            => '004834GQ',
          '$brand'          => 'Slanket',
          '$manufacturer'   => 'Slanket',
          '$category'       => 'Blankets & Throws',
          '$tags'           => array('Awesome', 'Wintertime specials'),
          '$color'          => 'Texas Tea',
          '$quantity'       => 2
      '$ip'                 => '',
      // For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      '$seller_user_id'     => 'slinkys_emporium',
      '$promotions'         => array(
          '$promotion_id' => 'FirstTimeBuyer',
          '$status'       => '$success',
          '$description'  => '$5 off',
          '$discount'     => array(
            '$amount'                   => 5000000,  // $5.00
            '$currency_code'            => 'USD',
            '$minimum_purchase_amount'  => 25000000  // $25.00
      // Sample Custom Fields
      'digital_wallet'      => 'apple_pay' // 'google_wallet', etc.
      'coupon_code'         => 'dollarMadness',
      'shipping_choice'     => 'FedEx Ground Courier',
      'is_first_time_buyer' => False
    $response = $client->track('$update_order', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.UpdateOrderFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Address;
    import com.siftscience.model.Item;
    import com.siftscience.model.Discount;
    import com.siftscience.model.Promotion;
    import com.siftscience.model.PaymentMethod;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new UpdateOrderFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setBillingAddress(new Address()
                    .setName("Bill Jones")
                    .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
                    .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
                    .setCity("New London")
                    .setRegion("New Hampshire")
            .setPaymentMethods(Arrays.asList(new PaymentMethod()
            .setShippingAddress(new Address()
                    .setName("Bill Jones")
                    .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
                    .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
                    .setCity("New London")
                    .setRegion("New Hampshire")
                    new Item()
                            .setProductTitle("Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor")
                            .setBrand("Peters Kettle Corn")
                            .setManufacturer("Peters Kettle Corn")
                            .setCategory("Food and Grocery")
                            .setTags(Arrays.asList("Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"))
                    new Item()
                            .setProductTitle("The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea")
                            .setCategory("Blankets & Throws")
                            .setTags(Arrays.asList("Awesome", "Wintertime specials"))
            .setPromotions(Arrays.asList(new Promotion()
                    .setDescription("$5 off")
                    .setDiscount(new Discount()
            // Sample Custom Fields
            .setCustomField("digital_wallet", "apple_pay")
            .setCustomField("coupon_code", "dollarMadness")
            .setCustomField("shipping_choice", "Fedex Ground Courier")
            .setCustomField("is_first_time_buyer", false));
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $transaction to record attempts to exchange money, credit or other tokens of value.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $user_email

      Email of the user creating this order. Note: If the user's email is also their account ID in your system, set both the $user_id and $user_email fields to their email address.

    • $transaction_type

      The type of transaction being recorded. There are eight types:

      Allowed Values
      • $saleAuthorization and capture of a payment performed together in one step. This is the most commonly used transaction type. This is the default $transaction_type if the transaction type is not provided.
      • $authorizeAuthorizing a payment by reserving the payment amount from the buyer's account. Money does not change hands until capture.
      • $captureCapturing a payment reserved in the authorization step.
      • $voidCancelling a pending authorization or capture.
      • $refundReturning part or all of a captured payment to the buyer.
      • $depositDepositing money into an account.
      • $withdrawalWithdrawing money from an account.
      • $transferTransferring money from one account to another.
    • $transaction_status

      Use $transaction_status to indicate the status of the transaction. The value can be "$success" (default value), "$failure" or "$pending". For instance, If the transaction was rejected by the payment gateway, set the value to "$failure".

    • $amount
      Required · Integer

      Total transaction amount in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. Send as a positive number for all $transaction_type values. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros. Use 1 for 1 microBitcoin.

    • $currency_code
      Required · String

      ISO-4217 currency code for the amount. e.g., USD, CAD, HKD, BTC.

    • $order_id

      The ID for this order in your system. Used for cross referencing an order in your internal systems.

    • $transaction_id

      The ID for identifying this transaction. Important for tracking transactions, and linking different parts of the same transaction together, e.g., linking a refund to its original transaction.

    • $billing_address

      The billing address as entered by the user. occurred a nested address object.

    • $payment_method
      Payment Method Object

      The payment information associated with this transaction. occurred a single payment_method object containing payment method, payment gateway, credit card bin, etc.

    • $shipping_address

      The shipping address as entered by the user. occurred a nested address object.

    • $session_id

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $seller_user_id

      are case sensitive. You may need to normalize the capitalization of your user IDs. Follow our guidelines for $user_id values.

    • $transfer_recipient_user_id

      For transfer transactions, the user ID of the user receiving the transfer. If $transfer_recipient_user_id is specified, $transaction_type must be set to "$transfer"; otherwise, the system will give an error.Follow our guidelines for $user_id values.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $transaction event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"             : "$transaction",
      "$api_key"          : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      "$amount"           : 506790000, // $506.79
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      // Supported Fields
      "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
      "$transaction_type" : "$sale",
      "$transaction_status" : "$success",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-123124124",
      "$transaction_id"   : "719637215",
      "$billing_address"  : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      // Credit card example
      "$payment_method"   : {
          "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
          "$payment_gateway" : "$braintree",
          "$card_bin"        : "542486",
          "$card_last4"      : "4444"
      // Bank account example
      //"$payment_method"   : {
      //    "$payment_type"    : "$electronic_fund_transfer",
      //    "$routing_number"  : "021001088"
      // See other payment method options in field description below
      // Supported Fields
      "$shipping_address" : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$ip"               : "",
      // For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     : "slinkys_emporium",
      // Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      : "apple_pay", // "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         : "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     : "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" : false
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $transaction event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      "$amount"           : 506790000, # $506.79
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      # Supported Fields
      "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
      "$transaction_type" : "$sale",
      "$transaction_status" : "$success",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-123124124",
      "$transaction_id"   : "719637215",
      "$billing_address"  : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      # Credit card example
      "$payment_method"   : {
          "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
          "$payment_gateway" : "$braintree",
          "$card_bin"        : "542486",
          "$card_last4"      : "4444"
      # Bank account example
      #"$payment_method"   : {
      #    "$payment_type"    : "$electronic_fund_transfer",
      #    "$routing_number"  : "021001088"
      # See other payment method options in field description below
      # Supported Fields
      "$shipping_address" : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$ip"               : "",
      # For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     : "slinkys_emporium",
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      : "apple_pay", # "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         : "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     : "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" : False
    response = client.track("$transaction", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $transaction event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          => "billy_jones_301",
      "$amount"           => 506790000, # $506.79
      "$currency_code"    => "USD",
      # Supported Fields
      "$user_email"       => "bill@gmail.com",
      "$transaction_type" => "$sale",
      "$transaction_status" => "$success",
      "$order_id"         => "ORDER-123124124",
      "$transaction_id"   => "719637215",
      "$billing_address"  => {
          "$name"         => "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        => "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    => "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    => "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         => "New London",
          "$region"       => "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      => "US",
          "$zipcode"      => "03257"
      # Credit card example
      "$payment_method"   => {
          "$payment_type"    => "$credit_card",
          "$payment_gateway" => "$braintree",
          "$card_bin"        => "542486",
          "$card_last4"      => "4444"
      # Bank account example
      #"$payment_method"   => {
      #    "$payment_type"    => "$electronic_fund_transfer",
      #    "$routing_number"  => "021001088"
      # See other payment method options in field description below
      # Supported Fields
      "$shipping_address" => {
          "$name"         => "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        => "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    => "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    => "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         => "New London",
          "$region"       => "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      => "US",
          "$zipcode"      => "03257"
      "$session_id"       => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$ip"               => "",
      # For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     => "slinkys_emporium",
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      => "apple_pay", # "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         => "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     => "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" => false
    response = client.track("$transaction", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $transaction event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'          => 'billy_jones_301',
      '$amount'           => 506790000, // $506.79
      '$currency_code'    => 'USD',
      // Supported Fields
      '$user_email'       => 'bill@gmail.com',
      '$transaction_type' => '$sale',
      '$transaction_status' => '$success',
      '$order_id'         => 'ORDER-123124124',
      '$transaction_id'   => '719637215',
      '$billing_address'  => array(
          '$name'         => 'Bill Jones',
          '$phone'        => '1-415-555-6041',
          '$address_1'    => '2100 Main Street',
          '$address_2'    => 'Apt 3B',
          '$city'         => 'New London',
          '$region'       => 'New Hampshire',
          '$country'      => 'US',
          '$zipcode'      => '03257'
      // Credit card example
      '$payment_method'   => array(
          '$payment_type'    => '$credit_card',
          '$payment_gateway' => '$braintree',
          '$card_bin'        => '542486',
          '$card_last4'      => '4444'
      // Bank account example
      //"$payment_method"   => array(
      //    "$payment_type"    => "$electronic_fund_transfer",
      //    "$routing_number"  => "021001088"
      // See other payment method options in field description below
      // Supported Fields
      '$shipping_address' => array(
          '$name'         => 'Bill Jones',
          '$phone'        => '1-415-555-6041',
          '$address_1'    => '2100 Main Street',
          '$address_2'    => 'Apt 3B',
          '$city'         => 'New London',
          '$region'       => 'New Hampshire',
          '$country'      => 'US',
          '$zipcode'      => '03257'
      '$session_id'       => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
      '$ip'               => '',
      // For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      '$seller_user_id'     => 'slinkys_emporium',
      // Sample Custom Fields
      'digital_wallet'      => 'apple_pay' // 'google_wallet', etc.
      'coupon_code'         => 'dollarMadness',
      'shipping_choice'     => 'FedEx Ground Courier',
      'is_first_time_buyer' => False
    $response = $client->track('$transaction', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.TransactionFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Address;
    import com.siftscience.model.Item;
    import com.siftscience.model.Discount;
    import com.siftscience.model.Promotion;
    import com.siftscience.model.PaymentMethod;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new TransactionFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setBillingAddress(new Address()
                .setName("Bill Jones")
                .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
                .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
                .setCity("New London")
                .setRegion("New Hampshire")
            .setPaymentMethod(new PaymentMethod()
            .setShippingAddress(new Address()
                .setName("Bill Jones")
                .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
                .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
                .setCity("New London")
                .setRegion("New Hampshire")
            // Sample Custom Fields
            .setCustomField("digital_wallet", "apple_pay")
            .setCustomField("coupon_code", "dollarMadness")
            .setCustomField("shipping_choice", "Fedex Ground Courier")
            .setCustomField("is_first_time_buyer", false));
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $create_content to tell Sift whenever a user creates content on your site. Some examples of content are a job posting, product for sale, apartment for rent, dating profile, and blog post.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's internal account ID. Users without an assigned $user_id will not show up in the console. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after login or account creation.

    • $content_id

      The unique ID that you assign to an individual piece content in your system. Note: content IDs are case sensitive.

    • $contact_email

      The contact email provided with the posting.

    • $contact_phone

      The primary phone number of the user associated with this posting. Provide the phone number as a string starting with the country code. Use E.164 format or send in the standard national format of number's origin. For example: "+14155556041" or "1-415-555-6041" for a U.S. number.

    • $subject

      The subject of the posting.

    • $content

      The text content of the posting.

    • $amount

      A price associated with this content in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros.

    • $currency_code

      ISO-4217 currency code for the amount. e.g., USD, CAD, HKD, BTC.

    • $categories
      Array of Strings

      The category or categories you associate with the content you are posting. For example, a job posting might contain industry and position (e.g. ["Computer Hardware", "Engineer"]) or marketplace might contain the type of good it is (e.g. ["Furniture", "Outdoor", "Patio", "Tables"]). If you need to include location of the good, use the $locations field to pass that instead.

    • $locations
      Array of Addresses

      The locations associated with this posting. occurred an array of nested address objects. You can pass one or more addresses that are associated with your posting. Pass as much information as you have. Partial addresses such as just city and state are fine if that’s all you have.

    • $image_hashes
      Array of Strings

      The MD5 hash of any images associated with the posting. Pass one or multiple image hashes when creating or updating your content. A hash for a single file will look like this: 18E927C7E1229DC8F088643B7A65F978

    • $expiration_time

      The UNIX timestamp in milliseconds when the posting will expire. Only set if posting is time bound in some way (e.g. car auction is active 14 days from date of posting).

    • $status

      The status of the posting. After you create a posting, you can also update its status via the $content_status event.

      Allowed Values
      • $draftThe posting has not yet been submitted by the user to go live.
      • $pendingThe user has submitted the posting but has not gone live. This may be because the posting needs to be reviewed, the user needs to add payment details, or because of some other processes within your business.
      • $activeThe posting is live and active on your site. Other users can see the posting.
      • $pausedThe posting has been paused by the user and may return back to $active at a later date.
      • $deleted_by_userThe posting has been deleted or archived by the user.
      • $deleted_by_companyThe posting has been deleted or archived by your company due to violation of terms of service or other policies.
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $create_content event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$create_content",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$contact_email"    : "bill@example.com",
      "$contact_phone"    : "1-415-555-6040",
      "$content_id"       : "9671500641",
      "$subject"          : "2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent",
      "$content"          : "Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.",
      "$amount"           : 2300000000, // $2300
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$categories"       : [
        "2 Bedrooms"
      "$locations"        : [
          "$city"       : "Seattle",
          "$region"     : "Washington",
          "$country"    : "US",
          "$zipcode"    : "98112"
      "$image_hashes"     : [
        "912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570", // MD5 hash of the image
      "$expiration_time"  : 1471003200000, // UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      "$status"           : "$active",
      "$ip"               : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $create_content event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$contact_email"    : "bill@example.com",
      "$contact_phone"    : "1-415-555-6040",
      "$content_id"       : "9671500641",
      "$subject"          : "2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent",
      "$content"          : "Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.",
      "$amount"           : 2300000000, # $2300
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$categories"       : [
        "2 Bedrooms"
      "$locations"        : [
          "$city"       : "Seattle",
          "$region"     : "Washington",
          "$country"    : "US",
          "$zipcode"    : "98112"
      "$image_hashes"     : [
        "912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570", # MD5 hash of the image
      "$expiration_time"  : 1471003200000, # UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      "$status"           : "$active",
      "$ip"               : ""
    response = client.track("$create_content", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $create_content event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$contact_email"    => "bill@example.com",
      "$contact_phone"    => "1-415-555-6040",
      "$content_id"       => "9671500641",
      "$subject"          => "2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent",
      "$content"          => "Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.",
      "$amount"           => 2300000000, # $2300
      "$currency_code"    => "USD",
      "$categories"       => [
        "2 Bedrooms"
      "$locations"        => [
          "$city"       => "Seattle",
          "$region"     => "Washington",
          "$country"    => "US",
          "$zipcode"    => "98112"
      "$image_hashes"     => [
        "912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570", # MD5 hash of the image
      "$expiration_time"  => 1471003200000, # UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      "$status"           => "$active",
      "$ip"               => ""
    response = client.track("$create_content", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    # Sample $create_content event
    properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$contact_email'    => 'bill@example.com',
      '$contact_phone'    => '1-415-555-6040',
      '$content_id'       => '9671500641',
      '$subject'          => '2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent',
      '$content'          => 'Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.',
      '$amount'           => 2300000000, // $2300
      '$currency_code'    => 'USD',
      '$categories'       => array(
        '2 Bedrooms'
      '$locations'        => array(
          '$city'       => 'Seattle',
          '$region'     => 'Washington',
          '$country'    => 'US',
          '$zipcode'    => '98112'
      '$image_hashes'     => array(
        '912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570', // MD5 hash of the image
      '$expiration_time'  => 1471003200000, // UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      '$status'           => '$active',
      '$ip'               => ''
    $response = $client->track('$create_content', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.CreateContentFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Address;
    import com.siftscience.model.PaymentMethod;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new CreateContentFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setSubject("2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent")
            .setContent("Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.")
            .setCategories(Arrays.asList("Housing", "Apartments", "2 Bedrooms"))
            .setLocations(Arrays.asList(new Address()
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $update_content to record changes to a posting.

    • This event contains the same fields as $create_content.
    • The existing content will be completely replaced by the values specified in $update_content. Be sure to specify all values for the content, not just those that changed.
    • For postings created prior to integrating with Sift, there's no need to call $create_content before $update_content. Simply call $update_content and we'll infer that content was created before your integration with Sift.
    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's internal account ID. Users without an assigned $user_id will not show up in the console. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $content_id

      The unique ID that you assign to an individual piece content in your system. Note: content IDs are case sensitive.

    • $contact_email

      The contact email provided with the posting.

    • $contact_phone

      The primary phone number of the user associated with this posting. Provide the phone number as a string starting with the country code. Use E.164 format or send in the standard national format of number's origin. For example: "+14155556041" or "1-415-555-6041" for a U.S. number.

    • $subject

      The subject of the posting.

    • $content

      The text content of the posting.

    • $amount

      A price associated with this content in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros.

    • $currency_code

      ISO-4217 currency code for the amount. e.g., USD, CAD, HKD, BTC.

    • $categories
      Array of Strings

      The category or categories you associate with the content you are posting. For example, a job posting might contain industry and position (e.g. ["Computer Hardware", "Engineer"]) or marketplace might contain the type of good it is (e.g. ["Furniture", "Outdoor", "Patio", "Tables"]). If you need to include location of the good, use the $locations field to pass that instead.

    • $locations
      Array of Addresses

      The locations associated with this posting. occurred an array of nested address objects. You can pass one or more addresses that are associated with your posting. Pass as much information as you have. Partial addresses such as just city and state are fine if that’s all you have.

    • $image_hashes
      Array of Strings

      The MD5 hash of any images associated with the posting. Pass one or multiple image hashes when creating or updating your content. A hash for a single file will look like this: 18E927C7E1229DC8F088643B7A65F978

    • $expiration_time

      The UNIX timestamp in milliseconds when the posting will expire. Only set if posting is time bound in some way (e.g. car auction is active 14 days from date of posting).

    • $status

      The status of the posting. After you create a posting, you can also update its status via the $content_status event.

      Allowed Values
      • $draftThe posting has not yet been submitted by the user to go live.
      • $pendingThe user has submitted the posting but has not gone live. This may be because the posting needs to be reviewed, the user needs to add payment details, or because of some other processes within your business.
      • $activeThe posting is live and active on your site. Other users can see the posting.
      • $pausedThe posting has been paused by the user and may return back to $active at a later date.
      • $deleted_by_userThe posting has been deleted or archived by the user.
      • $deleted_by_companyThe posting has been deleted or archived by your company due to violation of terms of service or other policies.
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $update_content event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$update_content",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$contact_email"    : "bill@example.com",
      "$contact_phone"    : "1-415-555-6040",
      "$content_id"       : "9671500641",
      "$subject"          : "2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent",
      "$content"          : "Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.",
      "$amount"           : 2300000000, // $2300
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$categories"       : [
        "2 Bedrooms"
      "$locations"        : [
          "$city"       : "Seattle",
          "$region"     : "Washington",
          "$country"    : "US",
          "$zipcode"    : "98112"
      "$image_hashes"     : [
        "912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570", // MD5 hash of the image
      "$expiration_time"  : 1471003200000, // UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      "$status"           : "$active",
      "$ip"               : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $update_content event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$update_content",
      # Supported Fields
      "$contact_email"    : "bill@example.com",
      "$contact_phone"    : "1-415-555-6040",
      "$content_id"       : "9671500641",
      "$subject"          : "2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent",
      "$content"          : "Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.",
      "$amount"           : 2300000000, # $2300
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$categories"       : [
        "2 Bedrooms"
      "$locations"        : [
          "$city"       : "Seattle",
          "$region"     : "Washington",
          "$country"    : "US",
          "$zipcode"    : "98112"
      "$image_hashes"     : [
        "912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570", # MD5 hash of the image
      "$expiration_time"  : 1471003200000, # UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      "$status"           : "$active",
      "$ip"               : ""
    response = client.track("$update_content", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $update_content event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$type"       => "$update_content",
      # Supported Fields
      "$contact_email"    => "bill@example.com",
      "$contact_phone"    => "1-415-555-6040",
      "$content_id"       => "9671500641",
      "$subject"          => "2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent",
      "$content"          => "Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.",
      "$amount"           => 2300000000, # $2300
      "$currency_code"    => "USD",
      "$categories"       => [
        "2 Bedrooms"
      "$locations"        => [
          "$city"       => "Seattle",
          "$region"     => "Washington",
          "$country"    => "US",
          "$zipcode"    => "98112"
      "$image_hashes"     => [
        "912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570", # MD5 hash of the image
      "$expiration_time"  => 1471003200000, # UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      "$status"           => "$active",
      "$ip"               => ""
    response = client.track("$update_content", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    # Sample $update_content event
    properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$type'       => '$update_content',
      // Supported Fields
      '$contact_email'    => 'bill@example.com',
      '$contact_phone'    => '1-415-555-6040',
      '$content_id'       => '9671500641',
      '$subject'          => '2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent',
      '$content'          => 'Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.',
      '$amount'           => 2300000000, // $2300
      '$currency_code'    => 'USD',
      '$categories'       => array(
        '2 Bedrooms'
      '$locations'        => array(
          '$city'       => 'Seattle',
          '$region'     => 'Washington',
          '$country'    => 'US',
          '$zipcode'    => '98112'
      '$image_hashes'     => array(
        '912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570', // MD5 hash of the image
      '$expiration_time'  => 1471003200000, // UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      '$status'           => '$active',
      '$ip'               => '
    $response = $client->track('$update_content', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.UpdateContentFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Address;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new UpdateContentFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setSubject("2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent")
            .setContent("Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.")
            .setCategories(Arrays.asList("Housing", "Apartments", "2 Bedrooms"))
            .setLocations(Arrays.asList(new Address()
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $content_status to update the status of content that you’ve already sent to Sift. If the status is the only thing that’s changing about the content, use this as a convenient way to change it without having to resend the rest of the content's information. Useful for long lived content such as rentals, dating profiles, and job postings. Status can also be set using $create_content or $update_content.

    • $type
      required · String

      is "$content_status"

    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's internal account ID. Users without an assigned $user_id will not show up in the console. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $content_id
      required · String

      The unique ID for the piece of content that you’re updating the status of. Note: content IDs are case sensitive.

    • $status
      required · String

      The status of the posting.

      Allowed Values
      • $draftThe posting has not yet been submitted by the user to go live.
      • $pendingThe user has submitted the posting but has not gone live. This may be because the posting needs to be reviewed, the user needs to add payment details, or because of some other processes within your business.
      • $activeThe posting is live and active on your site. Other users can see the posting.
      • $pausedThe posting has been paused by the user and may return back to $active at a later date.
      • $deleted_by_userThe posting has been deleted or archived by the user.
      • $deleted_by_companyThe posting has been deleted or archived by your company due to violation of terms of service or other policies.
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $content_status event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$content_status",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      "$content_id" : "9671500641",
      "$status"     : "$paused",
      // Supported Fields
      "$ip"         : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $content_status event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      "$content_id" : "9671500641",
      "$status"     : "$paused",
      # Supported Fields
      "$ip"         : ""
    response = client.track("$content_status", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $content_status event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301",
      "$content_id" => "9671500641",
      "$status":    => "$paused",
      # Supported Fields
      "$ip"         => ""
    response = client.track("$content_status", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $content_status event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301',
      '$content_id' => '9671500641',
      '$status'     => '$paused',
      // Supported Fields
      '$ip'         => ''
    $response = $client->track('$content_status', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.ContentStatusFieldSet;
    // Sample $content_status event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new ContentStatusFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $flag_content to let us know when another user reports that this user's content may violate your company’s policies. If you have a feature like "Report this posting" or "Flag this update", send that event to us using this reserved event.

    • $type
      required · String

      is "$flag_content"

    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The content creator's account ID according to your systems. Note: User IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $content_id
      required · String

      The unique ID for the piece of content that is being flagged. Note: content IDs are case sensitive.

    • $flagged_by

      The account ID of the user who is flagging the content. Note: User IDs are case sensitive.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $flag_content event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$flag_content",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301", // content creator
      "$content_id" : "9671500641",
      // Supported Fields
      "$flagged_by" : "jamieli89",
      "$ip"         : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $flag_content event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301", # content creator
      "$content_id" : "9671500641",
      # Supported Fields
      "$flagged_by" : "jamieli89",
      "$ip"         : ""
    response = client.track("$flag_content", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $flag_content event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301", # content creator
      "$content_id" => "9671500641",
      # Supported Fields
      "$flagged_by" => "jamieli89",
      "$ip"         => ""
    response = client.track("$flag_content", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $flag_content event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301', // content creator
      '$content_id' => '9671500641',
      // Supported Fields
      '$flagged_by' => 'jamieli89',
      '$ip'         => ''
    $response = $client->track('$flag_content', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.FlagContentFieldSet;
    // Sample $flag_content event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new FlagContentFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $add_promotion to record when a user adds one or more promotions to their account.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note: User IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $promotions
      Array of Promotions

      Contains all promotions that have been newly applied to the referenced user.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $add_promotion event
      // Required fields.
      "$type"       : "$add_promotion",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported fields.
      "$promotions" : [
        // Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off good or services
          "$promotion_id"     : "NewRideDiscountMay2016",
          "$status"           : "$success",
          "$description"      : "$5 off your first 5 rides",
          "$referrer_user_id" : "elon-m93903",
          "$discount"         : {
            "$amount"         : 5000000,  // $5
            "$currency_code"  : "USD"
      "$ip"         : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $add_promotion event
    properties = {
      # Required fields.
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported fields.
      "$promotions" : [
        # Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off good or services
          "$promotion_id"     : "NewRideDiscountMay2016",
          "$status"           : "$success",
          "$description"      : "$5 off your first 5 rides",
          "$referrer_user_id" : "elon-m93903",
          "$discount"         : {
            "$amount"         : 5000000,  # $5
            "$currency_code"  : "USD"
      "$ip"         : ""
    response = client.track("$add_promotion", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $add_promotion event
    properties = {
      # Required fields.
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported fields.
      "$promotions" => [
        # Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off good or services
          "$promotion_id"     => "NewRideDiscountMay2016",
          "$status"           => "$success",
          "$description"      => "$5 off your first 5 rides",
          "$referrer_user_id" => "elon-m93903",
          "$discount"         => {
            "$amount"         => 5000000,  # $5
            "$currency_code"  => "USD"
      "$ip"         => ""
    response = client.track("$add_promotion", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $add_promotion event
    $properties = array(
      // Required fields.
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported fields.
      '$promotions' => array(
        // Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off good or services
          '$promotion_id'     => 'NewRideDiscountMay2016',
          '$status'           => '$success',
          '$description'      => '$5 off your first 5 rides',
          '$referrer_user_id' => 'elon-m93903',
          '$discount'         => array(
            '$amount'         => 5000000,  // $5
            '$currency_code'  => 'USD'
      '$ip'         => ''
    $response = $client->track('$add_promotion', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.AddPromotionFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Discount;
    import com.siftscience.model.Promotion;
    // Sample $add_promotion event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new AddPromotionFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setPromotions(Arrays.asList(new Promotion()
                    .setDescription("$5 off your first 5 rides")
                    .setDiscount(new Discount()
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $add_item_to_cart to record when a user adds an item to their shopping cart or list.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $session_id
      required if no User ID is provided · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $user_id
      send if known · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note: User IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $item

      The product item added to cart. occurred a nested $item object. Required subfields are $item_id, $product_title, and $price. The $quantity is specified as a subfield.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $add_item_to_cart event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$add_item_to_cart",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$session_id" : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$item"       : {
        "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
        "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
        "$price"          : 39990000, // $39.99
        "$currency_code"  : "USD",
        "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
        "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
        "$brand"          : "Slanket",
        "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
        "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
        "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
        "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
        "$quantity"       : 16
      "$ip"         : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $add_item_to_cart event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id" : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$item"       : {
        "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
        "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
        "$price"          : 39990000, # $39.99
        "$currency_code"  : "USD",
        "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
        "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
        "$brand"          : "Slanket",
        "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
        "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
        "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
        "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
        "$quantity"       : 16
      "$ip"         : ""
    response = client.track("$add_item_to_cart", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $add_item_to_cart event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id" => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$item"       => {
        "$item_id"        => "B004834GQO",
        "$product_title"  => "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
        "$price"          => 39990000, # $39.99
        "$currency_code"  => "USD",
        "$upc"            => "67862114510011",
        "$sku"            => "004834GQ",
        "$brand"          => "Slanket",
        "$manufacturer"   => "Slanket",
        "$category"       => "Blankets & Throws",
        "$tags"           => ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
        "$color"          => "Texas Tea",
        "$quantity"       => 16
      "$ip"         => ""
    response = client.track("$add_item_to_cart", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $add_item_to_cart event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$session_id' => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
      '$item'       => array(
        '$item_id'        => 'B004834GQO',
        '$product_title'  => 'The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea',
        '$price'          => 39990000, // $39.99
        '$currency_code'  => 'USD',
        '$upc'            => '67862114510011',
        '$sku'            => '004834GQ',
        '$brand'          => 'Slanket',
        '$manufacturer'   => 'Slanket',
        '$category'       => 'Blankets & Throws',
        '$tags'           => array('Awesome', 'Wintertime specials'),
        '$color'          => 'Texas Tea',
        '$quantity'       => 16
      '$ip'         => ''
    $response = $client->track('$add_item_to_cart', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.AddItemToCartFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Item;
    // Sample $add_item_to_cart event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new AddItemToCartFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setItem(new Item()
                    .setProductTitle("The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea")
                    .setCategory("Blankets & Throws")
                    .setTags(Arrays.asList("Awesome", "Wintertime specials"))
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $remove_item_from_cart to record when a user removes an item from their shopping cart or list.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $session_id
      required if no User ID is provided · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $item

      The product item removed from cart. occurred a nested $item object. Strongly recommended subfields are $item_id, $product_title, and $price. The $quantity is specified as a subfield.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $remove_item_from_cart event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$remove_item_from_cart",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$session_id" : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$item"       : {
        "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
        "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
        "$price"          : 39990000, // $39.99
        "$currency_code"  : "USD",
        "$quantity"       : 2,
        "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
        "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
        "$brand"          : "Slanket",
        "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
        "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
        "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
        "$color"          : "Texas Tea"
      "$ip"         : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $remove_item_from_cart event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id" : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$item"       : {
        "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
        "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
        "$price"          : 39990000, # $39.99
        "$currency_code"  : "USD",
        "$quantity"       : 2,
        "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
        "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
        "$brand"          : "Slanket",
        "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
        "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
        "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
        "$color"          : "Texas Tea"
      "$ip"         : ""
    response = client.track("$remove_item_from_cart", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $remove_item_from_cart event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id" => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$item"       => {
        "$item_id"        => "B004834GQO",
        "$product_title"  => "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
        "$price"          => 39990000, # $39.99
        "$currency_code"  => "USD",
        "$quantity"       => 2,
        "$upc"            => "67862114510011",
        "$sku"            => "004834GQ",
        "$brand"          => "Slanket",
        "$manufacturer"   => "Slanket",
        "$category"       => "Blankets & Throws",
        "$tags"           => ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
        "$color"          => "Texas Tea"
      "$ip"         => ""
    response = client.track("$remove_item_from_cart", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $remove_item_from_cart event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$session_id' => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
      '$item'       => array(
        '$item_id'        => 'B004834GQO',
        '$product_title'  => 'The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea',
        '$price'          => 39990000, // $39.99
        '$currency_code'  => 'USD',
        '$quantity'       => 2,
        '$upc'            => '67862114510011',
        '$sku'            => '004834GQ',
        '$brand'          => 'Slanket',
        '$manufacturer'   => 'Slanket',
        '$category'       => 'Blankets & Throws',
        '$tags'           => array('Awesome', 'Wintertime specials'),
        '$color'          => 'Texas Tea'
      '$ip'         => ''
    $response = $client->track('$remove_item_from_cart', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.RemoveItemFromCartFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Item;
    // Sample $remove_item_from_cart event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new RemoveItemFromCartFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setItem(new Item()
                    .setProductTitle("The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea")
                    .setCategory("Blankets & Throws")
                    .setTags(Arrays.asList("Awesome", "Wintertime specials"))
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $submit_review to record a user-submitted review of a product or other users. e.g., a seller on your site.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $session_id
      required if no User ID is provided · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $user_id
      send if known · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $content

      The text content of review submitted.

    • $review_title

      The title of review submitted.

    • $item_id

      The ID of the product or service being reviewed.

    • $reviewed_user_id

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. guidelines for $user_id values.

    • $content

      The text content of review submitted.

    • $submission_status

      If reviews in your system must be approved, use $submission_status to represent the status of the review.

      Allowed Values
      • "$success" "$failure" "$pending"
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $submit_review event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"              : "$submit_review",
      "$api_key"           : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"           : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$content"           : "Text content of submitted review goes here.",
      "$review_title"      : "Title of Review Goes Here",
      "$item_id"           : "V4C3D5R2Z6",
      "$reviewed_user_id"  : "billy_jones_301",
      "$submission_status" : "$success",
      "$ip"                : "",
      // Sample Custom Fields
      "rating"             : "5"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $submit_review event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"           : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$content"           : "Text content of submitted review goes here.",
      "$review_title"      : "Title of Review Goes Here",
      "$item_id"           : "V4C3D5R2Z6",
      "$reviewed_user_id"  : "billy_jones_301",
      "$submission_status" : "$success",
      "$ip"                : "",
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "rating"             : "5"
    response = client.track("$submit_review", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $submit_review event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"           => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$content"           => "Text content of submitted review goes here.",
      "$review_title"      => "Title of Review Goes Here",
      "$item_id"           => "V4C3D5R2Z6",
      "$reviewed_user_id"  => "billy_jones_301",
      "$submission_status" => "$success",
      "$ip"                => "",
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "rating"             => "5"
    response = client.track("$submit_review", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $submit_review event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'           => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$content'           => 'Text content of submitted review goes here.',
      '$review_title'      => 'Title of Review Goes Here',
      '$item_id'           => 'V4C3D5R2Z6',
      '$reviewed_user_id'  => 'billy_jones_301',
      '$submission_status' => '$success',
      '$ip'                => '',
      // Sample Custom Fields
      'rating'             => '5'
    $response = $client->track('$submit_review', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.SubmitReviewFieldSet;
    // Sample $submit_review event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new SubmitReviewFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setContent("Text content of submitted review goes here.")
            .setReviewTitle("Title of Review Goes Here")
            // Sample Custom Fields
            .setCustomField("rating", 5));
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $send_message to record when a user sends a message to another user i.e. the recipient.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id
      required if no User ID is provided · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $recipient_user_id

      Follow our guidelines for $user_id values.

    • $subject

      The subject of the message.

    • $content

      The text content of the message.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $send_message event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$send_message",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$recipient_user_id" : "512924123",
      "$subject"    : "Subject line of the message.",
      "$content"    : "Text content of message.",
      "$ip"         : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $send_message event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$recipient_user_id" : "512924123",
      "$subject"    : "Subject line of the message.",
      "$content"    : "Text content of message.",
      "$ip"         : ""
    response = client.track("$send_message", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $send_message event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$recipient_user_id" => "512924123",
      "$subject"    => "Subject line of the message.",
      "$content"    => "Text content of message.",
      "$ip"         => ""
    response = client.track("$send_message", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $send_message event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$recipient_user_id' => '512924123',
      '$subject'    => 'Subject line of the message.',
      '$content'    => 'Text content of message.',
      '$ip'         => ''
    $response = $client->track('$send_message', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.SubmitReviewFieldSet;
    // Sample $send_message event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new SendMessageFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setSubject("Subject line of the message.")
            .setContent("Text content of message.")
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $logout to record when a user logs out.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $logout event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"      : "$logout",
      "$api_key"   : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"   : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$ip"        : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $logout event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"   : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$ip"        : ""
    response = client.track("$logout", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $logout event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"   => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$ip"        => ""
    response = client.track("$logout", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $logout event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'   => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$ip'        => ''
    $response = $client->track('$logout', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.LogoutFieldSet;
    // Sample $logout event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new LogoutFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $chargeback to capture a chargeback reported on a transaction. This event can be called multiple times to record changes to the chargeback state.

    Note: When you send a $chargeback event you also need to send a Decision event with a source of CHARGEBACK if you want to prevent the user from making another purchase.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $order_id
      required · String

      The ID for the order that this chargeback is filed against. This field is not required if this chargeback was filed against a transaction with no $order_id.

    • $transaction_id
      required · String

      The ID for the transaction that this chargeback is filed against.

    • $chargeback_state

      The current state of the chargeback.

      Allowed Values
      • "$received" "$accepted" "$disputed" "$won" "$lost"
    • $chargeback_reason

      This field can be used to capture the reason given.

      Allowed Values
      • "$fraud" "$duplicate" "$product_not_received" "$product_unacceptable" "$other"
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $chargeback event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"              : "$chargeback",
      "$api_key"           : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"           : "billy_jones_301",
      "$order_id"          : "ORDER-123124124",
      "$transaction_id"    : "719637215",
      // Recommended Fields
      "$chargeback_state"  : "$lost",
      "$chargeback_reason" : "$duplicate",
      // Supported Fields
      "$ip"                : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $chargeback event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"           : "billy_jones_301",
      "$order_id"          : "ORDER-123124124",
      "$transaction_id"    : "719637215",
      # Recommended Fields
      "$chargeback_state"  : "$lost",
      "$chargeback_reason" : "$duplicate",
      # Supported Fields
      "$ip"                : ""
    response = client.track("$chargeback", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $chargeback event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"        => "billy_jones_301",
      "$order_id"       => "ORDER-123124124",
      "$transaction_id" => "719637215",
      # Recommended Fields
      "$chargeback_state"  => "$lost",
      "$chargeback_reason" => "$duplicate",
      # Supported Fields
      "$ip"                => ""
    response = client.track("$chargeback", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $chargeback event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'        => 'billy_jones_301',
      '$order_id'       => 'ORDER-123124124',
      '$transaction_id' => '719637215',
      // Recommended Fields
      '$chargeback_state'  => '$lost',
      '$chargeback_reason' => '$duplicate',
      // Supported Fields
      '$ip'                => ''
    $response = $client->track('$chargeback', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.ChargebackFieldSet;
    // Sample $chargeback event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new ChargebackFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Recommended Fields
            // Supported Fields
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $order_status to track the order processing workflow of a previously submitted order. For example, $order_status can be used to indicate that an order has been held for review, canceled due to suspected fraud, or fulfilled. This event can be called multiple times to record changes an order's status.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $order_id
      required · String

      The ID for tracking this order in your system.

    • $order_status
      required · String

      Indicates the high-level state of the order.

      Allowed Values
      • "$approved" "$canceled" "$held" "$fulfilled" "$returned"
    • $reason

      The reason for a cancellation.

      Allowed Values
      • "$payment_risk" "$abuse" "$policy" "$other"
    • $source

      The source of a decision.

      Allowed Values
      • "$automated" "$manual_review"
    • $analyst

      The analyst who made the decision, if manual.

    • $webhook_id

      An alternative to using $source and $analyst, this is the ID of the Sift Action webhook that triggered the status change.

    • $description

      Any additional information about this order status change.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $order_status event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"             : "$order_status",
      "$api_key"          : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
      "$order_status"     : "$canceled",
      // Optional Fields
      "$reason"           : "$payment_risk",
      "$source"           : "$manual_review",
      "$analyst"          : "someone@your-site.com",
      "$webhook_id"       : "3ff1082a4aea8d0c58e3643ddb7a5bb87ffffeb2492dca33",
      "$description"      : "Canceling because multiple fraudulent users on device",
      "$ip"               : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $order_status event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
      "$order_status"     : "$canceled",
      # Optional Fields
      "$reason"           : "$payment_risk",
      "$source"           : "$manual_review",
      "$analyst"          : "someone@your-site.com",
      "$webhook_id"       : "3ff1082a4aea8d0c58e3643ddb7a5bb87ffffeb2492dca33",
      "$description"      : "Canceling because multiple fraudulent users on device",
      "$ip"               : ""
    response = client.track("$order_status", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $order_status event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          => "billy_jones_301",
      "$order_id"         => "ORDER-28168441",
      "$order_status"     => "$canceled",
      # Optional Fields
      "$reason"           => "$payment_risk",
      "$webhook_id"       => "3ff1082a4aea8d0c58e3643ddb7a5bb87ffffeb2492dca33",
      "$source"           => "$manual_review",
      "$analyst"          => "someone@your-site.com",
      "$description"      => "Canceling because multiple fraudulent users on device",
      "$ip"               => ""
    response = client.track("$order_status", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $order_status event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'          => 'billy_jones_301',
      '$order_id'         => 'ORDER-28168441',
      '$order_status'     => '$canceled',
      // Optional Fields
      '$reason'           => '$payment_risk',
      '$source'           => '$manual_review',
      '$analyst'          => 'someone@your-site.com',
      '$webhook_id'       => '3ff1082a4aea8d0c58e3643ddb7a5bb87ffffeb2492dca33',
      '$description'      => 'Canceling because multiple fraudulent users on device',
      '$ip'               => ''
    $response = $client->track('$order_status', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.OrderStatusFieldSet;
    // Sample $order_status event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new OrderStatusFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setDescription("Canceling because multiple fraudulent users on device")
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    When you receive a login attempt that you deem risky, you will likely want to verify whether the user is who they say they are. This is traditionally done by asking the user to enter an additional one time passcode that is sent to the user’s email, phone, or app. Sift models this interaction with the $verification event.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      Recommended [Required for ATO] · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id
      Required · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $status
      Required · String

      The status of the verification event.

      Allowed Values
      • $pendingVerification has been sent to your customer but the customer has not attempted to perform the verification attempt.
      • $successYour customer has attempted and passed the verification process.
      • $failureYour customer has attempted and failed the verification process.
    • $verification_type
      Optional · String

      The type of verification being performed.

      Allowed Values
      • $smsAn SMS is sent to the user's phone containing a code, URL or other process to authenticate the user.
      • $phone_callA phone call is made to the user's phone containing a code or other process to authenticate the user.
      • $emailAn email is sent to the user's email address containing a code, URL or other process to authenticate the user.
      • $app_tfaA passcode is generated for the user via an application.
      • $captchaA captcha is used to detect and stop possible automated or scripted activity (e.g. bots).
    • $verified_value
      Optional · String

      The phone number (e.g. 14155551212, 442072193000) or email address (e.g. bob@example.com) used for verification. This value should be passed when the $verification_type is set to $sms, $phone_call, or $email.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $verification event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"         : "$verification",
      "$api_key"      : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"      : "billy_jones_301",
      "$session_id"   : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$status"       : "$pending",
      // Optional fields if applicable
      "$verification_type" : "$sms",
      "$verified_value"    : "14155551212",
      "$ip"                : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $verification event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$type"         : "$verification",
      "$api_key"      : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"      : "billy_jones_301",
      "$session_id"   : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$status"       : "$pending",
      # Optional fields if applicable
      "$verification_type" : "$sms",
      "$verified_value"    : "14155551212",
      "$ip"                : ""
    response = client.track("$verification", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $verification event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$type"         => "$verification",
      "$api_key"      => "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"      => "billy_jones_301",
      "$session_id"   => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$status"       => "$pending",
      # Optional fields if applicable
      "$verification_type" => "$sms",
      "$verified_value"    => "14155551212",
      "$ip"                => ""
    response = client.track("$verification", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $verification event
    properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$type'         => '$verification',
      '$api_key'      => 'YOUR_API_KEY',
      '$user_id'      => 'billy_jones_301',
      '$session_id'   => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
      '$status'       => '$pending',
      // Optional fields if applicable
      '$verification_type' => '$sms',
      '$verified_value'    => '14155551212',
      '$ip'                => ''
    $response = $client->track('$verification', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.VerificationFieldSet;
    // Sample $verification event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new VerificationFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Optional fields if applicable
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    When you identify suspicious activity on a user account, you may want to notify the user of this activity. For example, a login may seem suspicious because the login attempt was made from a new device. You may choose to inform the user that this incident happened. Ideally, these notifications should contain a summary of the activity and also have a response mechanism where the user may confirm or deny if the suspicious activity was them. The $security_notification event is used to capture this lifecycle of issuing the notification and the user response.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      Required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id
      Recommended · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $notification_type
      Recommended · String/Enum

      The type of notification issued.

      Allowed Values
      • $emailThe notification was sent via email.
      • $smsThe notification was sent via sms.
      • $pushThe notification was sent as a push notification via your mobile app.
    • $notified_value
      Optional · String

      The phone number (e.g. 14155551212, 442072193000) or email address (e.g. bob@example.com) to which the notification was sent. This value should be passed when the $notification_type is set to $sms or $email.

    • $notification_status
      Required · String/Enum

      The status of the verification event.

      Allowed Values
      • $sentThe notification was sent to your user but no action has been taken by the user in response
      • $safeThe user has reported that the suspicious activity was performed by the user themselves
      • $compromisedThe user has reported that the suspicious activity was an unknown third-party
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $security_notification event
      // Required and Recommended Fields
      "$type"         : "$security_notification",
      "$api_key"      : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"      : "billy_jones_301",
      "$session_id"   : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$notification_status"       : "$sent",
      // Optional fields if applicable
      "$notification_type" : "$email",
      "$notified_value"    : "billy123@domain.com",
      "$ip"                : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $security_notification event
    properties = {
     # Required Fields
     "$type"         : "$security_notification",
     "$api_key"      : "YOUR_API_KEY",
     "$user_id"      : "billy_jones_301",
     "$session_id"   : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
     "$status"       : "$sent",
     # Optional fields if applicable
     "$notification_type" : "$email",
     "$notified_value"    : "billy123@domain.com",
     "$ip"                : ""
    response = client.track("$security_notification", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $security_notification event
    properties = {
     # Required Fields
     "$type"                      => "$security_notification",
     "$api_key"                   => "YOUR_API_KEY",
     "$user_id"                   => "billy_jones_301",
     "$session_id"                => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
     "$notification_status"       => "$sent",
     # Optional fields if applicable
     "$notification_type" => "$email",
     "$notified_value"    => "billy123@domain.com",
     "$ip"                => ""
    response = client.track("$security_notification", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON- 1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $security_notification event
    properties = array(
     // Required Fields
     '$type'         => '$security_notification',
     '$api_key'      => 'YOUR_API_KEY',
     '$user_id'      => 'billy_jones_301',
     '$session_id'   => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
     '$status'       => '$sent',
     // Optional fields if applicable
     '$notification_type' => '$email',
     '$notified_value'    => 'billy123@domain.com',
     '$ip'                => ''
    $response = $client->track('$security_notification', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.SecurityNotificationFieldSet;
    // Sample $security_notification event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new SecurityNotificationFieldSet()
           // Required Fields
           // Optional fields if applicable
    EventResponse response;
    try {
       response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true

    Reserved Fields

    Reserved fields are fields that begin with a $. These are fields that, due to sending in a consistent format across customers, we do lots of analysis on. We also share learning across our global network for these fields, giving you a big added benefit.

    Note: When you don't have a value for a given field, send the value as null, nil, None, etc, or omit the field altogether.


    The following reserved fields are required in every event.

    • $api_key

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id

      The user’s internal account ID. This field is required on all events performed by the user while logged in. Users without an assigned $user_id will not show up in the console. Note: User IDs are case sensitive. You may need to normalize the capitalization of your user IDs. Only the following characters may be used:a-z,A-Z,0-9,=, ., -, _, +, @, :, &, ^, %, !, $

    • $session_id
      required iF no User ID provided · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $type

      The name of the event, for example $create_order.


    Each reserved event lists additional reserved fields that add accuracy to your fraud predictions. Send as many as you can. In addition to the reserved fields listed with each event, the following reserved fields can be sent in any event, including custom events.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    • $time

      Represents the time the event occurred in your system. Send as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds as shown in the historical backfill tutorial.


    The Address field type represents a physical address, such as a billing or shipping address. The value must be a nested object with the appropriate address subfields. We extract many geolocation features from these values. An address is occurred a nested JSON object.

    Fields of this type: $billing_address, $shipping_address

    • $name

      Provide the full name associated with the address here. Concatenate first name and last name together if you collect them separately in your system.

    • $address_1

      Address first line, e.g., "2100 Main Street".

    • $address_2

      Address second line, e.g., "Apt 3B".

    • $city

      The city or town name.

    • $region

      The region portion of the address. In the USA, this corresponds to the state.

    • $country

      The ISO-3166 country code for the billing address.

    • $zipcode

      The postal code associated with the address, e.g., "90210". Send +4 postal codes with a '-', e.g. "90210-3344"

    • $phone

      The phone number associated with this address. Provide the phone number as a string starting with the country code. Use E.164 format or send in the standard national format of number's origin. For example: "+14155556041" or "1-415-555-6041" for a U.S. number.

    // Sample $address field value
    "$billing_address"  : {  // or "$shipping_address"
      "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
      "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
      "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
      "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
      "$city"         : "New London",
      "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
      "$country"      : "US",
      "$zipcode"      : "03257"
    # Sample $address field value
    billing_address  = {  # or shipping_address
      "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
      "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
      "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
      "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
      "$city"         : "New London",
      "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
      "$country"      : "US",
      "$zipcode"      : "03257"
    # Sample $address field value
    billing_address  = {  # or shipping_address
      "$name"         => "Bill Jones",
      "$phone"        => "1-415-555-6041",
      "$address_1"    => "2100 Main Street",
      "$address_2"    => "Apt 3B",
      "$city"         => "New London",
      "$region"       => "New Hampshire",
      "$country"      => "US",
      "$zipcode"      => "03257"
    // Sample $address field value
    $billingAddress  = array(  // or $shippingAddress
      '$name'         => 'Bill Jones',
      '$phone'        => '1-415-555-6041',
      '$address_1'    => '2100 Main Street',
      '$address_2'    => 'Apt 3B',
      '$city'         => 'New London',
      '$region'       => 'New Hampshire',
      '$country'      => 'US',
      '$zipcode'      => '03257'
    import com.siftscience.model.Address;
    // Sample $address field value
    Address address = new Address()
            .setName("Bill Jones")
            .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
            .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
            .setCity("New London")
            .setRegion("New Hampshire")


    The Item field type represents a product or service for sale in your business. The value must be a nested object with the appropriate item subfields. Generally used in the $add_item_to_cart and $remove_item_from_cart events. An item is representedas a nested JSON object.

    • $item_id

      The item's unique identifier according to your systems. Use the same ID that you would use to look up items on your website's database.

    • $product_title

      The item's name, e.g., "Men's Running Springblade Drive Shoes, US10".

    • $price

      The item unit price in micros, in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros.$1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros.

    • $currency_code

      ISO-4217 currency code for the price.

    • $quantity

      Quantity of the item.

    • $upc

      If the item has a Universal Product Code (UPC), provide it here.

    • $sku

      If the item has a Stock-keeping Unit ID (SKU), provide it here.

    • $isbn

      If the item is a book with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), provide it here.

    • $brand

      The brand name of the item.

    • $manufacturer

      Name of the item's manufacturer.

    • $category

      The category this item is listed under in your business. e.g., "kitchen appliance", "menswear > pants".

    • $tags
      Array of Strings

      The tags used to describe this item in your business. e.g., "funny", "halloween".

    • $color

      The color of the item.

    • $size

      The size of the item.

    // Example 1
    "$item" : {
      "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
      "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
      "$price"          : 39990000,  // $39.99
      "$currency_code"  : "USD",
      "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
      "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
      "$brand"          : "Slanket",
      "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
      "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
      "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
      "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
      "$quantity"       : 6
    // Example 2
    "$item" : {
      "$item_id"        : "10101042",
      "$product_title"  : "Delivering Happiness [eBook edition]",
      "$price"          : 6990000, // $6.99
      "$currency_code"  : "CDN",
      "$isbn"           : "0446576220",
      "$sku"            : "10101042",
      "$brand"          : "Writers of the Round Table Press",
      "$manufacturer"   : "eBook Digital Services, Inc.",
      "$category"       : "Business books",
      "$tags"           : ["reprint", "paperback", "Tony Hsieh"],
      "$quantity"       : 1
    # Example 1
    item = {
      "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
      "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
      "$price"          : 39990000,  # $39.99
      "$currency_code"  : "USD",
      "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
      "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
      "$brand"          : "Slanket",
      "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
      "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
      "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
      "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
      "$quantity"       : 6
    # Example 2
    item = {
      "$item_id"        : "10101042",
      "$product_title"  : "Delivering Happiness [eBook edition]",
      "$price"          : 6990000, # $6.99
      "$currency_code"  : "CDN",
      "$isbn"           : "0446576220",
      "$sku"            : "10101042",
      "$brand"          : "Writers of the Round Table Press",
      "$manufacturer"   : "eBook Digital Services, Inc.",
      "$category"       : "Business books",
      "$tags"           : ["reprint", "paperback", "Tony Hsieh"],
      "$quantity"       : 1
    # Example 1
    item = {
      "$item_id"        => "B004834GQO",
      "$product_title"  => "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
      "$price"          => 39990000,  # $39.99
      "$currency_code"  => "USD",
      "$upc"            => "67862114510011",
      "$sku"            => "004834GQ",
      "$brand"          => "Slanket",
      "$manufacturer"   => "Slanket",
      "$category"       => "Blankets & Throws",
      "$tags"           => ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
      "$color"          => "Texas Tea",
      "$quantity"       => 6
    # Example 2
    item = {
      "$item_id"        => "10101042",
      "$product_title"  => "Delivering Happiness [eBook edition]",
      "$price"          => 6990000, # $6.99
      "$currency_code"  => "CDN",
      "$isbn"           => "0446576220",
      "$sku"            => "10101042",
      "$brand"          => "Writers of the Round Table Press",
      "$manufacturer"   => "eBook Digital Services, Inc.",
      "$category"       => "Business books",
      "$tags"           => ["reprint", "paperback", "Tony Hsieh"],
      "$quantity"       => 1
    // Example 1
    $item = array(
      '$item_id'        => 'B004834GQO',
      '$product_title'  => 'The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea',
      '$price'          => 39990000,  // $39.99
      '$currency_code'  => 'USD',
      '$upc'            => '67862114510011',
      '$sku'            => '004834GQ',
      '$brand'          => 'Slanket',
      '$manufacturer'   => 'Slanket',
      '$category'       => 'Blankets & Throws',
      '$tags'           => ['Awesome', 'Wintertime specials'],
      '$color'          => 'Texas Tea',
      '$quantity'       => 6
    // Example 2
    $item = array(
      '$item_id'        => '10101042',
      '$product_title'  => 'Delivering Happiness [eBook edition]',
      '$price'          => 6990000, // $6.99
      '$currency_code'  => 'CDN',
      '$isbn'           => '0446576220',
      '$sku'            => '10101042',
      '$brand'          => 'Writers of the Round Table Press',
      '$manufacturer'   => 'eBook Digital Services, Inc.',
      '$category'       => 'Business books',
      '$tags'           => ['reprint', 'paperback', 'Tony Hsieh'],
      '$quantity'       => 1
    import com.siftscience.model.Item;
    // Example 1
    Item item1 = new Item()
            .setProductTitle("The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea")
            .setPrice(39990000L) // $39.99
            .setCategory("Blankets & Throws")
            .setTags(Arrays.asList("Awesome", "Wintertime specials"))
            .setColor("Texas Tea")
    // Example 2
    Item item2 = new Item()
            .setProductTitle("Delivering Happiness [eBook edition]")
            .setPrice(6990000L) // $6.99
            .setBrand("Writers of the Round Table Press")
            .setManufacturer("Writers of the Round Table Press")
            .setCategory("Business books")
            .setTags(Arrays.asList("reprint", "paperback", "Tony Hsieh"))

    Payment Method

    The payment_method field type represents information about the payment methods provided by the user. The value must be a nested object with the appropriate item subfields for the given payment method. Generally used with the $create_order or $transaction events.

    • $payment_type

      The general type of payment being used.

      Allowed Values
      • $cash$check$credit_card$crypto_currency$digital_wallet$electronic_fund_transfer$financing$gift_card$invoice$money_order$points$store_credit$third_party_processor$voucher

      If your payment system is not covered by one of the values above please contact support.

    • $payment_gateway

      The specific gateway, company, product, etc. being used to process payment.

      Allowed Values
      • $acapture$adyen$affirm$afterpay$alipay$altapay$amazon_payments$android_pay$apple_pay$astropay$authorizenet$avangate$balanced$banorte$banwire$barclays$beanstream$bitgo$bitpay$blockchain$bluepay$bluesnap$braintree$bread$buckaroo$cardconnect$ccavenue$chain_commerce$chase_paymentech$checkoutcom$cielo$citrus_pay$clearsettle$clearcommerce$cloudpayments$cofinoga$coinbase$collector$compropago$conekta$credsystem$cuentadigital$culqi$cybersource$datacash$debitway$democracy_engine$dibs$digital_river$dotpay$dragonpay$ecopayz$edgil_payway$elavon$empcorp$epayeu$eprocessing_network$esitef$euteller$eway$e_xact$first_atlantic_commerce$first_data$getnet$g2apay$giropay$globalcollect$global_payments$global_payways$gmopg$gocardless$hdfc_fssnet$hipay$ideal$ikajo$ingenico$instamojo$interac$internetsecure$intuit_quickbooks_payments$isignthis$iugu$iyzico$jabong$juspay$kash$klarna$kushki$lemonway$limelight$logon$mastercard_payment_gateway$masterpass$maxipago$maxpay$meikopay$mercadopago$merchant_esolutions$mirjeh$moip$mollie$moneris_solutions$moneygram$mpesa$multibanco$netbilling$neteller$network_for_good$nmi$ogone$okpay$omise$openpaymx$optimal_payments$pagar_me$pagofacil$pagseguro$paxum$pay_zone$payeer$payfast$payflow$paygate$payjunction$paylike$paymentwall$payment_express$paymill$payone$payoneer$paypal$paypal_express$paysafecard$paysera$paysimple$paystation$paytm$paytrace$paytrail$payture$payu$payulatam$payvector$payza$peach_payments$perfect_money$pinpayments$pivotal_payments$planet_payment$poli$princeton_payment_solutions$prismpay$processing$przelewy24$psigate$pulse$qiwi$quickpay$raberil$rakuten_checkout$ratepay$razorpay$rbkmoney$rede$redpagos$redsys$rewardspay$rietumu$rocketgate$safecharge$safetypay$sagepay$samsung_pay$securionpay$securepay$sermepa$shopify_payments$simplify_commerce$skrill$smart2pay$smartcoin$sofort$splash_payments$sps_decidir$square$stone$stripe$swedbank$synapsepay$telerecargas$tnspay$towah$tpaga$transact_pro$transfirst$trustcommerce$trustly$tu_compra$twoc2p$twocheckout$unionpay$usa_epay$vantiv$venmo$veritrans$versapay$vesta$vindicia$virtual_card_services$visa$vme$vpos$webmoney$webpay_oneclick$wepay$western_union$wirecard$worldpay$worldspan$xipay$yandex_money$zipmoney$zooz_paymentsos

      If the payment gateway you use is not supported, contact support and we'll add it.

    • $card_bin

      The first six digits of the credit card number. These numbers contain information about the card issuer, the geography and other card details.

    • $card_last4

      The last four digits of the credit card number.

    • $avs_result_code

      Response code from the AVS address verification system. Used in payments involving credit cards.

    • $cvv_result_code

      Response code from the credit card company indicating if the CVV number entered matches the number on record. Used in payments involving credit cards.

    • $verification_status

      Use $verification_status to indicate the payment method has been verified. The value can be $success, $failure or $pending. For instance, if you request payment method verification from a payment processor and receive a failure set the value to $failure.

    • $routing_number

      This is the ABA routing number or SWIFT code used.

    • $decline_reason_code

      In case of a declined payment, response code received from the payment processor indicating the reason for the decline.

    • $paypal_payer_id

      Payer ID returned by Paypal.

    • $paypal_payer_email

      Payer email address returned by Paypal.

    • $paypal_payer_status

      Payer status returned by Paypal.

    • $paypal_address_status

      Payer address status returned by Paypal.

    • $paypal_protection_eligibility

      Seller protection eligibility returned by Paypal.

    • $paypal_payment_status

      Payment status returned by Paypal.

    • $stripe_cvc_check

      CVC verification result returned by Stripe.

    • $stripe_address_line1_check

      Address line 1 verification result returned by Stripe.

    • $stripe_address_line2_check

      Address line 2 verification result returned by Stripe.

    • $stripe_address_zip_check

      Address zip code verification result returned by Stripe.

    • $stripe_funding

      Funding source returned by Stripe.

    • $stripe_brand

      Card brand returned by Stripe.

    // A Credit Card Payment and a Gift Card used together,
    // as $payment_methods in $create_order.
    // Note: A $create_order event can have multiple payment
    // methods, and thus takes an array of objects.
    "$payment_methods" : [
        "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
        "$payment_gateway" : "$stripe",
        "$card_bin"        : "542486",
        "$card_last4"      : "4242",
        "$cvv_result_code" : "M",
        "$avs_result_code" : "Y",
        "$stripe_address_line1_check" : "pass",
        "$stripe_address_line2_check" : "pass",
        "$stripe_address_zip_check"   : "pass"
        "$payment_type"    : "$gift_card"
    // A Electronic Fund Transfer Payment,
    // as it would appear in a $create_order event.
    "$payment_methods" : [
        "$payment_type"  : "$electronic_fund_transfer",
        "$routing_number"  : "021001088"
    // A Paypal Payment, as it would appear
    // in a $create_order event.
    "$payment_methods" : [
        "$payment_type"  : "$third_party_processor",
        "$payment_gateway" : "$paypal",
        "$paypal_payer_id" : "7E7MGXCWKTKK2",
        "$paypal_payer_email" : "bill@gmail.com",
    // A Points or Alternative Currency Payment,
    // as it would appear in a $transaction event.
    // Note: There is one payment method per $transaction.
    "$payment_method" : {
      "$payment_type"  : "$points"
    # A Credit Card Payment and a Gift Card used together,
    # as $payment_methods in $create_order.
    # Note: A $create_order event can have multiple payment
    # methods, and thus takes an array of objects.
    payment_methods = [
        "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
        "$payment_gateway" : "$stripe",
        "$card_bin"        : "542486",
        "$card_last4"      : "4242",
        "$cvv_result_code" : "M",
        "$avs_result_code" : "Y",
        "$stripe_address_line1_check" : "pass",
        "$stripe_address_line2_check" : "pass",
        "$stripe_address_zip_check"   : "pass"
        "$payment_type"    : "$gift_card"
    # A Electronic Fund Transfer Payment,
    # as it would appear in a $create_order event.
    payment_methods = [
        "$payment_type"  : "$electronic_fund_transfer",
        "$routing_number"  : "021001088"
    # A Paypal Payment, as it would appear
    # in a $create_order event.
    payment_methods = [
        "$payment_type"  : "$third_party_processor",
        "$payment_gateway" : "$paypal",
        "$paypal_payer_id" : "7E7MGXCWKTKK2",
        "$paypal_payer_email" : "bill@gmail.com",
    # A Points or Alternative Currency Payment,
    # as it would appear in a $transaction event.
    # Note: There is one payment method per $transaction.
    payment_method = {
      "$payment_type"  : "$points"
    # A Credit Card Payment and a Gift Card used together,
    # as $payment_methods in $create_order.
    # Note: A $create_order event can have multiple payment
    # methods, and thus takes an array of objects.
    payment_methods = [
        "$payment_type"    => "$credit_card",
        "$payment_gateway" => "$stripe",
        "$card_bin"        => "542486",
        "$card_last4"      => "4242",
        "$cvv_result_code" => "M",
        "$avs_result_code" => "Y",
        "$stripe_address_line1_check" => "pass",
        "$stripe_address_line2_check" => "pass",
        "$stripe_address_zip_check"   => "pass"
        "$payment_type"    => "$gift_card"
    # A Electronic Fund Transfer Payment,
    # as it would appear in a $create_order event.
    payment_methods = [
        "$payment_type"  => "$electronic_fund_transfer",
        "$routing_number"  => "021001088"
    # A Paypal Payment, as it would appear
    # in a $create_order event.
    payment_methods = [
        "$payment_type"  => "$third_party_processor",
        "$payment_gateway" => "$paypal",
        "$paypal_payer_id" => "7E7MGXCWKTKK2",
        "$paypal_payer_email" => "bill@gmail.com",
    # A Points or Alternative Currency Payment,
    # as it would appear in a $transaction event.
    # Note: There is one payment method per $transaction.
    payment_method = {
      "$payment_type"  => "$points"
    // A Credit Card Payment and a Gift Card used together,
    // as $payment_methods in $create_order.
    // Note: A $create_order event can have multiple payment
    // methods, and thus takes an array of objects.
    $paymentMethods = array(
        '$payment_type'    => '$credit_card',
        '$payment_gateway' => '$stripe',
        '$card_bin'        => '542486',
        '$card_last4'      => '4242',
        '$cvv_result_code' => 'M',
        '$avs_result_code' => 'Y',
        '$stripe_address_line1_check' => 'pass',
        '$stripe_address_line2_check' => 'pass',
        '$stripe_address_zip_check'   => 'pass'
        '$payment_type'    => '$gift_card'
    // A Electronic Fund Transfer Payment,
    // as it would appear in a $create_order event.
    $paymentMethods = array(
        '$payment_type'  => '$electronic_fund_transfer',
        '$routing_number'  => '021001088'
    // A Paypal Payment, as it would appear
    // in a $create_order event.
    "$payment_methods" : [
        "$payment_type"  : "$third_party_processor",
        "$payment_gateway" : "$paypal",
        "$paypal_payer_id" : "7E7MGXCWKTKK2",
        "$paypal_payer_email" : "bill@gmail.com",
    // A Points or Alternative Currency Payment,
    // as it would appear in a $transaction event.
    // Note: There is one payment method per $transaction.
    $paymentMethod = array(
      '$payment_type'  => '$points'
    import com.siftscience.model.PaymentMethod;
    // A Credit Card Payment and a Gift Card used together,
    // as $payment_methods in $create_order.
    // Note: A $create_order event can have multiple payment
    // methods, and thus takes a list of objects.
    List paymentMethods = Arrays.asList(
            new PaymentMethod()
            new PaymentMethod()
    // A Electronic Fund Transfer Payment,
    // as it would appear in a $create_order event.
    paymentMethods = Arrays.asList(
            new PaymentMethod()
    // A Paypal Payment, as it would appear
    // in a $create_order event.
    paymentMethods = Arrays.asList(
            new PaymentMethod()
    // A Points or Alternative Currency Payment,
    // as it would appear in a $transaction event.
    // Note: There is one payment method per $transaction.
    paymentMethods = Arrays.asList(
            new PaymentMethod()


    The Promotion field type generically models different kinds of promotions such as referrals, coupons, free trials, etc. The value must be a nested JSON object which you populate with the appropriate information to describe the promotion. Not all sub-fields will likely apply to a given promotion. Populate only those that apply.

    A promotion can be added when creating or updating an account, creating or updating an order, or on its own using the $add_promotion event. The promotion object supports both monetary (e.g. $25 coupon on first order) and non-monetary (e.g. "1000 in game points to refer a friend").

    • $promotion_id

      The ID within your system that you use to represent this promotion. This ID is ideally unique to the promotion across users (e.g. "BackToSchool2016").

    • $status

      The status of the addition of promotion to an account. Best used with the $add_promotion event. This way you can pass to Sift both successful and failed attempts when using a promotion. May be useful in spotting potential abuse.

      Allowed Values
      • $success $failure
    • $failure_reason

      When adding a promotion fails, use this to describe why it failed.

      Allowed Values
      • $already_used $invalid_code $not_applicable $expired
    • $description

      Freeform text to describe the promotion.

    • $referrer_user_id

      The unique account ID of the user who referred the user to this promotion. Note: User IDs are case sensitive.

    • $discount

      The $discount field type generically models monetary discounts that are associated with a promotion (e.g. $25 off an order of $100 or more, 10% off, etc). Most promotions likely require a discount object or credit_point object to describe them, though both can be set for a given promotion.

    • $credit_point
      Credit Point

      The credit_point field type generically models monetary and non-monetary rewards (e.g. in-game currency, stored account value, MBs storage, frequent flyer miles, etc.) for a promotion. Most promotions likely require a credit_point object or discount object to describe them, though both can be set for a given promotion.

    // Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off goods or services
      "$promotion_id"      : "SPRING-1009",
      "$status"            : "$failed",
      "$failure_reason"    : "$already_used",
      "$description"       : "Spring coupon",
      "$discount"          : {
        "$percentage_off"          : 0.2,  // 20% off
        "$amount"                  : 115940000,  // $115.94
        "$currency_code"           : "USD",
        "$minimum_purchase_amount" : 50000000  // $50
    // Example of a promotion for account credits
      "$promotion_id"      : "NewCustomerReferral2016",
      "$status"            : "$success",
      "$description"       : "Signup bonus for new customers in 2016",
      "$referrer_user_id"  : "john_smith_0123",
      "$credit_point"      : {
        "$amount"             : 5000,
        "$credit_point_type"  : "character xp points"
    # Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off goods or services
      "$promotion_id"      : "SPRING-1009",
      "$status"            : "$failed",
      "$failure_reason"    : "$already_used",
      "$description"       : "Spring coupon",
      "$discount"          : {
        "$percentage_off"          : 0.2,  # 20% off
        "$amount"                  : 115940000,  # $115.94
        "$currency_code"           : "USD",
        "$minimum_purchase_amount" : 50000000  # $50
    # Example of a promotion for account credits
      "$promotion_id"      : "NewCustomerReferral2016",
      "$status"            : "$success",
      "$description"       : "Signup bonus for new customers in 2016",
      "$referrer_user_id"  : "john_smith_0123",
      "$credit_point"      : {
        "$amount"             : 5000,
        "$credit_point_type"  : "character xp points"
    # Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off goods or services
      "$promotion_id"      => "SPRING-1009",
      "$status"            => "$failed",
      "$failure_reason"    => "$already_used",
      "$description"       => "Spring coupon",
      "$discount"          => {
        "$percentage_off"          => 0.2,  # 20% off
        "$amount"                  => 115940000,  # $115.94
        "$currency_code"           => "USD",
        "$minimum_purchase_amount" => 50000000  # $50
    # Example of a promotion for account credits
      "$promotion_id"      => "NewCustomerReferral2016",
      "$status"            => "$success",
      "$description"       => "Signup bonus for new customers in 2016",
      "$referrer_user_id"  => "john_smith_0123",
      "$credit_point"      => {
        "$amount"             => 5000,
        "$credit_point_type"  => "character xp points"
    // Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off goods or services
      '$promotion_id'      => 'SPRING-1009',
      '$status'            => '$failed',
      '$failure_reason'    => '$already_used',
      '$description'       => 'Spring coupon',
      '$discount'          => array(
        '$percentage_off'          => 0.2,  // 20% off
        '$amount'                  => 115940000,  // $115.94
        '$currency_code'           => 'USD',
        '$minimum_purchase_amount' => 50000000  // $50
    // Example of a promotion for account credits
      '$promotion_id'      => 'NewCustomerReferral2016',
      '$status'            => '$success',
      '$description'       => 'Signup bonus for new customers in 2016',
      '$referrer_user_id'  => 'john_smith_0123',
      '$credit_point'      => array(
        '$amount'             => 5000,
        '$credit_point_type'  => 'character xp points'
    import com.siftscience.model.Promotion;
    import com.siftscience.model.Discount;
    import com.siftscience.model.CreditPoint;
    // Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off goods or services
    Promotion promotion = new Promotion()
            .setDescription("Spring coupon")
            .setDiscount(new Discount()
                    .setPercentageOff(0.2) // 20% off
                    .setAmount(115940000L) // $115.94
                    .setMinimumPurchaseAmount(50000000L) // $50
    // Example of a promotion for account credits
    promotion = new Promotion()
            .setDescription("Signup bonus for new customers in 2016")
            .setCreditPoint(new CreditPoint()
                    .setCreditPointType("character xp points"));


    The Discount field type generically models monetary discounts that are associated with a promotion (e.g. $25 off an order of $100 or more, 10% off, etc). Discounts are usually used for promotions that apply at the order level. The value must be a nested JSON object populated with the appropriate information to describe the discount. Not all sub-fields will likely apply to a given discount. Populate only those that apply.

    A discount is an object that gets included as part of promotion object. Learn more about promotions.

    • $percentage_off

      The percentage discount. If the discount is 10% off, you would send "0.1".

    • $amount

      The amount of the discount that the promotion offers in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros.

    • $currency_code

      ISO-4217 currency code for the amount. e.g., USD, CAD, HKD. If your site uses alternative currencies, like bitcoin or points systems, specify that here.

    • $minimum_purchase_amount

      The minimum amount someone must spend in order for the promotion to be applied. The amount should be in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros.

    // Example of a monetary discount off goods or services
      "$percentage_off"          : 0.2,  // 20% off
      "$amount"                  : 115940000,  // $115.94
      "$currency_code"           : "USD",
      "$minimum_purchase_amount" : 50000000  // $50
    # Example of a monetary discount off goods or services
      "$percentage_off"          : 0.2,  # 20% off
      "$amount"                  : 115940000,  # $115.94
      "$currency_code"           : "USD",
      "$minimum_purchase_amount" : 50000000  # $50
    # Example of a monetary discount off goods or services
      "$percentage_off"          => 0.2,  # 20% off
      "$amount"                  => 115940000,  # $115.94
      "$currency_code"           => "USD",
      "$minimum_purchase_amount" => 50000000  # $50
    // Example of a monetary discount off goods or services
      '$percentage_off'          => 0.2,  // 20% off
      '$amount'                  => 115940000,  // $115.94
      '$currency_code'           => 'USD',
      '$minimum_purchase_amount' => 50000000  // $50
    import com.siftscience.model.Discount;
    // Example of a monetary discount off goods or services
    Discount discount = new Discount()
            .setPercentageOff(0.2) // 20% off
            .setAmount(115940000L) // $115.94
            .setMinimumPurchaseAmount(50000000L); // $50

    Credit Point

    The Credit Point field type generically models monetary and non-monetary rewards (e.g. in-game currency, stored account value, MBs storage, frequent flyer miles, etc) associated with a promotion. Credit points are usually used for promotions that apply at the account level. The value must be a nested JSON object populated with the appropriate information to describe the credit_point. All values are required.

    A credit_point is an object that gets included as part of promotion object. Learn more about promotions.

    • $amount
      Required · Integer

      The amount of credits the promotion is worth.

    • $credit_point_type
      Required · String

      The type of credit point. Particularly useful if you have multiple types of credit points that you give out. Enables us to distinguish amongst them to find patterns (e.g. days of free service, karma, frequent flyer miles, MBs of storage, etc.).

    // Example of a credit point for an in-game currency
      "$amount"             : 5000,
      "$credit_point_type"  : "character xp points"
    # Example of a credit point for an in-game currency
      "$amount"             : 5000,
      "$credit_point_type"  : "character xp points"
    # Example of a credit point for an in-game currency
      "$amount"             => 5000,
      "$credit_point_type"  => "character xp points"
    // Example of a credit point for an in-game currency
      '$amount'             => 5000,
      '$credit_point_type'  => 'character xp points'
    import com.siftscience.model.CreditPoint;
    // Example of a credit point for an in-game currency
    CreditPoint creditPoint = new CreditPoint()
            .setCreditPointType("character xp points");


    The app field type represents the details of an application as well as the device and OS it's running on. $app is currently only used in the $login event when using the Sift Account Takeover Prevention product.

    • $os

      The operating system on which application is running. (e.g. iOS, Android)

    • $os_version

      The operating system version on which application is running. (e.g. 10.3.1, 7.1.1)

    • $device_manufacturer

      The manufacturer of the device on which application is running. . (e.g. Samsung, Apple, LG)

    • $device_model

      The model of the device on which application is running. (e.g. SM-G920x, iPhone8,1)

    • $device_unique_id

      The unique ID of the device on which application is running. For iOS, send the IFV identifier. For Android, send the Android ID.

    • $app_name

      The name of your application.

    • $app_version

      The version of your application.

    // Example for the iOS Calculator app.
      "$os"                  : "iOS",
      "$os_version"          : "10.1.3",
      "$device_manufacturer" : "Apple",
      "$device_model"        : "iPhone 4,2",
      "$device_unique_id"    : "A3D261E4-DE0A-470B-9E4A-720F3D3D22E6",
      "$app_name"            : "Calculator",
      "$app_version"         : "3.2.7"
    # Example for the iOS Calculator app.
      "$os"                  : "iOS",
      "$os_version"          : "10.1.3",
      "$device_manufacturer" : "Apple",
      "$device_model"        : "iPhone 4,2",
      "$device_unique_id"    : "A3D261E4-DE0A-470B-9E4A-720F3D3D22E6",
      "$app_name"            : "Calculator",
      "$app_version"         : "3.2.7"
    # Example for the iOS Calculator app.
      "$os"                  => "iOS",
      "$os_version"          => "10.1.3",
      "$device_manufacturer" => "Apple",
      "$device_model"        => "iPhone 4,2",
      "$device_unique_id"    => "A3D261E4-DE0A-470B-9E4A-720F3D3D22E6",
      "$app_name"            => "Calculator",
      "$app_version"         => "3.2.7"
    // Example for the iOS Calculator app.
      '$os'                  => 'iOS',
      '$os_version'          => '10.1.3',
      '$device_manufacturer' => 'Apple',
      '$device_model'        => 'iPhone 4,2',
      '$device_unique_id'    => 'A3D261E4-DE0A-470B-9E4A-720F3D3D22E6',
      '$app_name'            => 'Calculator',
      '$app_version'         => '3.2.7'
    import com.siftscience.model.App;
    // Example for the iOS Calculator app.
    App app = new App()
            .setDeviceModel("iPhone 4,2")


    The $browser field type contains information about the browser. $browser is currently only used in the $login event when using the Sift Account Takeover Prevention product. For all other use cases, the Sift Javascript Snippet automatically sends this information.

    • $user_agent
      Recommended · String

      The user agent of the browser that is interacting with your website.

      "$user_agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36"
      "$user_agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36"
      "$user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36"
    // Example for the iOS Calculator app.
      '$user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36'
    import com.siftscience.model.Browser;
    Browser browser = new Browser()
            .setUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36");

    Custom Events and Fields

    Custom events and fields capture user behavior and differences not covered by our reserved events and fields. For example, a voice over IP (VOIP) business can create a custom event called make_call with custom fields that are relevant:

    // Sample make_call event
      "$type"              : "make_call",
      "$api_key"           : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"           : "billy_jones_301",
      "recipient_user_id"  : "marylee819",
      "call_duration"      : 4428
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample make_call event
    properties = {
      "$user_id"           : "billy_jones_301",
      "recipient_user_id"  : "marylee819",
      "call_duration"      : 4428
    response = client.track("make_call", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample make_call event
    properties = {
      "$user_id"           => "billy_jones_301",
      "recipient_user_id"  => "marylee819",
      "call_duration"      => 4428
    response = client.track("make_call", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample make_call event
    $properties = array(
      '$user_id'           => 'billy_jones_301',
      'recipient_user_id'  => 'marylee819',
      'call_duration'      => 4428
    $response = $client->track('make_call', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.CustomEventFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new CustomEventFieldSet()
            .setCustomField("recipient_user_id", "marylee819")
            .setCustomField("call_duration", 4428)
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true

    For every custom event, three fields are required:

    • the $type field where you specify the name of the custom event you're creating. Note that the leading $ denotes reserved events, and may not be used in custom events. Custom event names may only include alphanumeric characters and _.
    • the $api_key field where you provide your REST API key.
    • the $user_id or, if not available, the $session_id which identifies the user taking this action.

    For guidance on how to create custom events, see our Custom Events and Fields guide.

    Custom Field Suffixes

    The following the suffixes should be used for custom fields when relevant:

    • Email
      _email · String

      Sift performs a number of fraud detection algorithms on emails, including matching against throwaway email domains, and looking for similarity to known fraudsters in the past.

      Send any other emails associated with the user in field names like secondary_email.

    • Phone
      _phone · String

      Sift can perform lookups to identify country and region of phone numbers if the data is well formed. The contact phone number provided with the posting. Provide the phone number as a string starting with the country code. Use E.164 format or send in the standard national format of number's origin. For example: "+14155556041" ro "1-415-555-6041" for a U.S. number.

      Send phone numbers in field names like secondary_phone and mobile_phone.

    • Latitude
      _lat · Float

      Sent as a floating point number with at least two significant figures. Sift uses this data to calculate location and movement, which are particularly useful for businesses where location is an important part of the transaction and for mobile transactions. Typically used along with longitude.

      Send latitudes in field names like dropoff_location_lat.

    • Longitude
      _lng · Float

      Sent as a floating point number with at least two significant figures. Sift uses this data to calculate location and movement, which are particularly useful for businesses where location is an important part of the transaction and for mobile transactions. Typically used along with latitude.

      Send longitudes in field names like dropoff_location_lng.

    • ID
      _id · String

      ID of a user or other entity. Valid characters in IDs are alphanumeric characters (without space) and:=, ., -, _, +, @, :, &, ^, %, !, $.

      Send IDs in field names like buyer_user_id or store_id.

    • Status
      _status · String

      Status of an event.

      Allowed Values
      • $success
      • $failure
      • $pending

      Many events (e.g., payment authorization, email verification) result in some permission or verification state. End field names with _status to capture these permission states.

    • User-entered text
      _title, _desc, _message, _name, · String

      When users enter text in a form, send with one of the supported suffixes to take advantage of additional machine learning features.

      Send user-entered text in field names like post_title, job_desc, profile_message, or user_name.

    Error Codes

    A successful API request will respond with an HTTP 200. An invalid API request will respond with an HTTP 400. The response body will be a JSON object describing why the request failed.

    Any non-zero status indicates an error

        "status" : 51,         // Non-zero status indicates an error!
        "error_message" : "Invalid API Key. Please check your credentials and try again.",
        "time" : 1327604222,   // When we received the original request (as seconds since the epoch)
        "request" : "{ "$api_key": "XXXXXXXXXXX", "$type": "$capture_payment"... }"
    # To check if the call was successful:
    response.is_ok() # returns true on successful calls, false on failed score requests.
    response.api_status         # returns Sift Error Code, 51 in this case.
    response.api_error_message  # returns the error message associated with the api_status, "Invalid API Key. Please check your credentials and try again." in this case.
    # To check if the call was successful:
    response.ok? # returns true on successful calls, false on failed score requests.
    response.api_status         # returns Sift Error Code, 51 in this case.
    response.api_error_message  # returns the error message associated with the api_status, "Invalid API Key. Please check your credentials and try again." in this case.
    // To check if the call was successful:
    response->isOk() // returns true on successful calls, false on failed score requests.
    response->apiStatus         // returns Sift Error Code, 51 in this case.
    response->apiErrorMessage  // returns the error message associated with the api_status, "Invalid API Key. Please check your credentials and try again." in this case.
    // To check if the call was successful:
    response.isOk(); // returns true on successful calls, false on failed score requests.
    response.getApiStatus(); // returns Sift Error Code, 51 in this case.
    response.getApiErrorMessage();  // returns the error message associated with the api_status, "Invalid API Key. Please check your credentials and try again." in this case.

    Possible status codes

    • -4

      Service currently unavailable. Please try again later.

    • -3

      Server-side timeout processing request. Please try again later.

    • -2

      Unexpected server-side error

    • -1

      Unexpected server-side error

    • 0


    • 51

      Invalid API key

    • 52

      Invalid characters in field name

    • 53

      Invalid characters in field value

    • 55

      Missing required field

    • 56

      Invalid JSON in request

    • 57

      Invalid HTTP body

    • 60

      Rate limited

    • 104

      Invalid API version

    • 105

      Not a valid reserved field

    If our servers are dealing with unexpected problems, you'll likely see an HTTP 500 response.

    Anonymous Events

    Anonymous events are events that do not have a $user_id. This can happen when a user visits a website for the first time, when a customer user has not logged in, or during a guest checkout flow.

    Anonymous Events Restrictions

    Anonymous events are not allowed to be scored synchronously because there is no user associated with the event. Anonymous event promotion is not supported for synchronous events.

    Anonymous Event Promotion

    When an anonymous event is sent to Sift we will try to fill in the $user_id based on past or future non-anonymous events. When we find an event that can promote the anonymous event to a non-anonymous event then we promote this event asynchronously. When the event is promoted the event is scored, workflows are not run on the event, and the event can be seen in the user’s activity log.

    Additional Resources

    Tracking Anonymous User Activity

    Decisions Overview

    Decisions represent business actions taken on a user, order, or session (eg "Block Order", "Approve User", etc). You use Decisions to record of what has happened. Sift uses this information to continuously improve the accuracy of your risk scores.

    When integrating with Sift, you need to create Decisions that represent the different business actions your team takes. These will vary based on your business but some examples could include: "Accept Order”, “Approve Posting”, “Put User on Watchlist”, “Block Order”, “Ban User”, etc. Decisions are entirely customizable by you to meet the needs of your business. Decisions are created and updated using the Decisions page of the Console.

    Using Decisions

    Decisions can be applied from within the Sift console, sent by your application to the Sift API, or from a Sift Workflow. Whenever a Decision is applied, it should be accompanied by some business action you are taking on your side. For example:

    • From the Sift console - When an analyst manually reviews a user and decides an order should be blocked, the analyst would click a Decision button in the console to cancel the order. Once it’s clicked, Sift sends a webhook to your system so that you can cancel the order within your system.
    • From your application - When your application logic decides to block an order, you’d first block the order within your system and then send that Decision to the Sift API to record what took place.
    • From a Workflow - When your Sift Workflow logic determines to block an order (eg Payment Abuse Score > 95), Sift generates the Decision on that user, and sends a Webhook to your system so you can block the order within your system.

    Decision Properties

      "id": "credit_card_fraud_payment_abuse",
      "name": "Credit Card Fraud",
      "description": "cancel and refund all of the user's pending order.",
      "entity_type": "user",
      "abuse_type": "payment_abuse",
      "category": "block",
      "webhook_url": "http://webhook.example.com",
      "created_at": 1468005577348,
      "created_by": "admin@example.com",
      "updated_at": 1469229177756,
      "updated_by": "billy@exmaple.com"

    A Decision object includes the following:

    • id a unique ID within Sift that is set when the Decision is created.
    • name The name of the Decision that is shown to analysts within the Sift console.
    • description a human friendly description of the Decision. This is displayed along with the decision name in the Console to help your users better understand what action they are taking.
    • entity_type describes whether the decision is related to an order, user, or session.
    • abuse_type The type of abuse the Decision is related to. Sift can learn the different patterns of abuse you face. The possible values are: payment_abuse, account_abuse content_abuse promotion_abuse
    • category describes the type of action being taken. The 3 possible categories are:
      • BLOCK: You are taking a negative action. (eg "Stop Order", "Blacklist User", "Ban Listing", etc)
      • WATCH: Your team is not ready to fully block or accept this user. (eg "Require Verification", "Limit Order Amount", "Freeze Listing", etc)
      • ACCEPT: You are taking a positive action. (eg "Ship Order", "Approve User", "Publish Listing", etc)
    • webhook_url URl Sift will send a webhook to when a Decision is made within the Sift Console or from a Sift Workflow

    When you apply a Decision, it represents a business action taken at a specific point in time. As a result, once a Decision is made, it can't be deleted or modified. However, you can represent updates by applying a subsequent Decision to that entity. This way, you'll have a full and complete record of what occurred. You can always retrieve the most recent Decision by using the Decision Status API.

    Decisions API Overview

    The Decisions APIs allow you to:

    Apply Decisions

    The Apply Decisions API allows you to apply Decisions to users, orders, or sessions. This is important so that Sift can track the actions you've taken within your system and learn from them. You can only apply Decisions that are active and already configured for your account in the Decisions section in the Console.

    When you send a Decision via the API, we will not send a webhook back to you as you'll already have a record within your system of what occurred. However, if you were to apply that same Decision in the Sift Console, we would send a webhook to your application so that you can update your system.

    The Request

    Applying a decision to a user

    NOTE: To apply a Decision on a user you must provide the user ID.

    $ curl -XPOST https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}/decisions
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n-u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    -d \n        '{
              "decision_id"   : "block_user_payment_abuse",
              "source"        : "MANUAL_REVIEW",
              "analyst"       : "analyst@example.com",
              "description"   : "User linked to three other payment abusers and ordering high value items"
    import sift

    client = sift.Client(api_key='{YOUR_API_KEY}', account_id='{accountId}')
    applyDecisionRequest = {
        'decision_id'     : 'block_user_payment_abuse',
        'source'          : 'MANUAL_REVIEW',
        'analyst'         : 'analyst@example.com',
        'description'     : 'User linked to three other payment abusers and ordering high value items'
    response = self.client.apply_user_decision(user_id, applyDecisionRequest)
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusResponse;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.DecisionStatusFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("{YOUR_API_KEY}");
    ApplyDecisionRequest request;
    ApplyDecisionRequest request = client.buildRequest(
            new ApplyDecisionFieldSet()
                .setDescription("User linked to three other payment abusers and ordering high value items");
    ApplyDecisionResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    DecisionLog decisionLog = response.getDecisionLog();
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(api_key: "{YOUR_API_KEY}", account_id: "{accountId}")
    response = client.apply_decision({
      decision_id: "block_user_payment_abuse",
      description: "User linked to three other payment abusers and ordering high value items",
      source: "manual_review",
      analyst: "analyst@example.com",
      user_id: "userId"
    if (!response.ok?)
      puts "Unable to apply decision: " + response.api_error_message
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $options = array(
        'analyst' => 'analyst@example.com',
        'description' => 'User linked to three other payment abusers and ordering high value items'
    $response = $client->applyDecisionToUser('userId',

    Applying a decision to an order

    NOTE: To apply a Decision on an order you must provide both the user and order ID.

    $ curl -XPOST https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}/orders/{orderId}/decisions
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n-u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    -d \n        '{
              "decision_id"   : "block_order_payment_abuse",
              "source"        : "AUTOMATED_RULE",
              "description"   : "Auto block pending order as score exceeded risk threshold of 90"
    import sift

    client = sift.Client(api_key='{YOUR_API_KEY}', account_id='{accountId}')
    applyDecisionRequest = {
        'decision_id': 'block_order_payment_abuse',
        'source': 'AUTOMATED_RULE',
        'description': 'Auto block pending order as score exceeded risk threshold of 90'
    response = self.client.apply_order_decision(user_id, order_id, applyDecisionRequest)
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusResponse;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.DecisionStatusFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("{YOUR_API_KEY}");
    ApplyDecisionRequest request;
    ApplyDecisionRequest request = client.buildRequest(
            new ApplyDecisionFieldSet()
    ApplyDecisionResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    DecisionLog decisionLog = response.getDecisionLog();
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(api_key: "{YOUR_API_KEY}", account_id: "accountId")
    response = client.apply_decision({
      decision_id: "block_order_payment_abuse",
      description: "applied via the high priority queue, queued user because their risk score exceeded 85",
      source: "AUTOMATED_RULE",
      user_id: "userId",
      order_id: "orderId"
    if (!response.ok?)
      puts "Unable to apply decision: " + response.api_error_message
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $options = array(
        'analyst' => 'analyst@example.com',
        'description' => 'applied via the high priority queue, queued user because their risk score exceeded 85'
    $response = $client->applyDecisionToOrder('userId',

    Applying a Decision to a session

    NOTE: To apply a Decision on a session you must provide both the user and session ID.

    $ curl -XPOST https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}/sessions/{sessionId}/decisions
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n-u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    -d \n        '{
              "decision_id"   : "session_looks_bad_account_takeover",
              "source"        : "MANUAL_REVIEW",
              "analyst"       : "analyst@example.com",
              "description"   : "compromised account reported to customer service"

    Request fields

    • decision_id
      required · String

      The unique identifier of the Decision to be applied to an entity. decision_id and descriptions can be retrieved using the GET decisions API Note: A Decision configured with entity_type=user can only be applied to a user. Similarly, a Decision configured with entity_type=order can only be applied to an order.

    • source
      required · String

      The source of this Decision.

      Allowed Values
        This Decision was applied by an analyst during review of a user/order.
        This Decision was applied to a user/order by an automated rules engine or internal system. There was no human analysis before this Decision was made.
        This Decision was applied to a user/order in response to a chargeback received. Source of CHARGEBACK should only be used for Decisions your system automatically takes in response to a Chargeback. Note: Whether or not you take automated action in response to Chargebacks, you should send Sift the Chargeback events.
    • analyst

      Analyst who applied the Decision, only required when source is set to manual_review. Does not need to be an email, can be any analyst identifier.

    • time
      optional · Long

      The time the Decision was applied, as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds. This is only necessary to send for historical backfill.

    • description
      optional · String

      A description of the Decision that will be applied.


    For successful requests, the response will have an HTTP status code of 200.

        "entity": {
            "id" : {entity_id}
            "type" : "{entity_type}"
        "decision": {
            "id": "{decision_id}"
        "time": "1461963439151"

    Response Fields

    • entity

      The entity object containing information on the entity on which the Decision was applied.

      • id

        The id of the entity on which the Decision was applied.

      • type

        Type of entity, (user or order), to which Decision was applied.

    • decision

      The Decision object containing information on the Decision that was applied.

      • id

        The id of the Decision that was applied.

    • time

      The time the Decision was applied, as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

    Get Decisions

    Get Decisions API allows you to retrieve the list of all Decisions you've configured for your account. Currently, Decisions can only be created in the Decisions section in the Console.

    Getting available decisions

    $ curl -XGET https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{account_id}/decisions?abuse_types=payment_abuse,legacy&entity_type=user&from=5&limit=10
    -u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    import sift
    client = sift.Client(api_key='{YOUR_API_KEY}', account_id='{account_id}')
    response = client.get_decisions(entity_type='user', limit=10, start_from=5, abuse_types='legacy,payment_abuse')
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusResponse;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.DecisionStatusFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("{YOUR_API_KEY}");
    GetDecisions request = client.buildRequest(new GetDecisionsFieldSet()
            .setAbuseTypes(ImmutableList.of(AbuseType.PAYMENT_ABUSE, AbuseType.LEGACY)
    GetDecisionsResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    List<Decision> decisions = response.getDecisions();
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(api_key: "{YOUR_API_KEY}", account_id: "{account_id}")
    response = client.decisions({
      abuse_types: ["payment_abuse", "legacy"],
      entity_type: "user",
      from: 5,
      limit: 10
    if (response.ok?) {
      decision = response.body["data"].find do |decision_hash|
        decision_hash["id"] == "block_bad_user"
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $options = array(
        'abuse_types' => array('payment_abuse', 'legacy'),
        'entity_type' => 'user',
        'from' => 5,
        'limit' => 10
    $response = $client.getDecisions($options);

    Query Parameters

    • entity_type
      optional · String

      Return only decisions applicable to the specified entity_type.

      Allowed Values
      • USER
        This Decision should be applied to users.
      • ORDER
        This Decision should be applied to orders.
    • abuse_types
      optional · Comma-separated strings

      Return only decisions applicable to specified abuse_types.

      Allowed Values
      • LEGACY
        Return Decisions associated with the Legacy product.
        Return Decisions associated with the Payment Abuse product.
        Return Decisions associated with the Account Abuse product.
        Return Decisions associated with the Content Abuse product.
        Return Decisions associated with the Promotion Abuse product.
        Return Decisions associated with the Account Takeover product.
    • limit
      optional · integer

      Used in conjunction with the from parameter to paginate results. limit sets the maximum number of results to return from each request. The default value for limit is 100.

    • from
      optional · integer

      Used in conjunction with limit parameter to page through the result set. By default, result set is sorted by id. The field from specifies the index of the first entry in a collection to return. The default value for from is 0. For example if from is set to 10 you will receive the 11th decision + limit.


    For successful requests, the response should have an HTTP status code of 200. You will receive a response in the following format:

      "data": [
          "id": "block_user_payment_abuse",
          "name": "Block user",
          "description": "cancel and refund all of the user's pending order.",
          "entity_type": "user",
          "abuse_type": "payment_abuse",
          "category": "block",
          "webhook_url": "http://webhook.example.com",
          "created_at": 1468005577348,
          "created_by": "admin@example.com",
          "updated_at": 1469229177756,
          "updated_by": "billy@exmaple.com"
          "id": "user_looks_ok_legacy",
          "name": "User looks ok",
          "description": "legacy decision for users that looks ok",
          "entity_type": "user",
          "abuse_type": "legacy",
          "category": "accept",
          "webhook_url": "http://webhook.example.com",
          "created_at": 1468005577348,
          "created_by": "admin@example.com",
          "updated_at": 1469229177756,
          "updated_by": "billy@exmaple.com"
      "has_more": "true",
      "next_ref": "https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{account_id}/decisions?entity_type=user&abuse_types=payment_abuse,legacy&from=15&limit=10"

    Response Fields

    • data

      An array of decisions.

      • id

        The id of the decision. This is auto generated when the Decision is created based on the initial display name of the Decision.

      • name

        Display name of the decision.

      • description

        A description of the Decision. This field is intended as a way to describe the business action(s) associated with the Decision.

      • entity_type

        Entity type to which this Decision is applicable.

        Possible Values
        • USER
          This Decision should be applied to users.
        • ORDER
          This Decision should be applied to orders.
        • SESSION
          The Decision should be applied to sessions.
      • abuse_type

        Abuse type which this Decision describes.

        Possible Values
        • LEGACY
          Return Decisions associated with the Legacy product.
          Return Decisions associated with the Payment Abuse product.
          Return Decisions associated with the Account Abuse product.
          Return Decisions associated with the Content Abuse product.
        • PROMO_ABUSE
          Return Decisions associated with the Promotion Abuse product.
      • category

        Roughly categorizes the type of business action that this Decision represents. For example, if the Decision was named "Cancel Order" and every time this Decision was applied your application was configured to cancel the user’s order, this should be categorized as a BLOCK Decision.

        Possible Values
        • ACCEPT
          Accept entity
        • WATCH
          Watch entity
        • BLOCK
          Block entity
      • webhook_url

        URL configured as webhook for this Decision. This is an optional field, only necessary if you are receiving Webhooks. When a Decision with a webhook is applied via API, no webhook notification will be sent.

      • created_at

        Time at which the Decision was created, as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

      • created_by

        User who created decision.

      • updated_at

        Time at which the Decision was last updated, as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

      • updated_by

        User who last updated the Decision.

    • has_more

      For result sets that span multiple requests, the has_more field indicates whether more results may be retrieved. Used in conjunction with next_ref to paginate result sets.

    • next_ref

      For paginated results, next_ref contains a URL where the next set of results can be retrieved

    Decision Webhooks

    Decision Webhooks can be set up when you create or edit a Decision in the Sift Console. If you haven't yet configured webhooks on your Decisions, read our Connecting Decisions to Business Actions tutorial to learn how. Once you've configured webhooks for a Decision, we'll start sending webhooks to the URL you've specified whenever a Decision is applied by a user or automatically by a Workflow. Webhooks will be sent with the following body:


      "entity": {
        "type": "user",
        "id": "USER123"
      "decision": {
        "id": "block_user_payment_abuse"
      "time": 1461963439151

    Response Fields

    • entity

      The entity object containing information on the entity on which the Decision was taken.

      • type

        The type of entity on which the Decision was taken.

        Possible Values
        • user
          This entity is a user and so the following id field will be a $user_id.
        • order
          This entity is an order and so the following id field will be an $order_id.
      • id

        The unique identifier of the entity on which the Decision was taken.

    • decision

      The Decision object containing information on the Decision taken.

      • id

        The unique identifier of the Decision that was taken. This is generated by taking the first display name provided for the Decision, replacing spaces with underscores, and concatenating it with the fraud type for which this Decision is configured.

        Note: You cannot have two Decisions with the same initial display name for any given fraud type.

    • time

      The time the Decision was applied, as a UNIX timestamp.

    Now that you know what to expect from your Decision Webhooks, you need to authenticate that they are indeed coming from Sift and meant for you. We'll cover this in the next section.


    Take advantage of webhook authentication to ensure that the request you receive is coming from Sift.


    • There can only be one active webhook key per account.
    • Generate your key on the Production API Keys page of your console.
    • The Production key is used for your Sandbox account.
    • The Signature will appear in the http header of the webhook request as 'X-Sift-Science-Signature'.
    Switch to one of the programming language tabs for the specific language implementation of webhook signature verification.
    import json
    from hashlib import sha256
    import hmac
    from flask import request
    def webhook():
      # Let's check whether this webhook actually came from Sift!
      # First let's grab the signature from the postback's headers
      postback_signature = request.get("X-Sift-Science-Signature")
      # Next, let's try to assemble the signature on our side to verify
      postback_body = json.dumps(request.json)
      h = hmac.new(SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY, postback_body, sha1)
      verification_signature = "sha256={}".format(h.hexdigest())
      if verification_signature == postback_signature:
        raise SomeException()
    require 'json'
    require 'openssl'
    require 'sinatra'
    post '/webhook' do
      # Let's check whether this webhook actually came from Sift!
      # First let's grab the signature from the postback's headers
      postback_signature = request.env['X-Sift-Science-Signature']
      # Next, let's try to assemble the signature on our side to verify
      digest  = OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha256')
      calculated_hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(digest, SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY, request.body)
      verification_signature = "sha256=#{calculated_hmac}"
      if verification_signature == postback_signature
        puts "success"
        raise Exception
    BLOCK_ACTION = 'block'; #name of the Action you set up in the console
    # Let's check whether this webhook actually came from Sift!
    # First let's grab the signature from the postback's headers
    $webhookSignature = $headers['X-Sift-Science-Signature'];
    # Next, let's try to assemble the signature on our side to verify
    $verificationSignature  = "sha256=" . hash_hmac('sha256', $requestBody, $SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY);
    if ($webhookSignature == $verificationSignature) {
      $siftRequest = json_decode($requestBody);
      if ($siftRequest->action->id == BLOCK_ACTION) {
    import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.HmacUtils;
    String SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY = "#####";
    // Get the "X-Sift-Science-Signature" request header.
    String webhookSignature = requestHeaders.get("X-Sift-Science-Signature");
    String verificationSignature = "sha256=" + HmacUtils.hmacSha256Hex(
    if (!webhookSignature.equals(verificationSignature)) {
        // Handle unauthenticated webhook

    Decision Status

    The Decision Status API allows you to query the latest Decision for an entity. Sift returns the latest Decision status for each abuse type so that you have a full view of the entity.

    curl -XGET https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/{users}/{userId}/decisions
    # or
    curl -XGET https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/orders/{orderId}/decisions
    # or
    curl -XGET https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}/sessions/{sessionId}/decisions
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n-u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    import sift
    client = sift.Client(api_key='{YOUR_API_KEY}', account_id='{accountId}')
    response = client.get_user_decisions('the_user_id')
    # or
    response = client.get_order_decisions('the_order_id')
    require 'sift'
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key = > '{YOUR_API_KEY}', :account_id => '{accountId}')
    response = client.get_user_decisions('the_user_id')
    # or
    response = client.get_order_decisions('the_order_id')
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => '{YOUR_API_KEY}', 'account_id' => '{accountId}'));
    $response = $client->getUserDecisions('the_user_id');
    // or
    $response = $client->getOrderDecisions('the_order_id');
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusResponse;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.DecisionStatusFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    DecisionStatusRequest request;
    request = client.buildRequest(new DecisionStatusFieldSet()
    // or
    request = client.buildRequest(new DecisionStatusFieldSet()
    DecisionStatusResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    Map<String, LatestDecision> decisionStatuses = response.getDecisionStatuses();

    Be sure to replace {accountId} with your Sift account ID, found on the Profile Tab on the Console. Also, make sure to pick an entity, either users or orders or sessions to fill in the id of the entity. Lastly, replace {YOUR_API_KEY} with your REST API key, found in the API Keys tab of the Developer page in the Console. You will receive a response in the following format:


      "decisions": {
        "payment_abuse": {
          "decision": {
            "id": "block_user_payment_abuse"
          "time": 1461963439151,
          "webhook_succeeded": true
        "promo_abuse": {
          "decision": {
            "id": "reject_promo_promo_abuse"
          "time": 1461963431151,
          "webhook_succeeded": true
        "content_abuse": {
          "decision": {
            "id": "block_post_content_abuse"
          "time": 1461963429151,
          "webhook_succeeded": true
        "account_abuse": {
          "decision": {
            "id": "ban_account_account_abuse"
          "time": 1461963839151,
          "webhook_succeeded": true
        "legacy": {
          "decision": {
            "id": "block_user_legacy"
          "time": 1461966439151,
          "webhook_succeeded": false

    Response Fields

    • decisions

      A map of abuse types to the associated latest Decisions for the entity.

      Possible Key Values
      • payment_abuse
        The associated JSON object is the latest Decision for the Payment Abuse abuse type.
      • promo_abuse
        The associated JSON object is the latest Decision for the Promo Abuse abuse type.
      • content_abuse
        The associated JSON object is the latest Decision for the Content Abuse abuse type.
      • account_abuse
        The associated JSON object is the latest Decision for the Account Abuse abuse type.
      • legacy
        The associated JSON object is the latest Decision for the Legacy abuse type.
      • account_takeover
        The associated JSON object is the latest Decision for the Account Takeover abuse type.

      Note:If a latest Decision does not exist for a particular abuse type, that key and associated JSON object will not exist in this response.

      • latest decision object

        The information associated with the latest Decision for a specific abuse type key (read above).

        • decision

          The Decision object containing information on the Decision taken.

          • id

            The unique identifier of the Decision that was taken. This is generated by taking the first display name provided for the Decision, replacing spaces with hyphens, and concatenating it with the fraud type for which this Decision is configured.

            Note: You cannot have two Decisions with the same initial display name for any given fraud type.

        • time

          The time the Decision was applied, as a UNIX timestamp.

        • webhook_succeeded

          true if the webhook was successfully sent, false if the webhook failed to send, null if no webhook is configured.

    Workflows API Overview

    The Workflow APIs allow you to consume the output/query the status of a Workflow you've configured in the Sift Console. If you still need to create Workflows, please read our Creating a Workflow tutorial, which will walk you through the process of creating Workflows and attaching Decisions/Review Queues to them. There are two ways for you to query and consume Workflow output:

    • Synchronously when you send Sift any REST API event using the return_workflow_status URL parameter. This is best for when you need to know the output of the Workflow immediately after the triggering event occurs to make a time sensitive decision.
    • Asynchronously using the Workflow Status API. This is best for when you want to query a Workflow after the triggering event has passed. A common use case is for reporting needs.

    Automated Decisions

    There are two ways to consume an automated decision:

    1. Synchronously retrieve the Workflow's output when you send the triggering event.
    2. Use Decision Webhooks to consume the workflow's output.


    If you want to consume the automated Decision synchronously, you simply need to add return_workflow_status=true to the URL parameters when you are sending Sift a Reserved or Custom event. You can also request scores for specific abuse types using the abuse_types query parameter.


    curl -X POST "https://api.sift.com/v204/events?return_workflow_status=true&abuse_types=legacy"
    -H "Accept: application/json"
    -d '{
      "$api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$type": "$create_order",
      "$user_id": "test_user"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client('YOUR_API_KEY')
    properties = {
      '$user_id'    : 'test_user',
      '$user_email' : 'sample_user@gmail.com'
    response = client.track('$create_order', properties, return_workflow_status=True,
                             abuse_types=['promo_abuse', 'content_abuse', 'payment_abuse'])
    require 'sift'
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => 'YOUR_API_KEY')
    properties = {
      '$user_id'    => 'sample_user',
      '$user_email' => 'sample_user@gmail.com'
    response = client.track('$create_order', properties, :return_workflow_status => true,
                            :abuse_types => ['promo_abuse', 'payment_abuse'])
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $properties = array(
      '$user_id' => 'sample_user51',
      '$user_email' => 'sample_user@gmail.com'
    $opts = array(
              'return_workflow_status' => True,
              'abuse_types' =>  array(
    $response = $client->track('$create_order', $properties, $opts);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.exception.SiftException;
    import com.siftscience.model.CreateOrderFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(
            new CreateOrderFieldSet()
            .withScores("promo_abuse", "payment_abuse");
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {

    If you are an existing customer who has not yet upgraded to our abuse-specific scores, you will need to set abuse_types to legacy to get a score.


      "http_status_code": 200
      "body": {
        "status": 0,
        "error_message": "OK",
        "request": "body_of_the_request_you_sent",
        "time": 1454517138,
        "score_response": {
          "status": 0,
          "error_message": "OK",
          "user_id": "billy_jones_301",
          "scores": {
            "payment_abuse": {
              "score": 0.898391231245,
              "reasons": [
                  "name": "UsersPerDevice",
                  "value": 4,
                  "details": {
                    "users": "a, b, c, d"
            "promotion_abuse": {
              "score": 0.472838192111,
              "reasons": []
          "latest_labels": {
            "payment_abuse": {
              "is_fraud": true,
              "time": 1352201880,
              "description": "received a chargeback"
            "promotion_abuse": {
              "is_fraud": false,
              "time": 1362205000
          "workflow_statuses": [
              "id": "6dbq76qbaaaaa",
              "state": "running",
              "config": {
                "id": "pv3u5hyaaa",
                "version": "1468013109122"
              "config_display_name": "my create order flow",
              "abuse_types": ["payment_abuse", "legacy"],
              "entity": {
                "type": "user",
                "id": "test"
              "history": [
                  "app": "decision",
                  "name": "ban user",
                  "state": "running",
                  "config": {
                   "decision_id": "ban-user-payment-abuse"
                  "app": "review_queue",
                  "name": "risky user queue",
                  "state": "finished"
                  "config": {
                    "buttons": [
                      { "id": "ban-user-payment-abuse", "name": "Ban User" },
                      { "id": "suspend-user-payment-abuse", "name": "Ban User" },
                      { "id": "accept-user-payment-abuse", "name": "Ban User" }
                  "app": "user_scorer",
                  "name": "Entity",
                  "state": "finished"
                  "app": "event_processor",
                  "name": "Event",
                  "state": "finished"

    Response Fields

    • http_status_code

      The HTTP status code of this Events API

    • body

      The body of the response.

      • status

        The success or error code (see relevant error codes below).

      • error_message

        Description of error or success.

      • request

        The content of the event you sent.

      • time

        The time the request was processed.

      • score_response

        The requested scoring information for the given user.

        • status

          The status of the requested re-scoring and Formula check this event initiated.

        • error_message

          Description of error or success.

        • user_id

          The id of the user, matching what was passed in the Events API call.

        • scores

          The scores map contains all computed scores for all applicable abuse types for a given user. The map is keyed by abuse type, which could be one of: payment_abuse, account_abuse, content_abuse, promotion_abuse. The values in this map are objects which contain the following fields:

          • score

            Score for the user between 0.0 and 1.0. A score of 0.5 translates to a score a 50 in the console.

          • reasons

            A list of the most significant reasons for the score and the values associated with the user. The included values will vary based on the user. Includes related users in the details object when applicable.

            • name

              Name of the risk signal.

            • value

              Value of the risk signal.

            • details

              Additional details. Provided only when relevant. E.g., may contain a details field which contains the IDs of related users.

        • latest_labels

          NOTE: Latest Labels section is only intended for customers using the Labels API.

          The latest_labels map contains entries for all abuse types for which the given user has been labeled. Note that the content of this map is not subject to the abuse types specified in the request; we always include all labels that have been applied to the given user. The map is keyed by abuse type, which could be one of: payment_abuse, account_abuse, content_abuse, promotion_abuse. The values in this map are objects which contain the following fields:

          • is_fraud

            true if the user is labeled Fraud, false if the user is labeled Not Fraud.

          • time

            The time this label was applied to the user. It is a UNIX timestamp in seconds.

          • description

            Freeform text description of the user and/or incident triggering the label.

        • workflow_statuses

          A list of objects containing the responses of any Workflows that were triggered by this event. There will be one list item per Workflow triggered.

          • id

            The run ID of this Workflow, identifying this specific instance of the Workflow. Use this with theWorkflow Status API to query the status of a Workflow run directly.

          • state

            The state of this Workflow instance.

            Possible Values
            • running
              This Workflow instance is still running, either because it is still sending the webhook or the user/order was put into a manual review queue
            • finished
              This Workflow instance is finished running and there is a Decision associated with it in the history section discussed below
            • failed
              This Workflow instance has failed to run.
          • config

            An object containing the configuration information for this Workflow.

            • id

              The configuration ID of the Workflow. This is the unique identifier of this Workflow, but not this Workflow instance.

            • version

              The version of this Workflow.

          • config_display_name

            The display name given to this Workflow in the Workflow editor.

          • abuse_types

            A list of abuse types configured in this workflow

            Possible Values
            • payment_abuse
              This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Payment Abuse abuse type.
            • promo_abuse
              This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Promo Abuse abuse type.
            • content_abuse
              This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Content Abuse abuse type.
            • account_abuse
              This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Account Abuse abuse type.
            • legacy
              This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Legacy abuse type.
          • entity

            The entity object containing information on the entity on which the Decision was taken.

            • type

              The type of entity on which the Decision was taken.

              Possible Values
              • user
                This entity is a user and so the following id field will be a $user_id
              • order
                This entity is an order and so the following id field will be an $order_id
            • id

              The unique identifier of the entity on which the Decision was taken.

          • history

            A list of object containing information on each app that was run in chronological order. The first item in the list is the most recent app to run.

            Note: The first 2 apps that ran ('event_processor' and 'user_scorer'/'order_scorer') are run on every Workflow and are not associated with any configured Routes.

            • app

              The type of app which was run.

              Possible Values
              • decision
                This is a Decision app, and is the result of either an automated Decision or a Decision from a manual review queue
              • review_queue
                This is a Manual Review Queue app, and indicates that the user/order went to a Manual Review Queue.
              • user_scorer
                This is a scoring app, specific to the user entity. This is a static app and always appears on Workflows triggered for the user entity.
              • order_scorer
                This is a scoring app, specific to the order entity. This is a static app and always appears on Workflows triggered for the order entity.
              • event_processor
                This is an event processing app. This is a static app and appears on every Workflow.
            • name

              The display name of the app which was run.

            • state

              The state of this app.

              Possible Values
              • running
                This app is still running, either because it is still sending a Decision webhook or the user/order is still in a manual review queue
              • finished
                This app is finished running.
              • failed
                This app has failed to run.
            • config

              The configuration information of the app.

              • decision_id

                The unique identifier of the Decision taken in this app.

                Note: This field only exists if the value for app is decision

              • buttons

                A list of button objects associated with this Manual Review Queue.

                Note: This field only exists if the value for app is review_queue

                • id

                  The unique Decision ID for this button.

                • name

                  The display name for this button.

    Error Codes

    • -4

      Service currently unavailable. Please try again later.

    • -3

      Server-side timeout processing request. Please try again later.

    • -2

      Unexpected server-side error

    • -1

      Unexpected server-side error

    • 0


    • 51

      Invalid API key

    • 54
    • 60

      Rate limited; too many events have been received in a short period of time


    If you wish to use webhooks to consume the Workflow's output, please see the Decision Webhooks documentation.

    Decisions From Review Queues

    When a user/order arrives in a Review Queue, which you can verify by looking at the first item in the history section of the Workflow Status, someone on your review team will take a look and make a Decision by choosing one of the available Decision Buttons in the queue. There are two available methods to capture and act on these Decisions:

    • Decision Webhooks
    • The Decision Status API

    The Webhooks will push a notification to you when a Decision is made, while the Decision Status API allows you to query the latest Decisions on a user/order at any time. Choose the method that best fits your workflow.

    Workflow Status

    The Workflow Status API allows you to query the status of a specific instance of a Workflow. In order to use this API you need the instance's Run ID. You can get this by using the Synchronous Workflow Status API when you send the triggering event for the Workflow. This API is useful for gathering information on previously executed Workflows.

    To use this API, make the following request:


    curl -XGET  https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/workflows/runs/{workflow_run_id}
    -H "Accept: application/json" \n-u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    import sift
    client = sift.Client(api_key='{YOUR_API_KEY}', account_id='{accountId}')
    workflow_run_id = '123' # obtained in response of 'return_workflow_status=true' call
    response = client.get_workflow_status(workflow_run_id)
    require 'sift'
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key = > '{YOUR_API_KEY}', :account_id => '{accountId}')
    workflow_run_id = '123' # obtained in response of 'return_workflow_status=true' call
    response = client.get_workflow_status(workflow_run_id)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => '{YOUR_API_KEY}', 'account_id' => '{accountId}'));
    $workflow_run_id = '123' // obtained in response of 'return_workflow_status=True' call
    $response = $client->getWorkflowStatus($workflow_run_id);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.WorkflowStatusResponse;
    import com.siftscience.WorkflowStatusRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.WorkflowStatusFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    WorkflowStatusRequest request = client.buildRequest(new WorkflowStatusFieldSet()
    WorkflowStatusResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.getBody().getState(); // "running", "finished", or "failed"

    Be sure to replace {accountId} with your Sift account ID, found on the Profile Tab on the Console. Also, make sure to replace {workflow_run_id} with the Workflow Run ID. Lastly, replace {YOUR_API_KEY} with your REST API key, found on the API Keys tab of the Developer page on the Console. You will receive a response in the following format:


      "id": "6dbq76qbaaaaa",
      "state": "running",
      "config": {
        "id": "pv3u5hyaaa",
        "version": "1468013109122"
      "config_display_name": "my create order flow",
      "abuse_types": ["payment_abuse", "legacy"],
      "entity": {
        "type": "user",
        "id": ""dracula@vampires.com""
      "history": [
          "app": "decision",
          "name": "ban user",
          "state": "running",
          "config": {
             "decision_id": "ban-user-payment-abuse"
          "app": "review_queue",
          "name": "risky user queue",
          "state": "finished",
          "config": {
            "buttons": [
              { "id": "ban-user-payment-abuse", "name": "Ban User" },
              { "id": "suspend-user-payment-abuse", "name": "Ban User" },
              { "id": "accept-user-payment-abuse", "name": "Ban User" }
          "app": "user_scorer", // name TBD
          "name": "Entity",
          "state": "finished",
          "app": "event_processor", // name TBD
          "name": "Event",
          "state": "finished",

    Response Fields

    • id

      The run ID of this Workflow, identifying this specific instance of the Workflow.

    • state

      The state of this Workflow instance.

      Possible Values
      • running
        This Workflow instance is still running, either because it is still sending the webhook or the user/order was put into a manual review queue
      • finished
        This Workflow instance is finished running and there is a Decision associated with it in the history section discussed below
      • failed
        This Workflow instance has failed to run.
    • config

      An object containing the configuration information for this Workflow.

      • id

        The configuration ID of the Workflow. This is the unique identifier of this Workflow, but not this Workflow instance.

      • version

        The version of this Workflow.

    • config_display_name

      The display name given to this Workflow in the Workflow editor.

    • abuse_types

      A list of abuse types configured in this workflow

      Possible Values
      • payment_abuse
        This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Payment Abuse abuse type.
      • promo_abuse
        This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Promo Abuse abuse type.
      • content_abuse
        This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Content Abuse abuse type.
      • account_abuse
        This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Account Abuse abuse type.
      • legacy
        This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Legacy abuse type.
    • entity

      The entity object containing information on the entity on which the Decision was taken.

      • type

        The type of entity on which the Decision was taken.

        Possible Values
        • user
          This entity is a user and so the following id field will be a $user_id
        • order
          This entity is an order and so the following id field will be an $order_id
      • id

        The unique identifier of the entity on which the Decision was taken.

    • history

      A list of object containing information on each app that was run in chronological order. The first item in the list is the most recent app to run.

      Note: The first 2 apps that ran ('event_processor' and 'user_scorer'/'order_scorer') are run on every Workflow and are not associated with any configured Routes.

      • app

        The type of app which was run.

        Possible Values
        • decision
          This is a Decision app, and is the result of either an automated Decision or a Decision from a manual review queue
        • review_queue
          This is a Manual Review Queue app, and indicates that the user/order went to a Manual Review Queue.
        • user_scorer
          This is a scoring app, specific to the user entity. This is a static app and always appears on Workflows triggered for the user entity.
        • order_scorer
          This is a scoring app, specific to the order entity. This is a static app and always appears on Workflows triggered for the order entity.
        • event_processor
          This is an event processing app. This is a static app and appears on every Workflow.
      • name

        The display name of the app which was run.

      • state

        The state of this app.

        Possible Values
        • running
          This app is still running, either because it is still sending a Decision webhook or the user/order is still in a manual review queue
        • finished
          This app is finished running.
        • failed
          This app has failed to run.
      • config

        The configuration information of the app.

        • decision_id

          The unique identifier of the Decision taken in this app.

          Note: This field only exists if the value for app is decision

        • buttons

          A list of button objects associated with this Manual Review Queue.

          Note: This field only exists if the value for app is review_queue

          • id

            The unique Decision ID for this button.

          • name

            The display name for this button.

    Formulas and Actions API

    NOTE: As of July, 2016 Formulas and Actions are a legacy option for automating fraud decisions with Sift. If you are a Sift customer that is already using Formulas, they will continue working as expected, but we encourage you to check out our new suite of automation tools - Workflows!

    For more information on integrating Formulas and Actions, view the tutorial.

    1. Synchronous Actions are the best way to get a real-time score at your key decision point, such as $create_order, $create_content, or $create_account.
    2. Action Webhooks are the best way to get updates about a change to a user's risk score or other state outside of your key event where you make an automated decision.

    Synchronous Actions

    Synchronous Actions are the best way to make a decision at your key decision point, such as $create_order, $create_content, or $create_account. Once you choose the event to make your Synchronous Action call on, simply append the '?return_action=true' to our Events API url or use one of our client libraries as shown below.

    Synchronous Action calls will return each user's risk score. You can enhance them to include any actions that should be taken on the user, order, or posting, such as block or review. Your fraud team can set up and configure actions in the console. Formulas and actions can be adjusted in the console at anytime without the need for developer resources. For an overview of creating Actions to enhance Synchronous Action calls, see our tutorial.

    curl -X POST https://api.sift.com/v203/events?return_action=true
    -H "Accept: application/json"
    -d '{
      "$api_key": "YOUR_SANDBOX_REST_API_KEY",
      "$type": "$create_order",
      "$user_id": "test_user"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # define event_properties here
    response = client.track("$create_order", event_properties, return_action=True)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # define event_properties here
    response = client.track("$create_order", event_properties, timeout=2, path=nil, false, sift_api_key, return_action=true)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient('YOUR_API_KEY');
    // define event_properties here
    $response = $client->track('$create_order', $properties, $timeout = 2, $path = null, FALSE, $returnAction = TRUE)


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: text/json;charset=UTF-8
    Connection: keep-alive
      "body": {
        "status": 0,
        "error_message": "OK",
        "request": "body_of_the_request_you_sent",
        "time": 1454517138,
        "score_response": {
          "status": 0,
          "error_message": "OK",
          "user_id": "sample_user2",
          "latest_label": { # present only if user is currently labeled
            "reasons": ["$spam"],
            "is_fraud": true,
            "time": 1454517070
          "score": 0.39944676614045643
          "reasons": [
              "name": "Number of users with the same billing address",
              "value": "3",
              "details": { # present only if there are details
                "users": "sample_user3,sample_user4"
          "actions": [
              "action": {
                "id": "take_action"
              "triggers": [
                  "source": "synchronous_action",
                  "trigger": {
                    "id": "568c65bfe4b04102ee5aa080"
                  "type": "formula"
              "time": 1454517138887,
              "id": "cd089ea60de36f3ac0dd47572fc4a00a7ffffead5805ca38:take_action",
              "entity": {
                "id": "sample_user2"
      "http_status_code": 200
    response.is_ok()            # false on failed score requests.
    response.http_status_code   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response.api_status         # see error codes and messages below
    # check for label
    bad_user = response.body['latest_label']['is_fraud'] if 'latest_label' in response.body else None
    # get Sift Score
    sift_score = round((response.body['score_response']['score'] * 100), 1) # e.g. 74.8
    # check if a certain action has been applied to a user or order
    prevent_action_id = 'prevent' # create in Sift Console: https://sift.com/console/actions/users
    entity_id = user_id
    for action in response.body['score_response']['actions']:
      if action['entity']['id'] == entity_id and action['action']['id'] == action_id:
        # take some action
    response.ok?()              # false on failed score requests.
    response.http_status_code   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response.api_status         # see error codes and messages below
    #check for label
    bad_user = response.body.has_key?('latest_label') ? response.body['latest_label']['is_fraud'] : nil
    # get score
    sift_score = (response.body['score_response']['score'] * 100).round(1) # e.g. 74.8
    # check if a certain action has been applied to a user or order
    prevent_action_id = 'prevent' # create in Sift Console: https://sift.com/console/actions/users
    for action in action_list
      if action['entity']['id'] == entity_id && action['action']['id'] == action_id
          # take some action
    prevent_action_id = 'prevent' # create in Sift Console: https://sift.com/console/actions/users
    prevent = action_in_list(prevent_action_id, user_id, response.body['score_response']['actions'])
    $response->isOk()           // false on failed score requests.
    $response->httpStatusCode   // 200 on successful score requests
    $response->apiStatus        // 0 on successful score requests.
    $response->apiErrorMessage  // see error codes and messages below
    // get score
    $siftScore = round(($response->body['score'] * 100), 1); //e.g. 74.8
    // check if a certain action has been applied to a user or order
    $preventActionID = 'take_action'; // create in Sift Console: https://sift.com/console/actions/users
    $entityId = $userID;
    foreach ($response->body['actions'] as $action) {
      if ($action['entity']['id'] == $entityId && $action['action']['id'] == $preventActionID) {
        print "action found!";

    Response Fields

    • status

      The success or error code (see relevant error codes below).

    • error_message

      Description of error or success.

    • request

      The content of the event you sent.

    • time

      The time the request was processed.

    • score_response

      The id of the user, matching what was passed in the Score API call.

      • status

        The status of the requested re-scoring and Formula check this event initiated.

      • error_message

        Description of error or success.

      • user_id

        The id of the user, matching what was passed in the Events API call.

      • latest_label

        Only returned if the user is currently labeled.

        • reasons

          A list of reasons that were given for the label. Only returned if one or more reasons were applied.

        • is_fraud

          True if the user is labeled Fraud, false if the user is labeled Not Fraud. The latest_label object will not be present if the user is unlabeled.

        • time

          The time the most recent label was applied to the user, as UNIX timestamp.

      • score

        Score for the user between 0.0 and 1.0. A score of 0.5 translates to a score a 50 in the console.

      • reasons

        The most significant reasons contributing to the user's risk score. The included values will vary.

        • name

          Name of the risk signal.

        • value

          The value for the risk signal.

        • details
          Object (optional)

          Additional details. Provided only when relevant.

          • users

            Users related to the user by the risk signal

      • actions

        A list of any actions that have been applied to the user, with the most recent action appearing first.

        • id

          Our unique id for this particular application of the action to this user. Used to reference our internal logs if needed.

        • action

          Contains the id associated with the action. This is the ActionID generated when setting up the action in your console. Our unique id for this particular application of the action to this user. Used to reference our internal logs if needed.

        • entity

          Contains the id of the entity the action was applied to (the user_id passed in the Score API call).

        • time

          The time the action was applied, as UNIX timestamp.

        • triggers

          A list of what triggered the application of this action to the user. For example, two Formulas and their ids.

    Error Codes

    Send your events with a $time field in milliseconds and resend on a 60 or a negative error code value in either status field.

    • -1

      Unexpected server-side error

    • -2

      Unexpected server-side error

    • -3

      Server-side timeout processing request. Please try again later.

    • -4

      Service currently unavailable. Please try again later.

    • 0


    • 51

      Invalid API key

    • 60

      Rate limited; too many events have been received in a short period of time. Note: make sure to check the status of the 'score_response' field for this error as well.

    Action webhooks

    Action webhooks are the best way to get updates about a change to the risk of a user outside of your key event where you must make an instant decision. Using Action webhooks requires setting up Actions and Formulas to trigger them in your console. For an overview, see our Formulas and Actions tutorial.

    See Action Webhooks Authentication for instructions on how to verify the requests you are receiving are coming from Sift.

      id: "3ff1082a4aea8d0c58e3643ddb7a5bb87ffffeb2492dca33",
      action: {
        id: "test",
        href: "https://sift.com/v3/accounts/5265ac265f5ce205a2bdc80f/actions/test"
      entity: {
        id: "example_order",
        href: "https://sift.com/v3/accounts/5265ac265f5ce205a2bdc80f/orders/example_order"
      time: 1454526160387,
      triggers: [
          type: "formula",
          source: "formula_service",
          trigger: {
            id: "556e4a1de4b04ed910169adb",
            href: "https://sift.com/v3/accounts/5265ac265f5ce205a2bdc80f/formulas/556e4a1de4b04ed910169adb"


    • id

      Our unique id for this particular application of the action to this user. Used to reference our internal logs if needed.

    • action

      Contains the id associated with the action. This is the ActionID generated when setting up the action in your console. Our unique id for this particular application of the action to this user. Used to reference our internal logs if needed.

    • entity

      Contains the id of the entity the action was applied to (the user_id passed in the Score API call).

    • time

      The time the action was applied, as UNIX timestamp.

    • triggers

      A list of what triggered the application of this action to the user. For example, two Formulas and their ids.


    Take advantage of webhook authentication to ensure that the request you receive is coming from Sift.


    • There can only be one active webhook key per account.
    • Generate your key on the Production API Keys page of your console.
    • The Production key is used for your Sandbox account.
    • The Signature will appear as the value for the HTTP header 'X-Sift-Science-Signature', which will arrive in the request. This header does not appear when you initially set up webhooks for Actions in the console.
    Switch to one of the programming language tabs for the specific language implementation of webhook signature verification.
    import json
    from hashlib import sha256
    import hmac
    from flask import request
    def webhook():
      # Let's check whether this webhook actually came from Sift!
      # First let's grab the signature from the postback's headers
      postback_signature = request.get("X-Sift-Science-Signature")
      # Next, let's try to assemble the signature on our side to verify
      postback_body = json.dumps(request.json)
      h = hmac.new(SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY, postback_body, sha1)
      verification_signature = "sha256={}".format(h.hexdigest())
      if verification_signature == postback_signature:
        raise SomeException()
    require 'json'
    require 'openssl'
    require 'sinatra'
    post '/webhook' do
      # Let's check whether this webhook actually came from Sift!
      # First let's grab the signature from the postback's headers
      postback_signature = request.env['X-Sift-Science-Signature']
      # Next, let's try to assemble the signature on our side to verify
      digest  = OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha256')
      calculated_hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(digest, SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY, request.body)
      verification_signature = "sha256=#{calculated_hmac}"
      if verification_signature == postback_signature
        puts "success"
        raise Exception
    BLOCK_ACTION = 'block'; #name of the Action you set up in the console
    # Let's check whether this webhook actually came from Sift!
    # First let's grab the signature from the postback's headers
    $webhookSignature = $headers['X-Sift-Science-Signature'];
    # Next, let's try to assemble the signature on our side to verify
    $verificationSignature  = "sha256=" . hash_hmac('sha256', $requestBody, $SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY);
    if ($webhookSignature == $verificationSignature) {
      $siftRequest = json_decode($requestBody);
      if ($siftRequest->action->id == BLOCK_ACTION) {

    Score API Overview

    The Sift APIs give you multiple ways to get a risk score for any of your users. A risk score is a measure of how likely a user is to commit abuse using your service. Scores are computed in real time from the data sent via the Events API and the Sift Javascript snippet.

    Sift calculates risk scores for four types of abuse:

    • Payment Abuse - A user fraudulently using a credit card or other payment method.
    • Content Abuse - A user creating content (e.g. spammy/scammy posts) or sending messages on your site in an abusive manner.
    • Promotion Abuse - A user gaming the terms of a promotion in an excessive or abusive way.
    • Account Abuse - A user using your service in a manner you deem abusive (e.g. fake accounts).

    You can get one or more of these abuse scores at a time. We will calculate scores for any of the abuse detection products you’ve enabled. Here is the pricing for our abuse prevention products.

    There are three different ways to get scores from Sift:

    1. Get a score synchronously when you send an event (most common)
    2. Get a score and workflows status synchronously when you send an event
    3. Get a score at a point in time without sending an event

    Getting risk scores synchronously when sending events

    Whenever you send an event, you can receive a Sift Score back synchronously in the response back from the API. This is particularly useful for when you are sending an event that maps to a key decision point for your business. Typically, customers find it most useful to get scores back after creating an account, order, content, or adding a promotion, but you can get scores back after passing any of the events we support.

    For events that you don't plan on using the score, it’s best that you don’t ask for the score as it will add some latency to the request.

    To get scores back when sending an event, just append the query parameter return_score=true to your API request. You can also request scores for specific abuse types using the abuse_types query parameter.

    curl -X POST "https://api.sift.com/v204/events?return_score=true&abuse_types=payment_abuse,promotion_abuse"
      -H "Accept: application/json"
      -d '{
        "$type"             : "$create_order",
        "$api_key"          : "YOUR_API_KEY",
        "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
        "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
        "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
        "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
        "$amount"           : 115940000, // $115.94
        "$currency_code"    : "USD"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # define event_properties here
    response = client.track("$create_order", event_properties, return_score=True, abuse_types=['payment_abuse', 'promotion_abuse'])
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # define event_properties here
    response = client.track("$create_order", event_properties, :return_score => true, :abuse_types => ["payment_abuse", "promotion_abuse"])
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // define event_properties here
    $response = $client->track('$create_order', $properties, array('return_score' => true, 'abuse_types' => array('payment_abuse', 'promotion_abuse')));
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.exception.SiftException;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(fieldSet).withScores();
    // or with specific abuse types
    request = client.buildRequest(fieldSet)
        .withScores("payment_abuse", "promotion_abuse");
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {

    If you are an existing customer who has not yet upgraded to our abuse-specific scores, you will need to set abuse_types to legacy to get a score.


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: text/json;charset=UTF-8
    Connection: keep-alive
      "body": {
        "status": 0,
        "error_message": "OK",
        "request": "body_of_the_request_you_sent",
        "time": 1454517138,
        "score_response": {
          "status": 0,
          "error_message": "OK",
          "user_id": "billy_jones_301",
          "scores": {
            "payment_abuse": {
              "score": 0.898391231245,
              "reasons": [
                  "name": "UsersPerDevice",
                  "value": 4,
                  "details": {
                    "users": "a, b, c, d"
            "promotion_abuse": {
              "score": 0.472838192111,
              "reasons": []
          "latest_labels": {
            "payment_abuse": {
              "is_fraud": true,
              "time": 1352201880,
              "description": "received a chargeback"
            "promotion_abuse": {
              "is_fraud": false,
              "time": 1362205000
      "http_status_code": 200
    response.is_ok()            # false on failed score requests.
    response.http_status_code   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response.api_status         # see error codes and messages below
    # check for a label for a specific abuse type
    bad_user = response.body['latest_labels']['payment_abuse']['is_fraud'] if 'latest_labels' in response.body else None
    # get Sift Score for a specific abuse type
    payment_abuse_score = round((response.body['scores']['payment_abuse']['score'] * 100), 1)
    response.ok?()              # false on failed score requests.
    response.http_status_code   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response.api_status         # see error codes and messages below
    # check for a label for a specific abuse type
    bad_user = response.body.has_key?('latest_labels') ? response.body['latest_labels']['payment_abuse']['is_fraud'] : nil
    # get Sift Score for a specific abuse type
    payment_abuse_score = (response.body['scores']['payment_abuse']['score'] * 100).round(1)
    response->isOk()           # false on failed score requests.
    response->httpStatusCode   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response->apiStatus        # see error codes and messages below
    # To grab the payment_abuse score:
    $siftScore = round(($response->body['scores']['payment_abuse']['score'] * 100, 1);
    import com.siftscience.model.Reason;
    response.isOk();               // false on failed score requests.
    response.getHttpStatusCode();  // 200 on successful score requests.
    response.getApiStatus();       // see error codes and messages below
    // check for a label for a specific abuse type
    // get Sift Score for a specific abuse type
    Long paymentAbuseScore = Math.round(response.getScore("payment_abuse") * 100);
    // get reasons for a Sift Score
    List<Reason> reasons = response.getReasons("payment_abuse");

    Response Fields

    • status

      The success or error code (see relevant error codes below).

    • error_message

      Description of status code.

    • request

      The content of the event you sent.

    • time

      The time the request was processed, in seconds since epoch.

    • score_response

      The requested scoring information for the given user.

      • status

        The success or error code (see relevant error codes below).

      • error_message

        Description of error if applicable.

      • scores

        The scores map contains all computed scores for all applicable abuse types for a given user. The map is keyed by abuse type, which could be one of: payment_abuse, account_abuse, content_abuse, promotion_abuse, account_takeover. The values in this map are objects which contain the following fields:

        • score

          Score for the user between 0.0 and 1.0. A score of 0.5 translates to a score a 50 in the console.

        • reasons

          A list of the most significant reasons for the score and the values associated with the user. The included values will vary based on the user. Includes related users in the details object when applicable.

          • name

            Name of the risk signal.

          • value

            Value of the risk signal.

          • details

            Additional details. Provided only when relevant. E.g., may contain a details field which contains the IDs of related users.

      • user_id

        The id of the user, matching what was passed in the Score API call.

      • latest_labels

        NOTE: Latest Labels section is only intended for customers using the Labels API.

        The latest_labels map contains entries for all abuse types for which the given user has been labeled. Note that the content of this map is not subject to the abuse types specified in the request; we always include all labels that have been applied to the given user. The map is keyed by abuse type, which could be one of: payment_abuse, account_abuse, content_abuse, promotion_abuse. The values in this map are objects which contain the following fields:

        • is_fraud

          true if the user is labeled Fraud, false if the user is labeled Not Fraud.

        • time

          The time this label was applied to the user. It is a UNIX timestamp in seconds.

        • description

          Freeform text description of the user and/or incident triggering the label.

    Error Codes

    • -4

      Service currently unavailable. Please try again later.

    • -3

      Server-side timeout processing request. Please try again later.

    • -2

      Unexpected server-side error

    • -1

      Unexpected server-side error

    • 0


    • 51

      Invalid API key

    • 54
    • 60

      Rate limited; too many events have been received in a short period of time

    Score API Reference

    The Score API is meant to get an up to date risk score when you don’t have new event data to pass. This is useful for when there is a time gap between when you send data for a user and are performing some action where you want to check risk and there is not a natural event to send at this point. Some examples of when you may want to check the score are before:

    • Shipping out a package
    • Finalizing a money transfer
    • Giving access to a prearranged vacation rental

    We do not recommend sending event data for a user and then very quickly attempting to get the score back with the Score API. If you need a score back quickly after an event, we can provide scores synchronously when events are sent. You can also synchronously get the status of a workflow and the score when you send an event.

    • You can only pull the score for $user_id values we've received Events API events or JavaScript activity for.
    • Use your Sandbox REST API key for accessing Sandbox users when testing. Switch to your Production API key for your live integration.
    • Documentation for the previous version of the Score API can be found here.

    Request all scores for a user:

    curl -i "https://api.sift.com/v204/score/USER_ID_HERE/?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    response = client.score("USER_ID_HERE")
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    response = client.score("USER_ID_HERE")
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $response = $client->score('USER_ID_HERE');
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.ScoreRequest;
    import com.siftscience.ScoreResponse;
    import com.siftscience.ScoreFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.exception.SiftException;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    ScoreRequest request = client.buildRequest(new ScoreFieldSet()
    ScoreResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {

    Request scores for specific abuse types using the abuse_types query parameter:

    curl -i "https://api.sift.com/v204/score/USER_ID_HERE/?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&abuse_types=payment_abuse,promotion_abuse"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    response = client.score("USER_ID_HERE", abuse_types=["payment_abuse", "promotion_abuse"])
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    response = client.score("USER_ID_HERE", :abuse_types => ["payment_abuse", "promotion_abuse"])
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $response = $client->score('USER_ID_HERE', array('abuse_types' => array('payment_abuse', 'promotion_abuse')));
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.ScoreRequest;
    import com.siftscience.ScoreResponse;
    import com.siftscience.ScoreFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    ScoreRequest request = client.buildRequest(new ScoreFieldSet()
            .setAbuseTypes(Arrays.asList("payment_abuse", "account_abuse")));
    ScoreResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: text/json;charset=UTF-8
    Connection: keep-alive
      "status": 0,
      "error_message": "OK",
      "user_id": "billy_jones_301",
      "scores": {
        "payment_abuse": {
          "score": 0.898391231245,
          "reasons": [
              "name": "UsersPerDevice",
              "value": 4,
              "details": {
                "users": "a, b, c, d"
        "promotion_abuse": {
          "score": 0.472838192111,
          "reasons": []
      "latest_labels": {
        "payment_abuse": {
          "is_fraud": true,
          "time": 1352201880,
          "description": "received a chargeback"
        "promotion_abuse": {
          "is_fraud": false,
          "time": 1362205000
    response.is_ok()            # false on failed score requests.
    response.http_status_code   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response.api_status         # see error codes and messages below
    # check for a label for a specific abuse type
    bad_user = response.body['latest_labels']['payment_abuse']['is_fraud'] if 'latest_labels' in response.body else None
    # get Sift Score for a specific abuse type
    payment_abuse_score = round((response.body['scores']['payment_abuse']['score'] * 100), 1)
    response.ok?()              # false on failed score requests.
    response.http_status_code   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response.api_status         # see error codes and messages below
    # check for a label for a specific abuse type
    bad_user = response.body.has_key?('latest_labels') ? response.body['latest_labels']['payment_abuse']['is_fraud'] : nil
    # get Sift Score for a specific abuse type
    payment_abuse_score = (response.body['scores']['payment_abuse']['score'] * 100).round(1)
    response->isOk()           # false on failed score requests.
    response->httpStatusCode   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response->apiStatus        # see error codes and messages below
    # To grab the payment_abuse score:
    $siftScore = round(($response->body['scores']['payment_abuse']['score'] * 100, 1);
    response.isOk();               // false on failed score requests.
    response.getHttpStatusCode();  // 200 on successful score requests.
    response.getApiStatus();       // see error codes and messages below
    // check for a label for a specific abuse type
    // get Sift Score for a specific abuse type
    Math.round(response.getScore("payment_abuse") * 100);

    Response Fields

    • status

      The success or error code (see relevant error codes below).

    • error_message

      Description of error if applicable.

    • scores

      The scores map contains all computed scores for all applicable abuse types for a given user. The map is keyed by abuse type, which could be one of: payment_abuse, account_abuse, content_abuse, promotion_abuse. The values in this map are objects which contain the following fields:

      • score

        Score for the user between 0.0 and 1.0. A score of 0.5 translates to a score a 50 in the console.

      • reasons

        A list of the most significant reasons for the score and the values associated with the user. The included values will vary based on the user. Includes related users in the details object when applicable.

        • name

          Name of the risk signal.

        • value

          Value of the risk signal.

        • details

          Additional details. Provided only when relevant. E.g., may contain a details field which contains the IDs of related users.

    • user_id

      The id of the user, matching what was passed in the Score API call.

    • latest_labels

      NOTE: Latest Labels section is only intended for customers using the Labels API.

      The latest_labels map contains entries for all abuse types for which the given user has been labeled. Note that the content of this map is not subject to the abuse types specified in the request; we always include all labels that have been applied to the given user. The map is keyed by abuse type, which could be one of: payment_abuse, account_abuse, content_abuse, promotion_abuse. The values in this map are objects which contain the following fields:

      • is_fraud

        true if the user is labeled Fraud, false if the user is labeled Not Fraud.

      • time

        The time this label was applied to the user. It is a UNIX timestamp in seconds.

      • description

        Freeform text description of the user and/or incident triggering the label.

    Error Codes

    • -4

      Service currently unavailable. Please try again later.

    • -3

      Server-side timeout processing request. Please try again later.

    • -2

      Unexpected server-side error

    • -1

      Unexpected server-side error

    • 0


    • 51

      Invalid API key

    • 54
    • 60

      Rate limited; too many events have been received in a short period of time

    Device Fingerprinting Integration Guide

    The Device Fingerprinting API is a separate product from our machine learning products. Our machine learning uses device fingerprints in making risk assessments and connecting fraudulent users, but does not provide access to this API. For an overview and a use case example, see our Device Fingerprinting API tutorial.

    Using the Device Fingerprinting API requires that you have installed our JavaScript snippet.

    Device Information

    GET   /v3/accounts/{accountId}/devices/{deviceId}

    You can use the data returned from this endpoint to help investigate suspicious devices. Data like the first time you've seen a device in addition to how the Sift network has labeled a device can help you determine whether to allow a user to continue interacting with your site.

    Example Request

    $ curl -XGET 'https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{id}/devices/{id}' \n -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n -u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    Example Response
    { "id" : "{id}", "label" : "fraud", "labeled_at" : 1241241214000, "first_seen" : 1412990802000, "users" : { "data" : [ { "id" : "bob123", "href" : "https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{id}/users/bob123" } ] }, "network" : { "first_seen" : 1412386033000, "score" : 0.8 }, "sessions" : { "has_more" : false, "total_results" : 1, "data" : [ { "time" : 1412990802000 } ] } }


    • accountId
      required · string

      Your Sift Account ID, which can be found in the Sift Console under the Developer Tab

    • deviceId
      required · string

      Device Fingerprints are strings that are 26 characters in length, e.g. "{id}"


    • id
      required · string

      Device Fingerprints are strings that are 26 characters in length, e.g. '{id}'

    • first_seen

      The time (occurred POSIX time in milliseconds) when Sift first identified this device on your site

    • users

      A list of references to external entities that this object is associated with

      • data
        required · array

        The list of data elements

        • id
          required · string

          id of the referenced resource

      • has_more

        True if there are more data elements available

      • next_ref

        A link to the next set of data elements, if available

      • total_results

        The total number of results, if known

    • sessions

      A list of sessions in which this device has been seen

      • data
        required · array

        A list of data related to sessions in which this device has been seen

        • time

          The time at which this Session ID was first set in the Sift JavaScript snippet.

      • has_more

        True if there are more sessions available

      • next_ref

        A link to the next set of sessions, if available

      • total_results

        The total number of results, if known

    • label

      The label applied to this device. If no label has been applied, this field is undefined

      Allowed Values
      • fraudThis device has exhibited behavior that is fraudulent or otherwise detrimental to your business
      • not_fraudThis device is not fraudulent
    • labeled_at

      The time at which the latest label was applied to this device. If no label has been applied, this field is null

    • network

      Data from our network of customers can help you make decisions on devices you've never seen before or haven't yet exhibited suspicious behavior.

      • first_seen

        The time (occurred POSIX time in milliseconds) when Sift first identified this device within our network of customers.

      • score

        A representation of how likely this device is fraudulent based on labels we've received from our network of customers. The range of values is 0 to 1, where 1 represents a device that almost certainly is fraudulent.

      • pervasiveness

        NOT YET AVAILABLE. A representation of how often Sift has seen this device in our network of customers. You might consider scores where pervasiveness is 'low' less strongly than scores where pervasiveness is 'medium' or 'high'.

        Allowed Values
        • low
        • medium
        • high

    Label a Device

    PUT   /v3/accounts/{accountId}/devices/{deviceId}/label

    Use this endpoint to flag devices as either "fraud" or "not_fraud". Most likely you will need to link some concept of a user (e.g. email address or user ID) to a Device Fingerprint at some point in your product flow. Then, when you find a user to be fraudulent, you should use this endpoint to flag the device the user originated from. You will prevent this device from interacting from your site using the /v3/accounts/{accountId}/session endpoint.

    Example Request

    $ curl -XPUT 'https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{id}/devices/{id}/label' \n -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n -u {YOUR_API_KEY}: \n -d '{ "label" : "fraud" }'
    Example Response
    { "label" : "fraud" }


    • accountId
      required · string

      Your Sift Account ID, which can be found in the Sift Console under the Developer Tab

    • deviceId
      required · string

      A device fingerprint is an identifier that represents a device.


    • label

      Allowed Values
      • fruadThis device has exhibited behavior that is fraudulent or otherwise detrimental to your business
      • not_fraudThis device is not fraudulent


    • label

      Allowed Values
      • fraudThis device has exhibited behavior that is fraudulent or otherwise detrimental to your business
      • not_fraudThis device is not fraudulent

    Session Information

    GET   /v3/accounts/{accountId}/sessions/{sessionId}

    Call this endpoint to determine whether you should allow the device seen for a given session id to continue interacting with your site. Embedded in the response is whether you've seen this device before as well as how you've labeled the device, if at all. If you've labeled a Device Fingerprint "fraud" in the past, you should most likely restrict this device's ability to interact with your site.

    Example Request

    $ curl -XGET 'https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/529def32fe6b73f31300126e/sessions/465733823' \n -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n -u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    Example Response
    { "id" : 465733823, "time" : 1412990802000, "device" : { "id" : "{id}", "label" : "fraud", "labeled_at" : 1241241214000, "first_seen" : 1412990802000, "network" : { "first_seen" : 1412386033000, "score" : 0.8 }, "sessions" : { "total_results" : 1, "has_more" : false, "data" : [ { "time" : 1412990802000 } ] } } }


    • accountId
      required · string

      Your Sift Account ID, which can be found in the Sift Console under the Developer Tab

    • sessionId
      required · string

      Session IDs should be initially set in our JavaScript snippet. Use the same session id to retrieve the device associated with this session. You should only call this endpoint from your server, and not from the client.


    • time

      The time at which this Session ID was first set in the Sift JavaScript snippet.

    • device

      Data related to a Device Fingerprint

      • id
        required · string

        A device fingerprint is an identifier that represents a device.

      • first_seen

        The time (occurred POSIX time in milliseconds) when Sift first identified this device on your site

      • users

        A list of references to external entities that this object is associated with

        • data
          required · array

          The list of data elements

          • id
            required · string

            id of the referenced resource

        • has_more

          True if there are more data elements available

        • next_ref

          A link to the next set of data elements, if available

        • total_results

          The total number of results, if known

      • sessions

        A list of sessions in which this device has been seen

        • data
          required · array

          A list of data related to sessions in which this device has been seen

          • time

            The time at which this Session ID was first set in the Sift JavaScript snippet.

        • has_more

          True if there are more sessions available

        • next_ref

          A link to the next set of sessions, if available

        • total_results

          The total number of results, if known

      • label

        The label applied to this device. If no label has been applied, this field is undefined

        Allowed Values
        • fraudThis device has exhibited behavior that is fraudulent or otherwise detrimental to your business
        • not_fraudThis device is not fraudulent
      • labeled_at

        The time at which the latest label was applied to this device. If no label has been applied, this field is null

      • network

        Data from our network of customers can help you make decisions on devices you've never seen before or haven't yet exhibited suspicious behavior.

        • first_seen

          The time (occurred POSIX time in milliseconds) when Sift first identified this device within our network of customers.

        • score

          A representation of how likely this device is fraudulent based on labels we've received from our network of customers. The range of values is 0 to 1, where 1 represents a device that almost certainly is fraudulent.

        • pervasiveness

          NOT YET AVAILABLE. A representation of how often Sift has seen this device in our network of customers. You might consider scores where pervasiveness is 'low' less strongly than scores where pervasiveness is 'medium' or 'high'.

          Allowed Values
          • low
          • medium
          • high

    Device Information for Users

    GET   /v3/accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}/devices

    Call this endpoint to determine the devices associated for a given user ID

    Example Request

    $ curl -XGET 'https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/529def32fe6b73f31300126e/users/465733823/devices' \n -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n -u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    Example Response
    { "data" : [ { "id" : "{id}", "href" : "https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{id}/devices/{id}" }, { "id" : "{id}", "href" : "https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{id}/devices/{id}" } ] }


    • accountId
      required · string

      Your Sift Account ID, which can be found in the Sift Console under the Developer Tab

    • userId
      required · string

      User IDs should be initially set in our JavaScript snippet. Use the same user ID to retrieve the devices associated with this user. You should only call this endpoint from your server, and not from the client.


    • schema
      required · string

      Reference to the json schema that the data in the array conforms to

    • data
      required · array

      A list of data items

      • id
        required · string

        id of the referenced resource

    • has_more

      Whether there are more results

    • next_ref

      A link to the next set of data, if available

    • total_results

      The total number of results, if known

    Partner API

    The Partner API allows e-commerce platforms, agencies, and payment gateways/processors to programmatically create Sift accounts for their own merchants, and to interact with those accounts on behalf of their merchants.

    Client libraries

    We have written client libraries in several languages to make using this API even easier.


    Partners can:

    • Create new Sift accounts on behalf of their customers
    • List the set of accounts they have created, along with the API keys for those accounts.
    • Submit events and labels, or request scores on behalf of their customers


    Before using the Partner API, please contact our partner support team and ask to be enabled as a partner.

    The operations below will require two credentialing pieces of information:

    • The Partner Account ID, which can be found in the "Settings" section of the Sift Console.
    • The partner's Production REST API key which can be found in the "API Keys" console page.


    In the following document "partner" will be the organization which is creating and using Sift accounts on behalf of a group of parties. We'll refer to those other parties as "merchants".


    All authentication is based on API keys.

    When acting as a Partner

    When doing partner-level or administrative actions (i.e. creating new accounts, configuring notifications, or listing merchant accounts), the partner's API key should be included in the request header under the Authorization key, with the Basic scheme. See the Account Creation curl example below for a concrete example.

    When acting on behalf of a Merchant

    When performing actions at the level of a specific existing merchant account, use the API key associated with that merchant (which is included in the response when the merchant's Sift account is first created). When using the existing Events API or Labels API this will mean placing this API key into the JSON body. When making requests against the Scores API, the API key will appear as a query parameter.

    Labels API Reference


    The Labels API is not recommended for customers signing up after February 1st, 2017.


    The Labels API is a way to tell Sift which transactions or events are fraudulent or legitimate. By telling us this information, Sift can identify abuse patterns unique to your business. Labels are used by the platform to generate the risk scores you within your application to automate your fraud fighting.

    Labels API is no longer recommended for new customers. Decisions are now the recommended integration, they enable you to send more granular and powerful feedback to our machine learning system. Learn more about Decisions.

    For customers already using Labels API, don't worry! It is still a supported integration method. If you are interested in migrating to Decisions, please contact your account manager or support@sift.com and we can help.

    How it Works

    • Labeling events as fraudulent helps us determine other events that are likely to be fraudulent.
    • Labeling events as legitimate is useful for when a user has a high score but is known to be legitimate; it will help lower your false positive rate.
    • If you want to change an existing label for a user ID - for example, from risky to valid - all you need to do is send a new label and we'll overwrite the existing value.
    • If instead you want to remove labels, you can use our Unlabel API.

    Note: You can find the documentation for the previous version of this API here.

    Labeling a User

    To label a user ID, send an HTTP POST to our Label API endpoint:


    Be sure to replace INSERT_USER_ID with the ID of the user you are labeling. The response should have an HTTP status code of 200 and a status of 0. See our Error Codes for more information on non-zero statuses.

    // Example curl request to label a user:
    curl -X POST https://api.sift.com/v204/users/INSERT_USER_ID/labels -d \n'{
      "$api_key"     : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$is_fraud"      : true,
      "$abuse_type"  : "payment_abuse",
      "$description" : "The user was testing cards repeatedly for a valid card",
      "$source"      : "manual review",
      "$analyst"     : "someone@your-site.com"
    // Example of returned response:
      "time" : 1418757635 ,
      "status" : 0 ,
      "request" :
          "$api_key"     : "YOUR_API_KEY", 
          "$is_fraud"      : true, 
          "$abuse_type"  : "payment_abuse", 
          "$description" : "The user was testing cards repeatedly for a valid card", 
          "$source"      : "manual review", 
          "$analyst"     : "someone@your-site.com" 
      }" ,
       "error_message" : "OK"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    properties = {
      "$is_fraud"      : True, # ... or False; Required
      "$abuse_type"  : "payment_abuse", # Required
      "$description" : "The user was testing cards repeatedly for a valid card", # Optional
      "$source"      : "manual review", # Optional
      "$analyst"     : "someone@your-site.com" # Optional
    response = client.label("billy_jones_301", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    properties = {
      "$is_fraud"      => true, # ... or false; Required
      "$abuse_type"  => "payment_abuse", # Required
      "$description" => "The user was testing cards repeatedly for a valid card", # Optional
      "$source"      => "manual review", # Optional
      "$analyst"     => "someone@your-site.com" # Optional
    response = client.label("billy_jones_301", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $properties = array(
      '$is_fraud'      => true, // ... or false; Required Field
      '$abuse_type'  => 'payment_abuse', // Required
      '$description' => 'The user was testing cards repeatedly for a valid card', // Optional
      '$source'      => 'manual review', // Optional
      '$analyst'     => 'someone@your-site.com' // Optional
    $response = $client->label('billy_jones_301', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.LabelRequest;
    import com.siftscience.LabelResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.LabelFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    LabelRequest request = client.buildRequest(new LabelFieldSet()
            .setDescription("The user was testing cards repeatedly for a valid card")
            .setSource("manual review")
    LabelResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true
    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift API key.

    • $is_fraud
      required · Boolean

      Indicates whether a user is engaging in behavior deemed harmful to your business. Set to true if the user is engaging in abusive activity. Set to false if the user is engaging in valid activity.

    • $abuse_type
      required · String

      The type of abuse for which you want to send a label. It's important to send a label specific to the type of abuse the user is committing so that Sift can learn about specific patterns of behavior. You'll end up with more accurate results this way.

      Allowed values
      • payment_abuse
        A user using stolen payment information (e.g. a stolen credit card) to purchase goods or services.
      • content_abuse
        A user creating content or sending messages on your site in an abusive manner. This includes spam posts that pollute your site, fake listings intended to scam other users, spammy messages to other users, and any other fraudulent or abusive content.
      • promotion_abuse
        A user gaming the terms of a promotion in an excessive or abusive way. A promotion includes things like coupons, referral credits, limited offers, free trial periods, etc.
      • account_abuse
        A user who uses your service in a manner you deem abusive. This behavior can include creating fake/duplicate accounts or any other abusive patterns specific to your business.
    • $description

      Freeform text description of the user and/or incident triggering the label. Useful as annotation on why the label was added.

    • $source

      String describing the original source of the label information (e.g. payment gateway, manual review, etc.).

    • $analyst

      Unique identifier (e.g. email address) of the analyst who applied the label. Useful for tracking purposes after the fact.

    Unlabeling a User ID

    If you are unsure whether a user is fraudulent or legitimate, you can always remove labels and leave the user in a neutral state. To unlabel a user for a particular abuse type, send an HTTP DELETE to our Labels API endpoint with the abuse_type query parameter:


    This API call should return an HTTP status code of 204.

    In the rare case that you want to remove all labels for all abuse types for a particular user, send an HTTP DELETE to our Labels API endpoint without the abuse_type query parameter:


    If you just want to change an existing label - for example, from fraudulent to legitimate - all you need to do is send a new label and we'll overwrite the existing value. Learn more about labeling a user.

    Note: You can find the documentation for the previous version of this API here.

    // Example curl request to remove a payment abuse label:
    curl -X DELETE "https://api.sift.com/v204/users/USER_ID/labels/?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&abuse_type=payment_abuse"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY - production key if not testing")
    response = client.unlabel("billy_jones_301", abuse_type="payment_abuse")
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY - production key if not testing")
    response = client.unlabel("billy_jones_301", :abuse_type => "payment_abuse")
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY - production key if not testing'));
    $response = $client->unlabel('billy_jones_301', array('abuse_type' => 'payment_abuse'));
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.UnlabelRequest;
    import com.siftscience.UnlabelResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.UnlabelFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    UnlabelRequest request = client.buildRequest(new UnlabelFieldSet()
    UnlabelResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true

    Sift API Overview

    Sift is a machine learning platform that helps stop fraud and abuse online. Sift empowers businesses to make accurate, real-time decisions that both improve user experience and increase revenue. You can use Sift whether you’re building a brand new risk system or looking to augment an existing legacy system.

    Sift makes risk predictions in real-time using your own data and data from the 100s of millions of users in Sift’s global network. Our machine learning systems identify patterns of behavior across thousands of device, user, network, and transactional signals. These are often patterns that only a machine learning system can spot. Using Sift, businesses have stopped 100s billions of dollars of fraud worldwide.

    There are 5 different unique types of abuse that Sift can stop:

    • Payment Abuse - Reduce friction at checkout to increase revenue and stop chargebacks before they hurt your business.
    • Account Abuse - Stop fake accounts from polluting your service and block bad users before they harm your business.
    • Account Takeover - Stop bad actors from hijacking users accounts. Keep your users safe and ensure that they always trust your service.
    • Content Abuse - Stop spammy and scammy posts from polluting your service. Keep your users safe from malicious actors.
    • Promotion Abuse - Make sure you’re only rewarding real users by stopping referral rings and repeated use of promotions.

    Sift easily integrates into your existing systems using modern REST APIs, Javascript snippet, and SDKs for iOS and Android. In addition, Sift offers Workflows, a powerful rules automation platform, and Review Queues. These enable you to build a complete solution with Sift.

    The next sections will walk you through getting started with Sift.

    Sending Data to Sift

    To use Sift, we need to know about your users, what they do with your service, and what actions you take in response to your users. This includes:

    • How your users are interacting on your website and/or mobile apps (eg what pages they are visiting, which devices they are using, how long they spend on each page, etc). We automatically collect this data when you add our JavaScript snippet to your website and our Mobile SDKs to your app.
    • What actions your users are taking, usually key user lifecycle events (eg creating an account, placing an order, posting content to other users, etc.). You will send this data from your application to Sift via our REST API.
    • What actions your business is taking in response to users (eg approve an order, ban user due to fraud, cancel order due to chargeback, etc). You will also send this data from your application to Sift via our Decisions API.

    Because Sift gets smarter the more data it has about your business, you can jump start your integration by backfilling a few months worth of historical data.

    If you have any questions about what data to send to Sift, check our integration guides for recommendations based on your type of business. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at support@sift.com.

    Get Started with Sift Scores

    Once you start sending data, Sift starts to make predictions about whether a user will be good or bad. Sift represents this risk with a score between 0 and 100, where risky users have higher scores. Sift generates a unique score per type of fraud you're preventing (e.g. payment fraud, content abuse, etc.), so a user could have a high score for one type of abuse and a low score for another.

    Sift’s Risk Scores are generated in real-time in response to whatever data has been sent. As you send more data for a user, the predictions will become more accurate. Scores can both increase or decrease in response to new data. It all depends on whether the user is exhibiting good or risky patterns.

    You’ll use Sift Risk Scores to help you make decisions about your users at key lifecycle events (e.g. creating an account, placing an order, etc.). For example, whether you want to automatically block an order, send it to manual review or approve it, all these choices can be decided based on the Sift Score. Since all businesses are different, finding your unique score thresholds that achieve your business goals is key. Don’t hesitate to email support@sift.com if you need any help choosing the score thresholds that make sense for you.

    Build your Business Logic With Sift Scores

    The final step to using Sift is adding business logic that makes Decisions based on the Sift Risk Score. This step is so important because the real power of Sift is using machine learning to efficiently and accurately automate decisions in your business.

    Here’s an example of using Sift to stop payments fraud. When an order is created by a user, the business checks the Sift Score:

    • If the score is low, automatically approve the order.
    • If the score is high, automatically block the order and flag the user.
    • If the score is mid range, send the order to a review queue where an analyst can decide the best next step.

    To build this business logic, there are two different approaches that you can take. You should choose your approach based on your business needs.

    Create a Sift Workflow

    You can build your business logic on Sift with our Workflows Platform. Workflows let you set up criteria that get evaluated whenever specified events occur. For example, you can setup a Workflow that evaluates whenever a user creates an account. You can specify criteria (e.g. country = “Canada” & Sift Score > 80) that when met, Sift will auto-block, auto-accept, or send the user to a Sift Review Queue for manual review. The configuration is all up to you, and logic can be updated by your fraud manager without any developer involvement. Learn more about setting up Sift Workflows.

    Create Business Logic Within Your App

    You can build your business logic within your application using Sift Scores. You can request Sift Scores synchronously each time you send an event. This will allow you to implement Sift Scores into your existing internal systems and manual review tools. Note, make sure to send all of the decisions from your system to Sift as Decision events.

    For more information on building any of the above, check out our list of vertical-specific tutorials. They'll help you customize your Sift integration to fit your unique business needs. Client libraries are also available.

    Installing the JavaScript Snippet

    The JavaScript snippet tracks user interaction with your website and collects device information.

    Important: only include the JavaScript snippet when the page is accessed externally by a user of your website. If your internal tools offer a way to simulate logging into a user's account, for example to investigate a user or place a phone order, it is important that you do not include the JavaScript snippet in those cases so that we do not link your device and IP address with the user.

    Install the JavaScript snippet

    1. Insert this JavaScript snippet onto your webpage, just after the opening <body> tag:
      <script type="text/javascript">
        var _user_id = 'al_capone'; // Set to the user's ID, username, or email address, or '' if not yet known.
        var _session_id = 'unique_session_id'; // Set to a unique session ID for the visitor's current browsing session.
        var _sift = window._sift = window._sift || [];
        _sift.push(['_setAccount', 'INSERT_BEACON_KEY_HERE']);
        _sift.push(['_setUserId', _user_id]);
        _sift.push(['_setSessionId', _session_id]);
       (function() {
         function ls() {
           var e = document.createElement('script');
           e.src = 'https://cdn.sift.com/s.js';
         if (window.attachEvent) {
           window.attachEvent('onload', ls);
         } else {
           window.addEventListener('load', ls, false);
    2. Change the parameter to _setAccount above to your JavaScript Snippet key.
    3. Set _session_id to a string that identifies a unique session ID for the visitor's current browsing session.
    4. Set _user_id to a string that identifies the user, e.g. a user ID, username, or email address. (Leave user_id blank if you do not yet know the ID of the user.). This user ID should be consistent with $user_id in your Events API requests.
    5. If you have a single-page app, see our help article.

    • To minimize download latency, we've hosted these files on Google CDN. To minimize page load delay, this code executes as asynchronously as possible, yielding several times.
    • This code will set a long-lived cookie named __ssid on your domain, also known as a first-party cookie. We only use this to identify unique visitors. You can optionally set the domain for the cookie via another JavaScript parameter _setCookieDomain, _sift.push(['_setCookieDomain','subdomain.foo.com']);

    Mobile SDK Overview

    The Sift Mobile SDKs collect and send device information and app life cycle events to Sift.

    Broadly, the Mobile SDKs are the analogue to the Sift JavaScript snippet. Just like the JavaScript snippet allows Sift to collect a range of browser properties and client-side user actions, the Mobile SDKs allow mobile applications to collect and send device properties and application lifecycle events to Sift. These events are the foundational data that drives machine learning at Sift.

    The Mobile SDKs operate at high performance and are designed to be simple, robust and easy to integrate. Performance optimizations that reduce end-user impact include batching, compression, deduplication, archiving, and many other techniques detailed in this blog post.

    iOS SDK – Integrate the iOS SDK into your mobile application.

    Android SDK – Integrate the Android SDK into your mobile application.

    iOS SDK

    Installing the library

    The SDK can be installed through either CocoaPods or Carthage.


    • Add this to your Podfile: pod 'Sift' (this uses the latest version).
    • Run pod install.


    • Add this to your Cartfile: github "SiftScience/sift-ios" (this uses the latest version)
    • Run carthage update.

    Configuration & Set Up:

    At a bare minimum, configuring your use of the Sift iOS SDK requires passing in your account id and beacon key. Your account id is retrievable by your account's admin in your profile section. The beacon key is the same key that is used in your Sift JS Snippet, and can be found in the developer section. Note in particular that this key is not considered secret; a sophisticated bad actor could recover this key from your app, or from the JS beacon, and use it to submit mobile events.

    1. Initialize the Sift instance

      The SDK works in the background, so you have to initialize it when your app starts. It usually makes most sense to initialize the SDK in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.

      Here is an example of what you would do within AppDelegate.m:

      #import "Sift/Sift.h"

      Add the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions instance method if it doesn't exist, and insert this code snippet (replacing the placeholder strings with your Sift account credentials):

      Sift *sift = [Sift sharedInstance];
      [sift setAccountId:@"YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID"];
      [sift setBeaconKey:@"YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_SNIPPET_KEY"];

      Import the Sift framework via CocoaPods or Carthage as described above. Create a bridging header and add it to Build Settings > Swift Compiler - General > Objective-C Bridging Header.

      Add the following code snippet to your AppDelegate.swift file (replacing the placeholder strings with your Sift account credentials):

      let sift = Sift.sharedInstance
      sift().accountId = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID"
      sift().beaconKey = "YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_SNIPPET_KEY"
      // Set the user ID once it is available
      sift().userId = "USER_ID_GOES_HERE"
    2. (Recommended) If your app does not use motion sensors (accelerometer, gyro, and magnetometer), add the following to the configuration block above: [sift setAllowUsingMotionSensors:YES];. This enables the SDK to collect motion data in the background.
    3. If your app uses user location data but you do not want send it to Sift, add the following to the configuration block above: [sift setDisallowCollectingLocationData:YES];.
    4. Set the user ID for the user, this allows us to associate mobile data with data sent via Sift’s Rest API and Java Script. When the user ID is available (for example, when user has just logged in), please set the user ID:
      [[Sift sharedInstance] setUserId:@"USER_ID"];
    5. (Recommended) Add the following to your application’s Info.plist file. This change allows us to detect whether or not Cydia is installed. This step is optional, but highly recommended.

    Android SDK

    Installing the library

    Add the latest version of the Sift SDK to your application's build.gradle file:

    dependencies {
      implementation 'com.siftscience:sift-android:VERSION'

    If your application uses Google Play Services, you will need to configure your build.gradle file to fix its dependency version:

    compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:YOUR_GMS_VERSION'

    You may also need to add the following packagingOptions to the main android block:

    android {
      packagingOptions {
        exclude 'META-INF/DEPENDENCIES.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE'
        exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE'
        exclude 'META-INF/DEPENDENCIES'
        exclude 'META-INF/notice.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/license.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/dependencies.txt'
        exclude 'META-INF/LGPL2.1'


    There are two different integration paths to take for incorporating Sift into your application.

    The first one will be detailed below in the Application Integration section. Follow these instructions if your application flow is primarily based on Activities.

    If your application flow is based on a combination of Activities and Fragments, please refer to the Custom Integration section.

    Application Integration

    Add Sift to your Application file

    Create an Application file if you haven’t already. Create an internal class that implements the ActivityLifecycleCallbacks interface and register Sift as shown below:

    import siftscience.android.Sift;
    public class App extends Application {
        public void onCreate() {
            registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new ActivityLifecycleCallbacksHandler());
        private static final class ActivityLifecycleCallbacksHandler
                implements ActivityLifecycleCallbacks {
            public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle bundle) {
                Sift.open(activity, new Sift.Config.Builder()
                    // Uncomment to disallow location collection
                    // .withDisallowLocationCollection(true)
            public void onActivityPaused(Activity activity) {
            public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) {

    Set the user ID

    As soon as your application is aware of the user ID, set it on the Sift instance using the code below. All subsequent events will be associated with that user ID.


    If the user logs out of your application or their session ends, you should unset the user ID:


    Custom Integration

    Initialize Sift in your main Activity

    Configure the Sift object in the onCreate method of your application's main Activity (the one that begins the application). If the user ID is known at this point, you can set it here. Otherwise, you should set it as soon as it is known. In the main Activity, also override onDestroy and onPause as shown:

    import siftscience.android.Sift;
    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            Sift.open(this, new Sift.Config.Builder()
                // Uncomment to disallow location collection
                // .withDisallowLocationCollection(true)
        protected void onPause() {
        protected void onDestroy() {

    Add Sift to your application flow

    For each Activity or Fragment that represents a unique page in your application flow, override onStart, onPause, and onStop:

    public class OtherActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        protected void onStart(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            // For Fragments, use Sift.open(this.getActivity()) instead
        protected void onPause() {
        protected void onStop() {

    Set the user ID

    As soon as your application is aware of the user ID, set it on the Sift instance using the code below. All subsequent events will be associated with that user ID.


    If the user logs out of your application or their session ends, you should unset the user ID:


    Events API Reference

    Use the Events API to record the core actions users take in your application. The more detail we capture about user behaviors, the better we can distinguish between good and bad users. We have two types of events:

    • Reserved events are events are sent in a standard format, allowing us to do lots of advanced analysis on the values sent. When possible, model the actions users take on your site or app with reserved events.
    • Custom events are events you create to capture actions unique to your application. If there are key actions most of your users take that are not captured by our reserved events, send these as custom event.

    Each event has fields that provide details.

    • Each event accepts required, reserved, and custom fields.
    • Some fields are of type object or object list.

    Events API Endpoint

    Sift's Events API accepts event data as a JSON request body via a HTTP POST request at this endpoint:


    Every event must contain your $api_key, the event $type, and a $user_id (if this is not available, you can alternatively provide a $session_id). Make sure to look at our error codes.


    Use $create_order to record when a user submits an order for products or services they intend to purchase. This API event should contain the products/services ordered, the payment instrument(s), and user identification data.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after login or account creation. Required if no $user_id values is provided.

    • $order_id

      The ID for tracking this order in your system.

    • $user_email

      Email of the user creating this order. Note: If the user's email is also their account ID in your system, set both the $user_id and $user_email fields to their email address.

    • $amount

      Total transaction amount in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros.

    • $currency_code

      ISO-4217 currency code for the amount. If your site uses alternative currencies, specify them here.

    • $billing_address

      The billing address as entered by the user. occurred an address object.

    • $payment_methods
      Array of Payment Methods

      The payment information associated with this order. occurred an array of nested payment_method objects containing payment type, payment gateway, credit card bin, etc.

      Note: As opposed to $transaction, $create_order takes an array of $payment_method objects, so you can record orders that are paid for using multiple payments. See Payment Method under Complex Field Types for more details.

    • $shipping_address

      The shipping address as entered by the user. occurred a nested address object.

    • $expedited_shipping

      Whether the user requested priority/expedited shipping on their order.

    • $items
      Array of Items

      The list of items ordered. occurred a JSON array of $item objects.

    • $seller_user_id

      For marketplace businesses, this is the seller's user ID, typically a database primary key.Follow our guidelines for $user_id values.

    • $promotions
      Array of Promotions

      The list of promotions that apply to this order. You can add one or more promotions when creating or updating an order. occurred a JSON array of promotion objects. You can also separately add promotions to the account via the $add_promotion event.

    • $shipping_method

      Indicates the method of delivery to the user.

      Allowed Values
      • "$electronic""$physical"
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $create_order event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"             : "$create_order",
      "$api_key"          : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
      "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
      "$amount"           : 115940000, // $115.94
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$billing_address"  : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      "$payment_methods"  : [
              "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
              "$payment_gateway" : "$braintree",
              "$card_bin"        : "542486",
              "$card_last4"      : "4444"
      "$shipping_address"  : {
          "$name"          : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"         : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"     : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"     : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"          : "New London",
          "$region"        : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"       : "US",
          "$zipcode"       : "03257"
      "$expedited_shipping" : true,
      "$shipping_method"    : "$physical",
      "$items"             : [
          "$item_id"        : "12344321",
          "$product_title"  : "Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor",
          "$price"          : 4990000, // $4.99
          "$upc"            : "097564307560",
          "$sku"            : "03586005",
          "$brand"          : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$category"       : "Food and Grocery",
          "$tags"           : ["Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"],
          "$quantity"       : 4
          "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
          "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
          "$price"          : 39990000, // $39.99
          "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
          "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
          "$brand"          : "Slanket",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
          "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
          "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
          "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
          "$quantity"       : 2
      "$ip"                 : "",
      // For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     : "slinkys_emporium",
      "$promotions"         : [
          "$promotion_id" : "FirstTimeBuyer",
          "$status"       : "$success",
          "$description"  : "$5 off",
          "$discount"     : {
            "$amount"                   : 5000000,  // $5.00
            "$currency_code"            : "USD",
            "$minimum_purchase_amount"  : 25000000  // $25.00
      // Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      : "apple_pay", // "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         : "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     : "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" : false
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $create_order event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
      "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
      "$amount"           : 115940000, # $115.94
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$billing_address"  : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      "$payment_methods"  : [
              "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
              "$payment_gateway" : "$braintree",
              "$card_bin"        : "542486",
              "$card_last4"      : "4444"
      "$shipping_address"  : {
          "$name"          : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"         : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"     : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"     : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"          : "New London",
          "$region"        : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"       : "US",
          "$zipcode"       : "03257"
      "$expedited_shipping" : True,
      "$shipping_method"    : "$physical",
      "$items"             : [
          "$item_id"        : "12344321",
          "$product_title"  : "Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor",
          "$price"          : 4990000, # $4.99
          "$upc"            : "097564307560",
          "$sku"            : "03586005",
          "$brand"          : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$category"       : "Food and Grocery",
          "$tags"           : ["Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"],
          "$quantity"       : 4
          "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
          "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
          "$price"          : 39990000, # $39.99
          "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
          "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
          "$brand"          : "Slanket",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
          "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
          "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
          "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
          "$quantity"       : 2
      "$ip"                 : "",
      # For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     : "slinkys_emporium",
      "$promotions"         : [
          "$promotion_id" : "FirstTimeBuyer",
          "$status"       : "$success",
          "$description"  : "$5 off",
          "$discount"     : {
            "$amount"                   : 5000000,  # $5.00
            "$currency_code"            : "USD",
            "$minimum_purchase_amount"  : 25000000  # $25.00
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      : "apple_pay", # "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         : "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     : "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" : False
    response = client.track("$create_order", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $create_order event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id"       => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$order_id"         => "ORDER-28168441",
      "$user_email"       => "bill@gmail.com",
      "$amount"           => 115940000, # $115.94
      "$currency_code"    => "USD",
      "$billing_address"  => {
        "$name"         => "Bill Jones",
        "$phone"        => "1-415-555-6041",
        "$address_1"    => "2100 Main Street",
        "$address_2"    => "Apt 3B",
        "$city"         => "New London",
        "$region"       => "New Hampshire",
        "$country"      => "US",
        "$zipcode"      => "03257"
      "$payment_methods"  => [
          "$payment_type"    => "$credit_card",
          "$payment_gateway" => "$braintree",
          "$card_bin"        => "542486",
          "$card_last4"      => "4444"
      "$shipping_address"  => {
        "$name"          => "Bill Jones",
        "$phone"         => "1-415-555-6041",
        "$address_1"     => "2100 Main Street",
        "$address_2"     => "Apt 3B",
        "$city"          => "New London",
        "$region"        => "New Hampshire",
        "$country"       => "US",
        "$zipcode"       => "03257"
      "$expedited_shipping" => true,
      "$shipping_method"    => "$physical",
      "$items"             => [
          "$item_id"        => "12344321",
          "$product_title"  => "Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor",
          "$price"          => 4990000, # $4.99
          "$upc"            => "097564307560",
          "$sku"            => "03586005",
          "$brand"          => "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$manufacturer"   => "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$category"       => "Food and Grocery",
          "$tags"           => ["Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"],
          "$quantity"       => 4
          "$item_id"        => "B004834GQO",
          "$product_title"  => "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
          "$price"          => 39990000, # $39.99
          "$upc"            => "67862114510011",
          "$sku"            => "004834GQ",
          "$brand"          => "Slanket",
          "$manufacturer"   => "Slanket",
          "$category"       => "Blankets & Throws",
          "$tags"           => ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
          "$color"          => "Texas Tea",
          "$quantity"       => 2
      "$ip"                 => "",
      # For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     => "slinkys_emporium",
      "$promotions"         => [
          "$promotion_id" => "FirstTimeBuyer",
          "$status"       => "$success",
          "$description"  => "$5 off",
          "$discount"     => {
            "$amount"                   => 5000000,  # $5.00
            "$currency_code"            => "USD",
            "$minimum_purchase_amount"  => 25000000  # $25.00
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      => "apple_pay", # "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         => "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     => "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" => false
    response = client.track("$create_order", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $create_order event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'          => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$session_id'       => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
      '$order_id'         => 'ORDER-28168441',
      '$user_email'       => 'bill@gmail.com',
      '$amount'           => 115940000, // $115.94
      '$currency_code'    => 'USD',
      '$billing_address'  => array(
        '$name'         => 'Bill Jones',
        '$phone'        => '1-415-555-6041',
        '$address_1'    => '2100 Main Street',
        '$address_2'    => 'Apt 3B',
        '$city'         => 'New London',
        '$region'       => 'New Hampshire',
        '$country'      => 'US',
        '$zipcode'      => '03257'
      '$payment_methods'  =>array(
          '$payment_type'    => '$credit_card',
          '$payment_gateway' => '$braintree',
          '$card_bin'        => '542486',
          '$card_last4'      => '4444'
      '$shipping_address'  => array(
        '$name'          => 'Bill Jones',
        '$phone'         => '1-415-555-6041',
        '$address_1'     => '2100 Main Street',
        '$address_2'     => 'Apt 3B',
        '$city'          => 'New London',
        '$region'        => 'New Hampshire',
        '$country'       => 'US',
        '$zipcode'       => '03257'
      '$expedited_shipping' => True,
      '$shipping_method'    => '$physical',
      '$items'             => array(
        // A list of items
          '$item_id'        => '12344321',
          '$product_title'  => 'Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor',
          '$price'          => 4990000, // $4.99
          '$upc'            => '097564307560',
          '$sku'            => '03586005',
          '$brand'          => 'Peters Kettle Corn',
          '$manufacturer'   => 'Peters Kettle Corn',
          '$category'       => 'Food and Grocery',
          '$tags'           => array('Popcorn', 'Snacks', 'On Sale'),
          '$quantity'       => 4
          '$item_id'        => 'B004834GQO',
          '$product_title'  => 'The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea',
          '$price'          => 39990000, // $39.99
          '$upc'            => '67862114510011',
          '$sku'            => '004834GQ',
          '$brand'          => 'Slanket',
          '$manufacturer'   => 'Slanket',
          '$category'       => 'Blankets & Throws',
          '$tags'           => array('Awesome', 'Wintertime specials'),
          '$color'          => 'Texas Tea',
          '$quantity'       => 2
      '$ip'                 => '',
      // For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      '$seller_user_id'     => 'slinkys_emporium',
      '$promotions'         => array(
          '$promotion_id' => 'FirstTimeBuyer',
          '$status'       => '$success',
          '$description'  => '$5 off',
          '$discount'     => array(
            '$amount'                   => 5000000,  // $5.00
            '$currency_code'            => 'USD',
            '$minimum_purchase_amount'  => 25000000  // $25.00
      // Sample Custom Fields
      'digital_wallet'      => 'apple_pay' // 'google_wallet', etc.
      'coupon_code'         => 'dollarMadness',
      'shipping_choice'     => 'FedEx Ground Courier',
      'is_first_time_buyer' => False
    $response = $client->track('$create_order', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.CreateOrderFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Address;
    import com.siftscience.model.Item;
    import com.siftscience.model.Discount;
    import com.siftscience.model.Promotion;
    import com.siftscience.model.PaymentMethod;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new CreateOrderFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setBillingAddress(new Address()
                    .setName("Bill Jones")
                    .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
                    .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
                    .setCity("New London")
                    .setRegion("New Hampshire")
            .setPaymentMethods(Arrays.asList(new PaymentMethod()
            .setShippingAddress(new Address()
                    .setName("Bill Jones")
                    .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
                    .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
                    .setCity("New London")
                    .setRegion("New Hampshire")
                    new Item()
                            .setProductTitle("Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor")
                            .setBrand("Peters Kettle Corn")
                            .setManufacturer("Peters Kettle Corn")
                            .setCategory("Food and Grocery")
                            .setTags(Arrays.asList("Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"))
                    new Item()
                            .setProductTitle("The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea")
                            .setCategory("Blankets & Throws")
                            .setTags(Arrays.asList("Awesome", "Wintertime specials"))
            .setPromotions(Arrays.asList(new Promotion()
                    .setDescription("$5 off")
                    .setDiscount(new Discount()
            // Sample Custom Fields
            .setCustomField("digital_wallet", "apple_pay")
            .setCustomField("coupon_code", "dollarMadness")
            .setCustomField("shipping_choice", "Fedex Ground Courier")
            .setCustomField("is_first_time_buyer", false));
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $update_order to record when a user updates an order for products or services they intend to purchase.

    • This event contains the same fields as $create_order.
    • The existing order will be completely replaced by the values sent in $update_order. Be sure to specify all values for the order, not just those that changed.
    • If no matching $order_id found, a new order will be created.
    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after login or account creation. Required if no $user_id values is provided.

    • $order_id

      The ID for tracking this order in your system.

    • $user_email

      Email of the user creating this order. Note: If the user's email is also their account ID in your system, set both the $user_id and $user_email fields to their email address.

    • $amount

      Total transaction amount in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros and 1 for 1 micro-Bitcoin.

    • $currency_code

      ISO-4217 currency code for the amount. If your site uses alternative currencies, specify them here.

    • $billing_address

      The billing address as entered by the user. occurred a nested address object.

    • $payment_methods
      Array of Payment Methods

      The payment information associated with this order. occurred an array of nested payment_method objects. As opposed to $transaction, $create_order takes an array of $payment_method objects, so you can record orders that are paid for using multiple payments.

    • $shipping_address

      The shipping address as entered by the user. occurred a nested address object.

    • $expedited_shipping

      Whether the user requested priority/expedited shipping on their order.

    • $items
      Array of Items

      The list of items ordered. occurred a JSON array of $item objects.

    • $seller_user_id

      For marketplace businesses, this is the seller's user ID, typically a database primary key.Follow our guidelines for $user_id values.

    • $promotions
      Array of Promotions

      The list of promotions that apply to this order. You can add one or more promotions when creating or updating an order. occurred a JSON array of promotion objects. You can also separately add promotions to the account via the $add_promotion event.

    • $shipping_method

      Indicates the method of delivery to the user.

      Allowed Values
      • "$electronic""$physical"
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $update_order event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"             : "$update_order",
      "$api_key"          : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
      "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
      "$amount"           : 115940000, // $115.94
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$billing_address"  : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      "$payment_methods"  : [
              "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
              "$payment_gateway" : "$braintree",
              "$card_bin"        : "542486",
              "$card_last4"      : "4444"
      "$shipping_address"  : {
          "$name"          : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"         : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"     : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"     : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"          : "New London",
          "$region"        : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"       : "US",
          "$zipcode"       : "03257"
      "$expedited_shipping" : true,
      "$shipping_method"    : "$physical",
      "$items"             : [
          "$item_id"        : "12344321",
          "$product_title"  : "Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor",
          "$price"          : 4990000, // $4.99
          "$upc"            : "097564307560",
          "$sku"            : "03586005",
          "$brand"          : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$category"       : "Food and Grocery",
          "$tags"           : ["Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"],
          "$quantity"       : 4
          "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
          "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
          "$price"          : 39990000, // $39.99
          "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
          "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
          "$brand"          : "Slanket",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
          "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
          "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
          "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
          "$quantity"       : 2
      "$ip"                 : "",
      // For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     : "slinkys_emporium",
      "$promotions"         : [
          "$promotion_id" : "FirstTimeBuyer",
          "$status"       : "$success",
          "$description"  : "$5 off",
          "$discount"     : {
            "$amount"                   : 5000000,  // $5.00
            "$currency_code"            : "USD",
            "$minimum_purchase_amount"  : 25000000  // $25.00
      // Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      : "apple_pay", // "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         : "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     : "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" : false
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $update_order event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
      "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
      "$amount"           : 115940000, # $115.94
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$billing_address"  : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      "$payment_methods"  : [
              "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
              "$payment_gateway" : "$braintree",
              "$card_bin"        : "542486",
              "$card_last4"      : "4444"
      "$shipping_address"  : {
          "$name"          : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"         : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"     : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"     : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"          : "New London",
          "$region"        : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"       : "US",
          "$zipcode"       : "03257"
      "$expedited_shipping" : True,
      "$shipping_method"    : "$physical",
      "$items"             : [
          "$item_id"        : "12344321",
          "$product_title"  : "Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor",
          "$price"          : 4990000, # $4.99
          "$upc"            : "097564307560",
          "$sku"            : "03586005",
          "$brand"          : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$category"       : "Food and Grocery",
          "$tags"           : ["Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"],
          "$quantity"       : 4
          "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
          "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
          "$price"          : 39990000, # $39.99
          "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
          "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
          "$brand"          : "Slanket",
          "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
          "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
          "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
          "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
          "$quantity"       : 2
      "$ip"                 : "",
      # For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     : "slinkys_emporium",
      "$promotions"         : [
          "$promotion_id" : "FirstTimeBuyer",
          "$status"       : "$success",
          "$description"  : "$5 off",
          "$discount"     : {
            "$amount"                   : 5000000,  # $5.00
            "$currency_code"            : "USD",
            "$minimum_purchase_amount"  : 25000000  # $25.00
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      : "apple_pay", # "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         : "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     : "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" : False
    response = client.track("$update_order", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $update_order event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id"       => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$order_id"         => "ORDER-28168441",
      "$user_email"       => "bill@gmail.com",
      "$amount"           => 115940000, # $115.94
      "$currency_code"    => "USD",
      "$billing_address"  => {
        "$name"         => "Bill Jones",
        "$phone"        => "1-415-555-6041",
        "$address_1"    => "2100 Main Street",
        "$address_2"    => "Apt 3B",
        "$city"         => "New London",
        "$region"       => "New Hampshire",
        "$country"      => "US",
        "$zipcode"      => "03257"
      "$payment_methods"  => [
          "$payment_type"    => "$credit_card",
          "$payment_gateway" => "$braintree",
          "$card_bin"        => "542486",
          "$card_last4"      => "4444"
      "$shipping_address"  => {
        "$name"          => "Bill Jones",
        "$phone"         => "1-415-555-6041",
        "$address_1"     => "2100 Main Street",
        "$address_2"     => "Apt 3B",
        "$city"          => "New London",
        "$region"        => "New Hampshire",
        "$country"       => "US",
        "$zipcode"       => "03257"
      "$expedited_shipping" => true,
      "$shipping_method"    => "$physical",
      "$items"             => [
          "$item_id"        => "12344321",
          "$product_title"  => "Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor",
          "$price"          => 4990000, # $4.99
          "$upc"            => "097564307560",
          "$sku"            => "03586005",
          "$brand"          => "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$manufacturer"   => "Peters Kettle Corn",
          "$category"       => "Food and Grocery",
          "$tags"           => ["Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"],
          "$quantity"       => 4
          "$item_id"        => "B004834GQO",
          "$product_title"  => "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
          "$price"          => 39990000, # $39.99
          "$upc"            => "67862114510011",
          "$sku"            => "004834GQ",
          "$brand"          => "Slanket",
          "$manufacturer"   => "Slanket",
          "$category"       => "Blankets & Throws",
          "$tags"           => ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
          "$color"          => "Texas Tea",
          "$quantity"       => 2
      "$ip"                 => "",
      # For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     => "slinkys_emporium",
      "$promotions"         => [
          "$promotion_id" => "FirstTimeBuyer",
          "$status"       => "$success",
          "$description"  => "$5 off",
          "$discount"     => {
            "$amount"                   => 5000000,  # $5.00
            "$currency_code"            => "USD",
            "$minimum_purchase_amount"  => 25000000  # $25.00
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      => "apple_pay", # "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         => "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     => "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" => false
    response = client.track("$update_order", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $update_order event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'          => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$session_id'       => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
      '$order_id'         => 'ORDER-28168441',
      '$user_email'       => 'bill@gmail.com',
      '$amount'           => 115940000, // $115.94
      '$currency_code'    => 'USD',
      '$billing_address'  => array(
        '$name'         => 'Bill Jones',
        '$phone'        => '1-415-555-6041',
        '$address_1'    => '2100 Main Street',
        '$address_2'    => 'Apt 3B',
        '$city'         => 'New London',
        '$region'       => 'New Hampshire',
        '$country'      => 'US',
        '$zipcode'      => '03257'
      '$payment_methods'  =>array(
          '$payment_type'    => '$credit_card',
          '$payment_gateway' => '$braintree',
          '$card_bin'        => '542486',
          '$card_last4'      => '4444'
      '$shipping_address'  => array(
        '$name'          => 'Bill Jones',
        '$phone'         => '1-415-555-6041',
        '$address_1'     => '2100 Main Street',
        '$address_2'     => 'Apt 3B',
        '$city'          => 'New London',
        '$region'        => 'New Hampshire',
        '$country'       => 'US',
        '$zipcode'       => '03257'
      '$expedited_shipping' => True,
      '$shipping_method'    => '$physical',
      '$items'             => array(
        // A list of items
          '$item_id'        => '12344321',
          '$product_title'  => 'Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor',
          '$price'          => 4990000, // $4.99
          '$upc'            => '097564307560',
          '$sku'            => '03586005',
          '$brand'          => 'Peters Kettle Corn',
          '$manufacturer'   => 'Peters Kettle Corn',
          '$category'       => 'Food and Grocery',
          '$tags'           => array('Popcorn', 'Snacks', 'On Sale'),
          '$quantity'       => 4
          '$item_id'        => 'B004834GQO',
          '$product_title'  => 'The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea',
          '$price'          => 39990000, // $39.99
          '$upc'            => '67862114510011',
          '$sku'            => '004834GQ',
          '$brand'          => 'Slanket',
          '$manufacturer'   => 'Slanket',
          '$category'       => 'Blankets & Throws',
          '$tags'           => array('Awesome', 'Wintertime specials'),
          '$color'          => 'Texas Tea',
          '$quantity'       => 2
      '$ip'                 => '',
      // For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      '$seller_user_id'     => 'slinkys_emporium',
      '$promotions'         => array(
          '$promotion_id' => 'FirstTimeBuyer',
          '$status'       => '$success',
          '$description'  => '$5 off',
          '$discount'     => array(
            '$amount'                   => 5000000,  // $5.00
            '$currency_code'            => 'USD',
            '$minimum_purchase_amount'  => 25000000  // $25.00
      // Sample Custom Fields
      'digital_wallet'      => 'apple_pay' // 'google_wallet', etc.
      'coupon_code'         => 'dollarMadness',
      'shipping_choice'     => 'FedEx Ground Courier',
      'is_first_time_buyer' => False
    $response = $client->track('$update_order', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.UpdateOrderFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Address;
    import com.siftscience.model.Item;
    import com.siftscience.model.Discount;
    import com.siftscience.model.Promotion;
    import com.siftscience.model.PaymentMethod;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new UpdateOrderFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setBillingAddress(new Address()
                    .setName("Bill Jones")
                    .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
                    .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
                    .setCity("New London")
                    .setRegion("New Hampshire")
            .setPaymentMethods(Arrays.asList(new PaymentMethod()
            .setShippingAddress(new Address()
                    .setName("Bill Jones")
                    .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
                    .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
                    .setCity("New London")
                    .setRegion("New Hampshire")
                    new Item()
                            .setProductTitle("Microwavable Kettle Corn: Original Flavor")
                            .setBrand("Peters Kettle Corn")
                            .setManufacturer("Peters Kettle Corn")
                            .setCategory("Food and Grocery")
                            .setTags(Arrays.asList("Popcorn", "Snacks", "On Sale"))
                    new Item()
                            .setProductTitle("The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea")
                            .setCategory("Blankets & Throws")
                            .setTags(Arrays.asList("Awesome", "Wintertime specials"))
            .setPromotions(Arrays.asList(new Promotion()
                    .setDescription("$5 off")
                    .setDiscount(new Discount()
            // Sample Custom Fields
            .setCustomField("digital_wallet", "apple_pay")
            .setCustomField("coupon_code", "dollarMadness")
            .setCustomField("shipping_choice", "Fedex Ground Courier")
            .setCustomField("is_first_time_buyer", false));
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $transaction to record attempts to exchange money, credit or other tokens of value.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $user_email

      Email of the user creating this order. Note: If the user's email is also their account ID in your system, set both the $user_id and $user_email fields to their email address.

    • $transaction_type

      The type of transaction being recorded. There are eight types:

      Allowed Values
      • $saleAuthorization and capture of a payment performed together in one step. This is the most commonly used transaction type. This is the default $transaction_type if the transaction type is not provided.
      • $authorizeAuthorizing a payment by reserving the payment amount from the buyer's account. Money does not change hands until capture.
      • $captureCapturing a payment reserved in the authorization step.
      • $voidCancelling a pending authorization or capture.
      • $refundReturning part or all of a captured payment to the buyer.
      • $depositDepositing money into an account.
      • $withdrawalWithdrawing money from an account.
      • $transferTransferring money from one account to another.
    • $transaction_status

      Use $transaction_status to indicate the status of the transaction. The value can be "$success" (default value), "$failure" or "$pending". For instance, If the transaction was rejected by the payment gateway, set the value to "$failure".

    • $amount
      Required · Integer

      Total transaction amount in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. Send as a positive number for all $transaction_type values. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros. Use 1 for 1 microBitcoin.

    • $currency_code
      Required · String

      ISO-4217 currency code for the amount. e.g., USD, CAD, HKD, BTC.

    • $order_id

      The ID for this order in your system. Used for cross referencing an order in your internal systems.

    • $transaction_id

      The ID for identifying this transaction. Important for tracking transactions, and linking different parts of the same transaction together, e.g., linking a refund to its original transaction.

    • $billing_address

      The billing address as entered by the user. occurred a nested address object.

    • $payment_method
      Payment Method Object

      The payment information associated with this transaction. occurred a single payment_method object containing payment method, payment gateway, credit card bin, etc.

    • $shipping_address

      The shipping address as entered by the user. occurred a nested address object.

    • $session_id

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $seller_user_id

      are case sensitive. You may need to normalize the capitalization of your user IDs. Follow our guidelines for $user_id values.

    • $transfer_recipient_user_id

      For transfer transactions, the user ID of the user receiving the transfer. If $transfer_recipient_user_id is specified, $transaction_type must be set to "$transfer"; otherwise, the system will give an error.Follow our guidelines for $user_id values.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $transaction event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"             : "$transaction",
      "$api_key"          : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      "$amount"           : 506790000, // $506.79
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      // Supported Fields
      "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
      "$transaction_type" : "$sale",
      "$transaction_status" : "$success",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-123124124",
      "$transaction_id"   : "719637215",
      "$billing_address"  : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      // Credit card example
      "$payment_method"   : {
          "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
          "$payment_gateway" : "$braintree",
          "$card_bin"        : "542486",
          "$card_last4"      : "4444"
      // Bank account example
      //"$payment_method"   : {
      //    "$payment_type"    : "$electronic_fund_transfer",
      //    "$routing_number"  : "021001088"
      // See other payment method options in field description below
      // Supported Fields
      "$shipping_address" : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$ip"               : "",
      // For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     : "slinkys_emporium",
      // Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      : "apple_pay", // "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         : "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     : "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" : false
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $transaction event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      "$amount"           : 506790000, # $506.79
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      # Supported Fields
      "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
      "$transaction_type" : "$sale",
      "$transaction_status" : "$success",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-123124124",
      "$transaction_id"   : "719637215",
      "$billing_address"  : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      # Credit card example
      "$payment_method"   : {
          "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
          "$payment_gateway" : "$braintree",
          "$card_bin"        : "542486",
          "$card_last4"      : "4444"
      # Bank account example
      #"$payment_method"   : {
      #    "$payment_type"    : "$electronic_fund_transfer",
      #    "$routing_number"  : "021001088"
      # See other payment method options in field description below
      # Supported Fields
      "$shipping_address" : {
          "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         : "New London",
          "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      : "US",
          "$zipcode"      : "03257"
      "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$ip"               : "",
      # For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     : "slinkys_emporium",
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      : "apple_pay", # "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         : "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     : "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" : False
    response = client.track("$transaction", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $transaction event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          => "billy_jones_301",
      "$amount"           => 506790000, # $506.79
      "$currency_code"    => "USD",
      # Supported Fields
      "$user_email"       => "bill@gmail.com",
      "$transaction_type" => "$sale",
      "$transaction_status" => "$success",
      "$order_id"         => "ORDER-123124124",
      "$transaction_id"   => "719637215",
      "$billing_address"  => {
          "$name"         => "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        => "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    => "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    => "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         => "New London",
          "$region"       => "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      => "US",
          "$zipcode"      => "03257"
      # Credit card example
      "$payment_method"   => {
          "$payment_type"    => "$credit_card",
          "$payment_gateway" => "$braintree",
          "$card_bin"        => "542486",
          "$card_last4"      => "4444"
      # Bank account example
      #"$payment_method"   => {
      #    "$payment_type"    => "$electronic_fund_transfer",
      #    "$routing_number"  => "021001088"
      # See other payment method options in field description below
      # Supported Fields
      "$shipping_address" => {
          "$name"         => "Bill Jones",
          "$phone"        => "1-415-555-6041",
          "$address_1"    => "2100 Main Street",
          "$address_2"    => "Apt 3B",
          "$city"         => "New London",
          "$region"       => "New Hampshire",
          "$country"      => "US",
          "$zipcode"      => "03257"
      "$session_id"       => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$ip"               => "",
      # For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      "$seller_user_id"     => "slinkys_emporium",
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "digital_wallet"      => "apple_pay", # "google_wallet", etc.
      "coupon_code"         => "dollarMadness",
      "shipping_choice"     => "FedEx Ground Courier",
      "is_first_time_buyer" => false
    response = client.track("$transaction", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $transaction event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'          => 'billy_jones_301',
      '$amount'           => 506790000, // $506.79
      '$currency_code'    => 'USD',
      // Supported Fields
      '$user_email'       => 'bill@gmail.com',
      '$transaction_type' => '$sale',
      '$transaction_status' => '$success',
      '$order_id'         => 'ORDER-123124124',
      '$transaction_id'   => '719637215',
      '$billing_address'  => array(
          '$name'         => 'Bill Jones',
          '$phone'        => '1-415-555-6041',
          '$address_1'    => '2100 Main Street',
          '$address_2'    => 'Apt 3B',
          '$city'         => 'New London',
          '$region'       => 'New Hampshire',
          '$country'      => 'US',
          '$zipcode'      => '03257'
      // Credit card example
      '$payment_method'   => array(
          '$payment_type'    => '$credit_card',
          '$payment_gateway' => '$braintree',
          '$card_bin'        => '542486',
          '$card_last4'      => '4444'
      // Bank account example
      //"$payment_method"   => array(
      //    "$payment_type"    => "$electronic_fund_transfer",
      //    "$routing_number"  => "021001088"
      // See other payment method options in field description below
      // Supported Fields
      '$shipping_address' => array(
          '$name'         => 'Bill Jones',
          '$phone'        => '1-415-555-6041',
          '$address_1'    => '2100 Main Street',
          '$address_2'    => 'Apt 3B',
          '$city'         => 'New London',
          '$region'       => 'New Hampshire',
          '$country'      => 'US',
          '$zipcode'      => '03257'
      '$session_id'       => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
      '$ip'               => '',
      // For marketplaces, use $seller_user_id to identify the seller
      '$seller_user_id'     => 'slinkys_emporium',
      // Sample Custom Fields
      'digital_wallet'      => 'apple_pay' // 'google_wallet', etc.
      'coupon_code'         => 'dollarMadness',
      'shipping_choice'     => 'FedEx Ground Courier',
      'is_first_time_buyer' => False
    $response = $client->track('$transaction', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.TransactionFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Address;
    import com.siftscience.model.Item;
    import com.siftscience.model.Discount;
    import com.siftscience.model.Promotion;
    import com.siftscience.model.PaymentMethod;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new TransactionFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setBillingAddress(new Address()
                .setName("Bill Jones")
                .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
                .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
                .setCity("New London")
                .setRegion("New Hampshire")
            .setPaymentMethod(new PaymentMethod()
            .setShippingAddress(new Address()
                .setName("Bill Jones")
                .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
                .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
                .setCity("New London")
                .setRegion("New Hampshire")
            // Sample Custom Fields
            .setCustomField("digital_wallet", "apple_pay")
            .setCustomField("coupon_code", "dollarMadness")
            .setCustomField("shipping_choice", "Fedex Ground Courier")
            .setCustomField("is_first_time_buyer", false));
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $create_content to tell Sift whenever a user creates content on your site. Some examples of content are a job posting, product for sale, apartment for rent, dating profile, and blog post.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's internal account ID. Users without an assigned $user_id will not show up in the console. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after login or account creation.

    • $content_id

      The unique ID that you assign to an individual piece content in your system. Note: content IDs are case sensitive.

    • $contact_email

      The contact email provided with the posting.

    • $contact_phone

      The primary phone number of the user associated with this posting. Provide the phone number as a string starting with the country code. Use E.164 format or send in the standard national format of number's origin. For example: "+14155556041" or "1-415-555-6041" for a U.S. number.

    • $subject

      The subject of the posting.

    • $content

      The text content of the posting.

    • $amount

      A price associated with this content in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros.

    • $currency_code

      ISO-4217 currency code for the amount. e.g., USD, CAD, HKD, BTC.

    • $categories
      Array of Strings

      The category or categories you associate with the content you are posting. For example, a job posting might contain industry and position (e.g. ["Computer Hardware", "Engineer"]) or marketplace might contain the type of good it is (e.g. ["Furniture", "Outdoor", "Patio", "Tables"]). If you need to include location of the good, use the $locations field to pass that instead.

    • $locations
      Array of Addresses

      The locations associated with this posting. occurred an array of nested address objects. You can pass one or more addresses that are associated with your posting. Pass as much information as you have. Partial addresses such as just city and state are fine if that’s all you have.

    • $image_hashes
      Array of Strings

      The MD5 hash of any images associated with the posting. Pass one or multiple image hashes when creating or updating your content. A hash for a single file will look like this: 18E927C7E1229DC8F088643B7A65F978

    • $expiration_time

      The UNIX timestamp in milliseconds when the posting will expire. Only set if posting is time bound in some way (e.g. car auction is active 14 days from date of posting).

    • $status

      The status of the posting. After you create a posting, you can also update its status via the $content_status event.

      Allowed Values
      • $draftThe posting has not yet been submitted by the user to go live.
      • $pendingThe user has submitted the posting but has not gone live. This may be because the posting needs to be reviewed, the user needs to add payment details, or because of some other processes within your business.
      • $activeThe posting is live and active on your site. Other users can see the posting.
      • $pausedThe posting has been paused by the user and may return back to $active at a later date.
      • $deleted_by_userThe posting has been deleted or archived by the user.
      • $deleted_by_companyThe posting has been deleted or archived by your company due to violation of terms of service or other policies.
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $create_content event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$create_content",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$contact_email"    : "bill@example.com",
      "$contact_phone"    : "1-415-555-6040",
      "$content_id"       : "9671500641",
      "$subject"          : "2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent",
      "$content"          : "Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.",
      "$amount"           : 2300000000, // $2300
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$categories"       : [
        "2 Bedrooms"
      "$locations"        : [
          "$city"       : "Seattle",
          "$region"     : "Washington",
          "$country"    : "US",
          "$zipcode"    : "98112"
      "$image_hashes"     : [
        "912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570", // MD5 hash of the image
      "$expiration_time"  : 1471003200000, // UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      "$status"           : "$active",
      "$ip"               : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $create_content event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$contact_email"    : "bill@example.com",
      "$contact_phone"    : "1-415-555-6040",
      "$content_id"       : "9671500641",
      "$subject"          : "2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent",
      "$content"          : "Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.",
      "$amount"           : 2300000000, # $2300
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$categories"       : [
        "2 Bedrooms"
      "$locations"        : [
          "$city"       : "Seattle",
          "$region"     : "Washington",
          "$country"    : "US",
          "$zipcode"    : "98112"
      "$image_hashes"     : [
        "912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570", # MD5 hash of the image
      "$expiration_time"  : 1471003200000, # UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      "$status"           : "$active",
      "$ip"               : ""
    response = client.track("$create_content", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $create_content event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$contact_email"    => "bill@example.com",
      "$contact_phone"    => "1-415-555-6040",
      "$content_id"       => "9671500641",
      "$subject"          => "2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent",
      "$content"          => "Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.",
      "$amount"           => 2300000000, # $2300
      "$currency_code"    => "USD",
      "$categories"       => [
        "2 Bedrooms"
      "$locations"        => [
          "$city"       => "Seattle",
          "$region"     => "Washington",
          "$country"    => "US",
          "$zipcode"    => "98112"
      "$image_hashes"     => [
        "912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570", # MD5 hash of the image
      "$expiration_time"  => 1471003200000, # UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      "$status"           => "$active",
      "$ip"               => ""
    response = client.track("$create_content", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    # Sample $create_content event
    properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$contact_email'    => 'bill@example.com',
      '$contact_phone'    => '1-415-555-6040',
      '$content_id'       => '9671500641',
      '$subject'          => '2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent',
      '$content'          => 'Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.',
      '$amount'           => 2300000000, // $2300
      '$currency_code'    => 'USD',
      '$categories'       => array(
        '2 Bedrooms'
      '$locations'        => array(
          '$city'       => 'Seattle',
          '$region'     => 'Washington',
          '$country'    => 'US',
          '$zipcode'    => '98112'
      '$image_hashes'     => array(
        '912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570', // MD5 hash of the image
      '$expiration_time'  => 1471003200000, // UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      '$status'           => '$active',
      '$ip'               => ''
    $response = $client->track('$create_content', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.CreateContentFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Address;
    import com.siftscience.model.PaymentMethod;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new CreateContentFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setSubject("2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent")
            .setContent("Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.")
            .setCategories(Arrays.asList("Housing", "Apartments", "2 Bedrooms"))
            .setLocations(Arrays.asList(new Address()
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $update_content to record changes to a posting.

    • This event contains the same fields as $create_content.
    • The existing content will be completely replaced by the values specified in $update_content. Be sure to specify all values for the content, not just those that changed.
    • For postings created prior to integrating with Sift, there's no need to call $create_content before $update_content. Simply call $update_content and we'll infer that content was created before your integration with Sift.
    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's internal account ID. Users without an assigned $user_id will not show up in the console. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $content_id

      The unique ID that you assign to an individual piece content in your system. Note: content IDs are case sensitive.

    • $contact_email

      The contact email provided with the posting.

    • $contact_phone

      The primary phone number of the user associated with this posting. Provide the phone number as a string starting with the country code. Use E.164 format or send in the standard national format of number's origin. For example: "+14155556041" or "1-415-555-6041" for a U.S. number.

    • $subject

      The subject of the posting.

    • $content

      The text content of the posting.

    • $amount

      A price associated with this content in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros.

    • $currency_code

      ISO-4217 currency code for the amount. e.g., USD, CAD, HKD, BTC.

    • $categories
      Array of Strings

      The category or categories you associate with the content you are posting. For example, a job posting might contain industry and position (e.g. ["Computer Hardware", "Engineer"]) or marketplace might contain the type of good it is (e.g. ["Furniture", "Outdoor", "Patio", "Tables"]). If you need to include location of the good, use the $locations field to pass that instead.

    • $locations
      Array of Addresses

      The locations associated with this posting. occurred an array of nested address objects. You can pass one or more addresses that are associated with your posting. Pass as much information as you have. Partial addresses such as just city and state are fine if that’s all you have.

    • $image_hashes
      Array of Strings

      The MD5 hash of any images associated with the posting. Pass one or multiple image hashes when creating or updating your content. A hash for a single file will look like this: 18E927C7E1229DC8F088643B7A65F978

    • $expiration_time

      The UNIX timestamp in milliseconds when the posting will expire. Only set if posting is time bound in some way (e.g. car auction is active 14 days from date of posting).

    • $status

      The status of the posting. After you create a posting, you can also update its status via the $content_status event.

      Allowed Values
      • $draftThe posting has not yet been submitted by the user to go live.
      • $pendingThe user has submitted the posting but has not gone live. This may be because the posting needs to be reviewed, the user needs to add payment details, or because of some other processes within your business.
      • $activeThe posting is live and active on your site. Other users can see the posting.
      • $pausedThe posting has been paused by the user and may return back to $active at a later date.
      • $deleted_by_userThe posting has been deleted or archived by the user.
      • $deleted_by_companyThe posting has been deleted or archived by your company due to violation of terms of service or other policies.
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $update_content event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$update_content",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$contact_email"    : "bill@example.com",
      "$contact_phone"    : "1-415-555-6040",
      "$content_id"       : "9671500641",
      "$subject"          : "2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent",
      "$content"          : "Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.",
      "$amount"           : 2300000000, // $2300
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$categories"       : [
        "2 Bedrooms"
      "$locations"        : [
          "$city"       : "Seattle",
          "$region"     : "Washington",
          "$country"    : "US",
          "$zipcode"    : "98112"
      "$image_hashes"     : [
        "912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570", // MD5 hash of the image
      "$expiration_time"  : 1471003200000, // UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      "$status"           : "$active",
      "$ip"               : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $update_content event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$update_content",
      # Supported Fields
      "$contact_email"    : "bill@example.com",
      "$contact_phone"    : "1-415-555-6040",
      "$content_id"       : "9671500641",
      "$subject"          : "2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent",
      "$content"          : "Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.",
      "$amount"           : 2300000000, # $2300
      "$currency_code"    : "USD",
      "$categories"       : [
        "2 Bedrooms"
      "$locations"        : [
          "$city"       : "Seattle",
          "$region"     : "Washington",
          "$country"    : "US",
          "$zipcode"    : "98112"
      "$image_hashes"     : [
        "912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570", # MD5 hash of the image
      "$expiration_time"  : 1471003200000, # UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      "$status"           : "$active",
      "$ip"               : ""
    response = client.track("$update_content", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $update_content event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$type"       => "$update_content",
      # Supported Fields
      "$contact_email"    => "bill@example.com",
      "$contact_phone"    => "1-415-555-6040",
      "$content_id"       => "9671500641",
      "$subject"          => "2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent",
      "$content"          => "Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.",
      "$amount"           => 2300000000, # $2300
      "$currency_code"    => "USD",
      "$categories"       => [
        "2 Bedrooms"
      "$locations"        => [
          "$city"       => "Seattle",
          "$region"     => "Washington",
          "$country"    => "US",
          "$zipcode"    => "98112"
      "$image_hashes"     => [
        "912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570", # MD5 hash of the image
      "$expiration_time"  => 1471003200000, # UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      "$status"           => "$active",
      "$ip"               => ""
    response = client.track("$update_content", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    # Sample $update_content event
    properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$type'       => '$update_content',
      // Supported Fields
      '$contact_email'    => 'bill@example.com',
      '$contact_phone'    => '1-415-555-6040',
      '$content_id'       => '9671500641',
      '$subject'          => '2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent',
      '$content'          => 'Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.',
      '$amount'           => 2300000000, // $2300
      '$currency_code'    => 'USD',
      '$categories'       => array(
        '2 Bedrooms'
      '$locations'        => array(
          '$city'       => 'Seattle',
          '$region'     => 'Washington',
          '$country'    => 'US',
          '$zipcode'    => '98112'
      '$image_hashes'     => array(
        '912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570', // MD5 hash of the image
      '$expiration_time'  => 1471003200000, // UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
      '$status'           => '$active',
      '$ip'               => '
    $response = $client->track('$update_content', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.UpdateContentFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Address;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new UpdateContentFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setSubject("2 Bedroom Apartment for Rent")
            .setContent("Capitol Hill Seattle brand new condo. 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath.")
            .setCategories(Arrays.asList("Housing", "Apartments", "2 Bedrooms"))
            .setLocations(Arrays.asList(new Address()
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $content_status to update the status of content that you’ve already sent to Sift. If the status is the only thing that’s changing about the content, use this as a convenient way to change it without having to resend the rest of the content's information. Useful for long lived content such as rentals, dating profiles, and job postings. Status can also be set using $create_content or $update_content.

    • $type
      required · String

      is "$content_status"

    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's internal account ID. Users without an assigned $user_id will not show up in the console. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $content_id
      required · String

      The unique ID for the piece of content that you’re updating the status of. Note: content IDs are case sensitive.

    • $status
      required · String

      The status of the posting.

      Allowed Values
      • $draftThe posting has not yet been submitted by the user to go live.
      • $pendingThe user has submitted the posting but has not gone live. This may be because the posting needs to be reviewed, the user needs to add payment details, or because of some other processes within your business.
      • $activeThe posting is live and active on your site. Other users can see the posting.
      • $pausedThe posting has been paused by the user and may return back to $active at a later date.
      • $deleted_by_userThe posting has been deleted or archived by the user.
      • $deleted_by_companyThe posting has been deleted or archived by your company due to violation of terms of service or other policies.
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $content_status event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$content_status",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      "$content_id" : "9671500641",
      "$status"     : "$paused",
      // Supported Fields
      "$ip"         : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $content_status event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      "$content_id" : "9671500641",
      "$status"     : "$paused",
      # Supported Fields
      "$ip"         : ""
    response = client.track("$content_status", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $content_status event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301",
      "$content_id" => "9671500641",
      "$status":    => "$paused",
      # Supported Fields
      "$ip"         => ""
    response = client.track("$content_status", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $content_status event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301',
      '$content_id' => '9671500641',
      '$status'     => '$paused',
      // Supported Fields
      '$ip'         => ''
    $response = $client->track('$content_status', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.ContentStatusFieldSet;
    // Sample $content_status event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new ContentStatusFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $flag_content to let us know when another user reports that this user's content may violate your company’s policies. If you have a feature like "Report this posting" or "Flag this update", send that event to us using this reserved event.

    • $type
      required · String

      is "$flag_content"

    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The content creator's account ID according to your systems. Note: User IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $content_id
      required · String

      The unique ID for the piece of content that is being flagged. Note: content IDs are case sensitive.

    • $flagged_by

      The account ID of the user who is flagging the content. Note: User IDs are case sensitive.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $flag_content event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$flag_content",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301", // content creator
      "$content_id" : "9671500641",
      // Supported Fields
      "$flagged_by" : "jamieli89",
      "$ip"         : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $flag_content event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301", # content creator
      "$content_id" : "9671500641",
      # Supported Fields
      "$flagged_by" : "jamieli89",
      "$ip"         : ""
    response = client.track("$flag_content", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $flag_content event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301", # content creator
      "$content_id" => "9671500641",
      # Supported Fields
      "$flagged_by" => "jamieli89",
      "$ip"         => ""
    response = client.track("$flag_content", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $flag_content event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301', // content creator
      '$content_id' => '9671500641',
      // Supported Fields
      '$flagged_by' => 'jamieli89',
      '$ip'         => ''
    $response = $client->track('$flag_content', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.FlagContentFieldSet;
    // Sample $flag_content event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new FlagContentFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $add_promotion to record when a user adds one or more promotions to their account.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note: User IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $promotions
      Array of Promotions

      Contains all promotions that have been newly applied to the referenced user.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $add_promotion event
      // Required fields.
      "$type"       : "$add_promotion",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported fields.
      "$promotions" : [
        // Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off good or services
          "$promotion_id"     : "NewRideDiscountMay2016",
          "$status"           : "$success",
          "$description"      : "$5 off your first 5 rides",
          "$referrer_user_id" : "elon-m93903",
          "$discount"         : {
            "$amount"         : 5000000,  // $5
            "$currency_code"  : "USD"
      "$ip"         : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $add_promotion event
    properties = {
      # Required fields.
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported fields.
      "$promotions" : [
        # Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off good or services
          "$promotion_id"     : "NewRideDiscountMay2016",
          "$status"           : "$success",
          "$description"      : "$5 off your first 5 rides",
          "$referrer_user_id" : "elon-m93903",
          "$discount"         : {
            "$amount"         : 5000000,  # $5
            "$currency_code"  : "USD"
      "$ip"         : ""
    response = client.track("$add_promotion", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $add_promotion event
    properties = {
      # Required fields.
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported fields.
      "$promotions" => [
        # Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off good or services
          "$promotion_id"     => "NewRideDiscountMay2016",
          "$status"           => "$success",
          "$description"      => "$5 off your first 5 rides",
          "$referrer_user_id" => "elon-m93903",
          "$discount"         => {
            "$amount"         => 5000000,  # $5
            "$currency_code"  => "USD"
      "$ip"         => ""
    response = client.track("$add_promotion", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $add_promotion event
    $properties = array(
      // Required fields.
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported fields.
      '$promotions' => array(
        // Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off good or services
          '$promotion_id'     => 'NewRideDiscountMay2016',
          '$status'           => '$success',
          '$description'      => '$5 off your first 5 rides',
          '$referrer_user_id' => 'elon-m93903',
          '$discount'         => array(
            '$amount'         => 5000000,  // $5
            '$currency_code'  => 'USD'
      '$ip'         => ''
    $response = $client->track('$add_promotion', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.AddPromotionFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Discount;
    import com.siftscience.model.Promotion;
    // Sample $add_promotion event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new AddPromotionFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setPromotions(Arrays.asList(new Promotion()
                    .setDescription("$5 off your first 5 rides")
                    .setDiscount(new Discount()
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $add_item_to_cart to record when a user adds an item to their shopping cart or list.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $session_id
      required if no User ID is provided · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $user_id
      send if known · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note: User IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $item

      The product item added to cart. occurred a nested $item object. Required subfields are $item_id, $product_title, and $price. The $quantity is specified as a subfield.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $add_item_to_cart event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$add_item_to_cart",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$session_id" : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$item"       : {
        "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
        "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
        "$price"          : 39990000, // $39.99
        "$currency_code"  : "USD",
        "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
        "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
        "$brand"          : "Slanket",
        "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
        "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
        "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
        "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
        "$quantity"       : 16
      "$ip"         : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $add_item_to_cart event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id" : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$item"       : {
        "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
        "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
        "$price"          : 39990000, # $39.99
        "$currency_code"  : "USD",
        "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
        "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
        "$brand"          : "Slanket",
        "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
        "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
        "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
        "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
        "$quantity"       : 16
      "$ip"         : ""
    response = client.track("$add_item_to_cart", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $add_item_to_cart event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id" => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$item"       => {
        "$item_id"        => "B004834GQO",
        "$product_title"  => "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
        "$price"          => 39990000, # $39.99
        "$currency_code"  => "USD",
        "$upc"            => "67862114510011",
        "$sku"            => "004834GQ",
        "$brand"          => "Slanket",
        "$manufacturer"   => "Slanket",
        "$category"       => "Blankets & Throws",
        "$tags"           => ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
        "$color"          => "Texas Tea",
        "$quantity"       => 16
      "$ip"         => ""
    response = client.track("$add_item_to_cart", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $add_item_to_cart event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$session_id' => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
      '$item'       => array(
        '$item_id'        => 'B004834GQO',
        '$product_title'  => 'The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea',
        '$price'          => 39990000, // $39.99
        '$currency_code'  => 'USD',
        '$upc'            => '67862114510011',
        '$sku'            => '004834GQ',
        '$brand'          => 'Slanket',
        '$manufacturer'   => 'Slanket',
        '$category'       => 'Blankets & Throws',
        '$tags'           => array('Awesome', 'Wintertime specials'),
        '$color'          => 'Texas Tea',
        '$quantity'       => 16
      '$ip'         => ''
    $response = $client->track('$add_item_to_cart', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.AddItemToCartFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Item;
    // Sample $add_item_to_cart event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new AddItemToCartFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setItem(new Item()
                    .setProductTitle("The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea")
                    .setCategory("Blankets & Throws")
                    .setTags(Arrays.asList("Awesome", "Wintertime specials"))
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $remove_item_from_cart to record when a user removes an item from their shopping cart or list.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $session_id
      required if no User ID is provided · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $item

      The product item removed from cart. occurred a nested $item object. Strongly recommended subfields are $item_id, $product_title, and $price. The $quantity is specified as a subfield.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $remove_item_from_cart event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$remove_item_from_cart",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$session_id" : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$item"       : {
        "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
        "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
        "$price"          : 39990000, // $39.99
        "$currency_code"  : "USD",
        "$quantity"       : 2,
        "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
        "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
        "$brand"          : "Slanket",
        "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
        "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
        "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
        "$color"          : "Texas Tea"
      "$ip"         : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $remove_item_from_cart event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id" : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$item"       : {
        "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
        "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
        "$price"          : 39990000, # $39.99
        "$currency_code"  : "USD",
        "$quantity"       : 2,
        "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
        "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
        "$brand"          : "Slanket",
        "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
        "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
        "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
        "$color"          : "Texas Tea"
      "$ip"         : ""
    response = client.track("$remove_item_from_cart", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $remove_item_from_cart event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$session_id" => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$item"       => {
        "$item_id"        => "B004834GQO",
        "$product_title"  => "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
        "$price"          => 39990000, # $39.99
        "$currency_code"  => "USD",
        "$quantity"       => 2,
        "$upc"            => "67862114510011",
        "$sku"            => "004834GQ",
        "$brand"          => "Slanket",
        "$manufacturer"   => "Slanket",
        "$category"       => "Blankets & Throws",
        "$tags"           => ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
        "$color"          => "Texas Tea"
      "$ip"         => ""
    response = client.track("$remove_item_from_cart", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $remove_item_from_cart event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$session_id' => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
      '$item'       => array(
        '$item_id'        => 'B004834GQO',
        '$product_title'  => 'The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea',
        '$price'          => 39990000, // $39.99
        '$currency_code'  => 'USD',
        '$quantity'       => 2,
        '$upc'            => '67862114510011',
        '$sku'            => '004834GQ',
        '$brand'          => 'Slanket',
        '$manufacturer'   => 'Slanket',
        '$category'       => 'Blankets & Throws',
        '$tags'           => array('Awesome', 'Wintertime specials'),
        '$color'          => 'Texas Tea'
      '$ip'         => ''
    $response = $client->track('$remove_item_from_cart', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.RemoveItemFromCartFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.model.Item;
    // Sample $remove_item_from_cart event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new RemoveItemFromCartFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setItem(new Item()
                    .setProductTitle("The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea")
                    .setCategory("Blankets & Throws")
                    .setTags(Arrays.asList("Awesome", "Wintertime specials"))
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $submit_review to record a user-submitted review of a product or other users. e.g., a seller on your site.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $session_id
      required if no User ID is provided · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $user_id
      send if known · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $content

      The text content of review submitted.

    • $review_title

      The title of review submitted.

    • $item_id

      The ID of the product or service being reviewed.

    • $reviewed_user_id

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. guidelines for $user_id values.

    • $content

      The text content of review submitted.

    • $submission_status

      If reviews in your system must be approved, use $submission_status to represent the status of the review.

      Allowed Values
      • "$success" "$failure" "$pending"
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $submit_review event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"              : "$submit_review",
      "$api_key"           : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"           : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$content"           : "Text content of submitted review goes here.",
      "$review_title"      : "Title of Review Goes Here",
      "$item_id"           : "V4C3D5R2Z6",
      "$reviewed_user_id"  : "billy_jones_301",
      "$submission_status" : "$success",
      "$ip"                : "",
      // Sample Custom Fields
      "rating"             : "5"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $submit_review event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"           : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$content"           : "Text content of submitted review goes here.",
      "$review_title"      : "Title of Review Goes Here",
      "$item_id"           : "V4C3D5R2Z6",
      "$reviewed_user_id"  : "billy_jones_301",
      "$submission_status" : "$success",
      "$ip"                : "",
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "rating"             : "5"
    response = client.track("$submit_review", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $submit_review event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"           => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$content"           => "Text content of submitted review goes here.",
      "$review_title"      => "Title of Review Goes Here",
      "$item_id"           => "V4C3D5R2Z6",
      "$reviewed_user_id"  => "billy_jones_301",
      "$submission_status" => "$success",
      "$ip"                => "",
      # Sample Custom Fields
      "rating"             => "5"
    response = client.track("$submit_review", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $submit_review event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'           => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$content'           => 'Text content of submitted review goes here.',
      '$review_title'      => 'Title of Review Goes Here',
      '$item_id'           => 'V4C3D5R2Z6',
      '$reviewed_user_id'  => 'billy_jones_301',
      '$submission_status' => '$success',
      '$ip'                => '',
      // Sample Custom Fields
      'rating'             => '5'
    $response = $client->track('$submit_review', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.SubmitReviewFieldSet;
    // Sample $submit_review event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new SubmitReviewFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setContent("Text content of submitted review goes here.")
            .setReviewTitle("Title of Review Goes Here")
            // Sample Custom Fields
            .setCustomField("rating", 5));
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $send_message to record when a user sends a message to another user i.e. the recipient.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id
      required if no User ID is provided · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $recipient_user_id

      Follow our guidelines for $user_id values.

    • $subject

      The subject of the message.

    • $content

      The text content of the message.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $send_message event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"       : "$send_message",
      "$api_key"    : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$recipient_user_id" : "512924123",
      "$subject"    : "Subject line of the message.",
      "$content"    : "Text content of message.",
      "$ip"         : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $send_message event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$recipient_user_id" : "512924123",
      "$subject"    : "Subject line of the message.",
      "$content"    : "Text content of message.",
      "$ip"         : ""
    response = client.track("$send_message", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $send_message event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"    => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$recipient_user_id" => "512924123",
      "$subject"    => "Subject line of the message.",
      "$content"    => "Text content of message.",
      "$ip"         => ""
    response = client.track("$send_message", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $send_message event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'    => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$recipient_user_id' => '512924123',
      '$subject'    => 'Subject line of the message.',
      '$content'    => 'Text content of message.',
      '$ip'         => ''
    $response = $client->track('$send_message', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.SubmitReviewFieldSet;
    // Sample $send_message event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new SendMessageFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setSubject("Subject line of the message.")
            .setContent("Text content of message.")
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $logout to record when a user logs out.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $logout event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"      : "$logout",
      "$api_key"   : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"   : "billy_jones_301",
      // Supported Fields
      "$ip"        : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $logout event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"   : "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$ip"        : ""
    response = client.track("$logout", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $logout event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"   => "billy_jones_301",
      # Supported Fields
      "$ip"        => ""
    response = client.track("$logout", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $logout event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'   => 'billy_jones_301',
      // Supported Fields
      '$ip'        => ''
    $response = $client->track('$logout', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.LogoutFieldSet;
    // Sample $logout event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new LogoutFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $chargeback to capture a chargeback reported on a transaction. This event can be called multiple times to record changes to the chargeback state.

    Note: When you send a $chargeback event you also need to send a Decision event with a source of CHARGEBACK if you want to prevent the user from making another purchase.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $order_id
      required · String

      The ID for the order that this chargeback is filed against. This field is not required if this chargeback was filed against a transaction with no $order_id.

    • $transaction_id
      required · String

      The ID for the transaction that this chargeback is filed against.

    • $chargeback_state

      The current state of the chargeback.

      Allowed Values
      • "$received" "$accepted" "$disputed" "$won" "$lost"
    • $chargeback_reason

      This field can be used to capture the reason given.

      Allowed Values
      • "$fraud" "$duplicate" "$product_not_received" "$product_unacceptable" "$other"
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $chargeback event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"              : "$chargeback",
      "$api_key"           : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"           : "billy_jones_301",
      "$order_id"          : "ORDER-123124124",
      "$transaction_id"    : "719637215",
      // Recommended Fields
      "$chargeback_state"  : "$lost",
      "$chargeback_reason" : "$duplicate",
      // Supported Fields
      "$ip"                : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $chargeback event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"           : "billy_jones_301",
      "$order_id"          : "ORDER-123124124",
      "$transaction_id"    : "719637215",
      # Recommended Fields
      "$chargeback_state"  : "$lost",
      "$chargeback_reason" : "$duplicate",
      # Supported Fields
      "$ip"                : ""
    response = client.track("$chargeback", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $chargeback event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"        => "billy_jones_301",
      "$order_id"       => "ORDER-123124124",
      "$transaction_id" => "719637215",
      # Recommended Fields
      "$chargeback_state"  => "$lost",
      "$chargeback_reason" => "$duplicate",
      # Supported Fields
      "$ip"                => ""
    response = client.track("$chargeback", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $chargeback event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'        => 'billy_jones_301',
      '$order_id'       => 'ORDER-123124124',
      '$transaction_id' => '719637215',
      // Recommended Fields
      '$chargeback_state'  => '$lost',
      '$chargeback_reason' => '$duplicate',
      // Supported Fields
      '$ip'                => ''
    $response = $client->track('$chargeback', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.ChargebackFieldSet;
    // Sample $chargeback event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new ChargebackFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Recommended Fields
            // Supported Fields
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    Use $order_status to track the order processing workflow of a previously submitted order. For example, $order_status can be used to indicate that an order has been held for review, canceled due to suspected fraud, or fulfilled. This event can be called multiple times to record changes an order's status.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $order_id
      required · String

      The ID for tracking this order in your system.

    • $order_status
      required · String

      Indicates the high-level state of the order.

      Allowed Values
      • "$approved" "$canceled" "$held" "$fulfilled" "$returned"
    • $reason

      The reason for a cancellation.

      Allowed Values
      • "$payment_risk" "$abuse" "$policy" "$other"
    • $source

      The source of a decision.

      Allowed Values
      • "$automated" "$manual_review"
    • $analyst

      The analyst who made the decision, if manual.

    • $webhook_id

      An alternative to using $source and $analyst, this is the ID of the Sift Action webhook that triggered the status change.

    • $description

      Any additional information about this order status change.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $order_status event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"             : "$order_status",
      "$api_key"          : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
      "$order_status"     : "$canceled",
      // Optional Fields
      "$reason"           : "$payment_risk",
      "$source"           : "$manual_review",
      "$analyst"          : "someone@your-site.com",
      "$webhook_id"       : "3ff1082a4aea8d0c58e3643ddb7a5bb87ffffeb2492dca33",
      "$description"      : "Canceling because multiple fraudulent users on device",
      "$ip"               : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $order_status event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
      "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
      "$order_status"     : "$canceled",
      # Optional Fields
      "$reason"           : "$payment_risk",
      "$source"           : "$manual_review",
      "$analyst"          : "someone@your-site.com",
      "$webhook_id"       : "3ff1082a4aea8d0c58e3643ddb7a5bb87ffffeb2492dca33",
      "$description"      : "Canceling because multiple fraudulent users on device",
      "$ip"               : ""
    response = client.track("$order_status", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $order_status event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$user_id"          => "billy_jones_301",
      "$order_id"         => "ORDER-28168441",
      "$order_status"     => "$canceled",
      # Optional Fields
      "$reason"           => "$payment_risk",
      "$webhook_id"       => "3ff1082a4aea8d0c58e3643ddb7a5bb87ffffeb2492dca33",
      "$source"           => "$manual_review",
      "$analyst"          => "someone@your-site.com",
      "$description"      => "Canceling because multiple fraudulent users on device",
      "$ip"               => ""
    response = client.track("$order_status", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $order_status event
    $properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$user_id'          => 'billy_jones_301',
      '$order_id'         => 'ORDER-28168441',
      '$order_status'     => '$canceled',
      // Optional Fields
      '$reason'           => '$payment_risk',
      '$source'           => '$manual_review',
      '$analyst'          => 'someone@your-site.com',
      '$webhook_id'       => '3ff1082a4aea8d0c58e3643ddb7a5bb87ffffeb2492dca33',
      '$description'      => 'Canceling because multiple fraudulent users on device',
      '$ip'               => ''
    $response = $client->track('$order_status', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.OrderStatusFieldSet;
    // Sample $order_status event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new OrderStatusFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Supported Fields
            .setDescription("Canceling because multiple fraudulent users on device")
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    When you receive a login attempt that you deem risky, you will likely want to verify whether the user is who they say they are. This is traditionally done by asking the user to enter an additional one time passcode that is sent to the user’s email, phone, or app. Sift models this interaction with the $verification event.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      Recommended [Required for ATO] · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id
      Required · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $status
      Required · String

      The status of the verification event.

      Allowed Values
      • $pendingVerification has been sent to your customer but the customer has not attempted to perform the verification attempt.
      • $successYour customer has attempted and passed the verification process.
      • $failureYour customer has attempted and failed the verification process.
    • $verification_type
      Optional · String

      The type of verification being performed.

      Allowed Values
      • $smsAn SMS is sent to the user's phone containing a code, URL or other process to authenticate the user.
      • $phone_callA phone call is made to the user's phone containing a code or other process to authenticate the user.
      • $emailAn email is sent to the user's email address containing a code, URL or other process to authenticate the user.
      • $app_tfaA passcode is generated for the user via an application.
      • $captchaA captcha is used to detect and stop possible automated or scripted activity (e.g. bots).
    • $verified_value
      Optional · String

      The phone number (e.g. 14155551212, 442072193000) or email address (e.g. bob@example.com) used for verification. This value should be passed when the $verification_type is set to $sms, $phone_call, or $email.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $verification event
      // Required Fields
      "$type"         : "$verification",
      "$api_key"      : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"      : "billy_jones_301",
      "$session_id"   : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$status"       : "$pending",
      // Optional fields if applicable
      "$verification_type" : "$sms",
      "$verified_value"    : "14155551212",
      "$ip"                : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $verification event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$type"         : "$verification",
      "$api_key"      : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"      : "billy_jones_301",
      "$session_id"   : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$status"       : "$pending",
      # Optional fields if applicable
      "$verification_type" : "$sms",
      "$verified_value"    : "14155551212",
      "$ip"                : ""
    response = client.track("$verification", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $verification event
    properties = {
      # Required Fields
      "$type"         => "$verification",
      "$api_key"      => "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"      => "billy_jones_301",
      "$session_id"   => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$status"       => "$pending",
      # Optional fields if applicable
      "$verification_type" => "$sms",
      "$verified_value"    => "14155551212",
      "$ip"                => ""
    response = client.track("$verification", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $verification event
    properties = array(
      // Required Fields
      '$type'         => '$verification',
      '$api_key'      => 'YOUR_API_KEY',
      '$user_id'      => 'billy_jones_301',
      '$session_id'   => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
      '$status'       => '$pending',
      // Optional fields if applicable
      '$verification_type' => '$sms',
      '$verified_value'    => '14155551212',
      '$ip'                => ''
    $response = $client->track('$verification', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.VerificationFieldSet;
    // Sample $verification event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new VerificationFieldSet()
            // Required Fields
            // Optional fields if applicable
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true


    When you identify suspicious activity on a user account, you may want to notify the user of this activity. For example, a login may seem suspicious because the login attempt was made from a new device. You may choose to inform the user that this incident happened. Ideally, these notifications should contain a summary of the activity and also have a response mechanism where the user may confirm or deny if the suspicious activity was them. The $security_notification event is used to capture this lifecycle of issuing the notification and the user response.

    • $type
      required · String


    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id
      Required · String

      The user's account ID according to your systems. Note that user IDs are case sensitive. Find valid $user_id values here.

    • $session_id
      Recommended · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $notification_type
      Recommended · String/Enum

      The type of notification issued.

      Allowed Values
      • $emailThe notification was sent via email.
      • $smsThe notification was sent via sms.
      • $pushThe notification was sent as a push notification via your mobile app.
    • $notified_value
      Optional · String

      The phone number (e.g. 14155551212, 442072193000) or email address (e.g. bob@example.com) to which the notification was sent. This value should be passed when the $notification_type is set to $sms or $email.

    • $notification_status
      Required · String/Enum

      The status of the verification event.

      Allowed Values
      • $sentThe notification was sent to your user but no action has been taken by the user in response
      • $safeThe user has reported that the suspicious activity was performed by the user themselves
      • $compromisedThe user has reported that the suspicious activity was an unknown third-party
    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    // Sample $security_notification event
      // Required and Recommended Fields
      "$type"         : "$security_notification",
      "$api_key"      : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"      : "billy_jones_301",
      "$session_id"   : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
      "$notification_status"       : "$sent",
      // Optional fields if applicable
      "$notification_type" : "$email",
      "$notified_value"    : "billy123@domain.com",
      "$ip"                : ""
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $security_notification event
    properties = {
     # Required Fields
     "$type"         : "$security_notification",
     "$api_key"      : "YOUR_API_KEY",
     "$user_id"      : "billy_jones_301",
     "$session_id"   : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
     "$status"       : "$sent",
     # Optional fields if applicable
     "$notification_type" : "$email",
     "$notified_value"    : "billy123@domain.com",
     "$ip"                : ""
    response = client.track("$security_notification", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample $security_notification event
    properties = {
     # Required Fields
     "$type"                      => "$security_notification",
     "$api_key"                   => "YOUR_API_KEY",
     "$user_id"                   => "billy_jones_301",
     "$session_id"                => "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
     "$notification_status"       => "$sent",
     # Optional fields if applicable
     "$notification_type" => "$email",
     "$notified_value"    => "billy123@domain.com",
     "$ip"                => ""
    response = client.track("$security_notification", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON- 1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample $security_notification event
    properties = array(
     // Required Fields
     '$type'         => '$security_notification',
     '$api_key'      => 'YOUR_API_KEY',
     '$user_id'      => 'billy_jones_301',
     '$session_id'   => 'gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il',
     '$status'       => '$sent',
     // Optional fields if applicable
     '$notification_type' => '$email',
     '$notified_value'    => 'billy123@domain.com',
     '$ip'                => ''
    $response = $client->track('$security_notification', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.SecurityNotificationFieldSet;
    // Sample $security_notification event
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new SecurityNotificationFieldSet()
           // Required Fields
           // Optional fields if applicable
    EventResponse response;
    try {
       response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true

    Reserved Fields

    Reserved fields are fields that begin with a $. These are fields that, due to sending in a consistent format across customers, we do lots of analysis on. We also share learning across our global network for these fields, giving you a big added benefit.

    Note: When you don't have a value for a given field, send the value as null, nil, None, etc, or omit the field altogether.


    The following reserved fields are required in every event.

    • $api_key

      Your Sift REST API key.

    • $user_id

      The user’s internal account ID. This field is required on all events performed by the user while logged in. Users without an assigned $user_id will not show up in the console. Note: User IDs are case sensitive. You may need to normalize the capitalization of your user IDs. Only the following characters may be used:a-z,A-Z,0-9,=, ., -, _, +, @, :, &, ^, %, !, $

    • $session_id
      required iF no User ID provided · String

      The user's current session ID, used to tie a user's action before and after log in or account creation.

    • $type

      The name of the event, for example $create_order.


    Each reserved event lists additional reserved fields that add accuracy to your fraud predictions. Send as many as you can. In addition to the reserved fields listed with each event, the following reserved fields can be sent in any event, including custom events.

    • $ip

      IP address of the request made by the user. Recommended for historical backfills and customers with mobile apps.

    • $time

      Represents the time the event occurred in your system. Send as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds as shown in the historical backfill tutorial.


    The Address field type represents a physical address, such as a billing or shipping address. The value must be a nested object with the appropriate address subfields. We extract many geolocation features from these values. An address is occurred a nested JSON object.

    Fields of this type: $billing_address, $shipping_address

    • $name

      Provide the full name associated with the address here. Concatenate first name and last name together if you collect them separately in your system.

    • $address_1

      Address first line, e.g., "2100 Main Street".

    • $address_2

      Address second line, e.g., "Apt 3B".

    • $city

      The city or town name.

    • $region

      The region portion of the address. In the USA, this corresponds to the state.

    • $country

      The ISO-3166 country code for the billing address.

    • $zipcode

      The postal code associated with the address, e.g., "90210". Send +4 postal codes with a '-', e.g. "90210-3344"

    • $phone

      The phone number associated with this address. Provide the phone number as a string starting with the country code. Use E.164 format or send in the standard national format of number's origin. For example: "+14155556041" or "1-415-555-6041" for a U.S. number.

    // Sample $address field value
    "$billing_address"  : {  // or "$shipping_address"
      "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
      "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
      "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
      "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
      "$city"         : "New London",
      "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
      "$country"      : "US",
      "$zipcode"      : "03257"
    # Sample $address field value
    billing_address  = {  # or shipping_address
      "$name"         : "Bill Jones",
      "$phone"        : "1-415-555-6041",
      "$address_1"    : "2100 Main Street",
      "$address_2"    : "Apt 3B",
      "$city"         : "New London",
      "$region"       : "New Hampshire",
      "$country"      : "US",
      "$zipcode"      : "03257"
    # Sample $address field value
    billing_address  = {  # or shipping_address
      "$name"         => "Bill Jones",
      "$phone"        => "1-415-555-6041",
      "$address_1"    => "2100 Main Street",
      "$address_2"    => "Apt 3B",
      "$city"         => "New London",
      "$region"       => "New Hampshire",
      "$country"      => "US",
      "$zipcode"      => "03257"
    // Sample $address field value
    $billingAddress  = array(  // or $shippingAddress
      '$name'         => 'Bill Jones',
      '$phone'        => '1-415-555-6041',
      '$address_1'    => '2100 Main Street',
      '$address_2'    => 'Apt 3B',
      '$city'         => 'New London',
      '$region'       => 'New Hampshire',
      '$country'      => 'US',
      '$zipcode'      => '03257'
    import com.siftscience.model.Address;
    // Sample $address field value
    Address address = new Address()
            .setName("Bill Jones")
            .setAddress1("2100 Main Street")
            .setAddress2("Apt 3B")
            .setCity("New London")
            .setRegion("New Hampshire")


    The Item field type represents a product or service for sale in your business. The value must be a nested object with the appropriate item subfields. Generally used in the $add_item_to_cart and $remove_item_from_cart events. An item is representedas a nested JSON object.

    • $item_id

      The item's unique identifier according to your systems. Use the same ID that you would use to look up items on your website's database.

    • $product_title

      The item's name, e.g., "Men's Running Springblade Drive Shoes, US10".

    • $price

      The item unit price in micros, in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros.$1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros.

    • $currency_code

      ISO-4217 currency code for the price.

    • $quantity

      Quantity of the item.

    • $upc

      If the item has a Universal Product Code (UPC), provide it here.

    • $sku

      If the item has a Stock-keeping Unit ID (SKU), provide it here.

    • $isbn

      If the item is a book with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), provide it here.

    • $brand

      The brand name of the item.

    • $manufacturer

      Name of the item's manufacturer.

    • $category

      The category this item is listed under in your business. e.g., "kitchen appliance", "menswear > pants".

    • $tags
      Array of Strings

      The tags used to describe this item in your business. e.g., "funny", "halloween".

    • $color

      The color of the item.

    • $size

      The size of the item.

    // Example 1
    "$item" : {
      "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
      "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
      "$price"          : 39990000,  // $39.99
      "$currency_code"  : "USD",
      "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
      "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
      "$brand"          : "Slanket",
      "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
      "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
      "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
      "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
      "$quantity"       : 6
    // Example 2
    "$item" : {
      "$item_id"        : "10101042",
      "$product_title"  : "Delivering Happiness [eBook edition]",
      "$price"          : 6990000, // $6.99
      "$currency_code"  : "CDN",
      "$isbn"           : "0446576220",
      "$sku"            : "10101042",
      "$brand"          : "Writers of the Round Table Press",
      "$manufacturer"   : "eBook Digital Services, Inc.",
      "$category"       : "Business books",
      "$tags"           : ["reprint", "paperback", "Tony Hsieh"],
      "$quantity"       : 1
    # Example 1
    item = {
      "$item_id"        : "B004834GQO",
      "$product_title"  : "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
      "$price"          : 39990000,  # $39.99
      "$currency_code"  : "USD",
      "$upc"            : "67862114510011",
      "$sku"            : "004834GQ",
      "$brand"          : "Slanket",
      "$manufacturer"   : "Slanket",
      "$category"       : "Blankets & Throws",
      "$tags"           : ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
      "$color"          : "Texas Tea",
      "$quantity"       : 6
    # Example 2
    item = {
      "$item_id"        : "10101042",
      "$product_title"  : "Delivering Happiness [eBook edition]",
      "$price"          : 6990000, # $6.99
      "$currency_code"  : "CDN",
      "$isbn"           : "0446576220",
      "$sku"            : "10101042",
      "$brand"          : "Writers of the Round Table Press",
      "$manufacturer"   : "eBook Digital Services, Inc.",
      "$category"       : "Business books",
      "$tags"           : ["reprint", "paperback", "Tony Hsieh"],
      "$quantity"       : 1
    # Example 1
    item = {
      "$item_id"        => "B004834GQO",
      "$product_title"  => "The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea",
      "$price"          => 39990000,  # $39.99
      "$currency_code"  => "USD",
      "$upc"            => "67862114510011",
      "$sku"            => "004834GQ",
      "$brand"          => "Slanket",
      "$manufacturer"   => "Slanket",
      "$category"       => "Blankets & Throws",
      "$tags"           => ["Awesome", "Wintertime specials"],
      "$color"          => "Texas Tea",
      "$quantity"       => 6
    # Example 2
    item = {
      "$item_id"        => "10101042",
      "$product_title"  => "Delivering Happiness [eBook edition]",
      "$price"          => 6990000, # $6.99
      "$currency_code"  => "CDN",
      "$isbn"           => "0446576220",
      "$sku"            => "10101042",
      "$brand"          => "Writers of the Round Table Press",
      "$manufacturer"   => "eBook Digital Services, Inc.",
      "$category"       => "Business books",
      "$tags"           => ["reprint", "paperback", "Tony Hsieh"],
      "$quantity"       => 1
    // Example 1
    $item = array(
      '$item_id'        => 'B004834GQO',
      '$product_title'  => 'The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea',
      '$price'          => 39990000,  // $39.99
      '$currency_code'  => 'USD',
      '$upc'            => '67862114510011',
      '$sku'            => '004834GQ',
      '$brand'          => 'Slanket',
      '$manufacturer'   => 'Slanket',
      '$category'       => 'Blankets & Throws',
      '$tags'           => ['Awesome', 'Wintertime specials'],
      '$color'          => 'Texas Tea',
      '$quantity'       => 6
    // Example 2
    $item = array(
      '$item_id'        => '10101042',
      '$product_title'  => 'Delivering Happiness [eBook edition]',
      '$price'          => 6990000, // $6.99
      '$currency_code'  => 'CDN',
      '$isbn'           => '0446576220',
      '$sku'            => '10101042',
      '$brand'          => 'Writers of the Round Table Press',
      '$manufacturer'   => 'eBook Digital Services, Inc.',
      '$category'       => 'Business books',
      '$tags'           => ['reprint', 'paperback', 'Tony Hsieh'],
      '$quantity'       => 1
    import com.siftscience.model.Item;
    // Example 1
    Item item1 = new Item()
            .setProductTitle("The Slanket Blanket-Texas Tea")
            .setPrice(39990000L) // $39.99
            .setCategory("Blankets & Throws")
            .setTags(Arrays.asList("Awesome", "Wintertime specials"))
            .setColor("Texas Tea")
    // Example 2
    Item item2 = new Item()
            .setProductTitle("Delivering Happiness [eBook edition]")
            .setPrice(6990000L) // $6.99
            .setBrand("Writers of the Round Table Press")
            .setManufacturer("Writers of the Round Table Press")
            .setCategory("Business books")
            .setTags(Arrays.asList("reprint", "paperback", "Tony Hsieh"))

    Payment Method

    The payment_method field type represents information about the payment methods provided by the user. The value must be a nested object with the appropriate item subfields for the given payment method. Generally used with the $create_order or $transaction events.

    • $payment_type

      The general type of payment being used.

      Allowed Values
      • $cash$check$credit_card$crypto_currency$digital_wallet$electronic_fund_transfer$financing$gift_card$invoice$money_order$points$store_credit$third_party_processor$voucher

      If your payment system is not covered by one of the values above please contact support.

    • $payment_gateway

      The specific gateway, company, product, etc. being used to process payment.

      Allowed Values
      • $acapture$adyen$affirm$afterpay$alipay$altapay$amazon_payments$android_pay$apple_pay$astropay$authorizenet$avangate$balanced$banorte$banwire$barclays$beanstream$bitgo$bitpay$blockchain$bluepay$bluesnap$braintree$bread$buckaroo$cardconnect$ccavenue$chain_commerce$chase_paymentech$checkoutcom$cielo$citrus_pay$clearsettle$clearcommerce$cloudpayments$cofinoga$coinbase$collector$compropago$conekta$credsystem$cuentadigital$culqi$cybersource$datacash$debitway$democracy_engine$dibs$digital_river$dotpay$dragonpay$ecopayz$edgil_payway$elavon$empcorp$epayeu$eprocessing_network$esitef$euteller$eway$e_xact$first_atlantic_commerce$first_data$getnet$g2apay$giropay$globalcollect$global_payments$global_payways$gmopg$gocardless$hdfc_fssnet$hipay$ideal$ikajo$ingenico$instamojo$interac$internetsecure$intuit_quickbooks_payments$isignthis$iugu$iyzico$jabong$juspay$kash$klarna$kushki$lemonway$limelight$logon$mastercard_payment_gateway$masterpass$maxipago$maxpay$meikopay$mercadopago$merchant_esolutions$mirjeh$moip$mollie$moneris_solutions$moneygram$mpesa$multibanco$netbilling$neteller$network_for_good$nmi$ogone$okpay$omise$openpaymx$optimal_payments$pagar_me$pagofacil$pagseguro$paxum$pay_zone$payeer$payfast$payflow$paygate$payjunction$paylike$paymentwall$payment_express$paymill$payone$payoneer$paypal$paypal_express$paysafecard$paysera$paysimple$paystation$paytm$paytrace$paytrail$payture$payu$payulatam$payvector$payza$peach_payments$perfect_money$pinpayments$pivotal_payments$planet_payment$poli$princeton_payment_solutions$prismpay$processing$przelewy24$psigate$pulse$qiwi$quickpay$raberil$rakuten_checkout$ratepay$razorpay$rbkmoney$rede$redpagos$redsys$rewardspay$rietumu$rocketgate$safecharge$safetypay$sagepay$samsung_pay$securionpay$securepay$sermepa$shopify_payments$simplify_commerce$skrill$smart2pay$smartcoin$sofort$splash_payments$sps_decidir$square$stone$stripe$swedbank$synapsepay$telerecargas$tnspay$towah$tpaga$transact_pro$transfirst$trustcommerce$trustly$tu_compra$twoc2p$twocheckout$unionpay$usa_epay$vantiv$venmo$veritrans$versapay$vesta$vindicia$virtual_card_services$visa$vme$vpos$webmoney$webpay_oneclick$wepay$western_union$wirecard$worldpay$worldspan$xipay$yandex_money$zipmoney$zooz_paymentsos

      If the payment gateway you use is not supported, contact support and we'll add it.

    • $card_bin

      The first six digits of the credit card number. These numbers contain information about the card issuer, the geography and other card details.

    • $card_last4

      The last four digits of the credit card number.

    • $avs_result_code

      Response code from the AVS address verification system. Used in payments involving credit cards.

    • $cvv_result_code

      Response code from the credit card company indicating if the CVV number entered matches the number on record. Used in payments involving credit cards.

    • $verification_status

      Use $verification_status to indicate the payment method has been verified. The value can be $success, $failure or $pending. For instance, if you request payment method verification from a payment processor and receive a failure set the value to $failure.

    • $routing_number

      This is the ABA routing number or SWIFT code used.

    • $decline_reason_code

      In case of a declined payment, response code received from the payment processor indicating the reason for the decline.

    • $paypal_payer_id

      Payer ID returned by Paypal.

    • $paypal_payer_email

      Payer email address returned by Paypal.

    • $paypal_payer_status

      Payer status returned by Paypal.

    • $paypal_address_status

      Payer address status returned by Paypal.

    • $paypal_protection_eligibility

      Seller protection eligibility returned by Paypal.

    • $paypal_payment_status

      Payment status returned by Paypal.

    • $stripe_cvc_check

      CVC verification result returned by Stripe.

    • $stripe_address_line1_check

      Address line 1 verification result returned by Stripe.

    • $stripe_address_line2_check

      Address line 2 verification result returned by Stripe.

    • $stripe_address_zip_check

      Address zip code verification result returned by Stripe.

    • $stripe_funding

      Funding source returned by Stripe.

    • $stripe_brand

      Card brand returned by Stripe.

    // A Credit Card Payment and a Gift Card used together,
    // as $payment_methods in $create_order.
    // Note: A $create_order event can have multiple payment
    // methods, and thus takes an array of objects.
    "$payment_methods" : [
        "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
        "$payment_gateway" : "$stripe",
        "$card_bin"        : "542486",
        "$card_last4"      : "4242",
        "$cvv_result_code" : "M",
        "$avs_result_code" : "Y",
        "$stripe_address_line1_check" : "pass",
        "$stripe_address_line2_check" : "pass",
        "$stripe_address_zip_check"   : "pass"
        "$payment_type"    : "$gift_card"
    // A Electronic Fund Transfer Payment,
    // as it would appear in a $create_order event.
    "$payment_methods" : [
        "$payment_type"  : "$electronic_fund_transfer",
        "$routing_number"  : "021001088"
    // A Paypal Payment, as it would appear
    // in a $create_order event.
    "$payment_methods" : [
        "$payment_type"  : "$third_party_processor",
        "$payment_gateway" : "$paypal",
        "$paypal_payer_id" : "7E7MGXCWKTKK2",
        "$paypal_payer_email" : "bill@gmail.com",
    // A Points or Alternative Currency Payment,
    // as it would appear in a $transaction event.
    // Note: There is one payment method per $transaction.
    "$payment_method" : {
      "$payment_type"  : "$points"
    # A Credit Card Payment and a Gift Card used together,
    # as $payment_methods in $create_order.
    # Note: A $create_order event can have multiple payment
    # methods, and thus takes an array of objects.
    payment_methods = [
        "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
        "$payment_gateway" : "$stripe",
        "$card_bin"        : "542486",
        "$card_last4"      : "4242",
        "$cvv_result_code" : "M",
        "$avs_result_code" : "Y",
        "$stripe_address_line1_check" : "pass",
        "$stripe_address_line2_check" : "pass",
        "$stripe_address_zip_check"   : "pass"
        "$payment_type"    : "$gift_card"
    # A Electronic Fund Transfer Payment,
    # as it would appear in a $create_order event.
    payment_methods = [
        "$payment_type"  : "$electronic_fund_transfer",
        "$routing_number"  : "021001088"
    # A Paypal Payment, as it would appear
    # in a $create_order event.
    payment_methods = [
        "$payment_type"  : "$third_party_processor",
        "$payment_gateway" : "$paypal",
        "$paypal_payer_id" : "7E7MGXCWKTKK2",
        "$paypal_payer_email" : "bill@gmail.com",
    # A Points or Alternative Currency Payment,
    # as it would appear in a $transaction event.
    # Note: There is one payment method per $transaction.
    payment_method = {
      "$payment_type"  : "$points"
    # A Credit Card Payment and a Gift Card used together,
    # as $payment_methods in $create_order.
    # Note: A $create_order event can have multiple payment
    # methods, and thus takes an array of objects.
    payment_methods = [
        "$payment_type"    => "$credit_card",
        "$payment_gateway" => "$stripe",
        "$card_bin"        => "542486",
        "$card_last4"      => "4242",
        "$cvv_result_code" => "M",
        "$avs_result_code" => "Y",
        "$stripe_address_line1_check" => "pass",
        "$stripe_address_line2_check" => "pass",
        "$stripe_address_zip_check"   => "pass"
        "$payment_type"    => "$gift_card"
    # A Electronic Fund Transfer Payment,
    # as it would appear in a $create_order event.
    payment_methods = [
        "$payment_type"  => "$electronic_fund_transfer",
        "$routing_number"  => "021001088"
    # A Paypal Payment, as it would appear
    # in a $create_order event.
    payment_methods = [
        "$payment_type"  => "$third_party_processor",
        "$payment_gateway" => "$paypal",
        "$paypal_payer_id" => "7E7MGXCWKTKK2",
        "$paypal_payer_email" => "bill@gmail.com",
    # A Points or Alternative Currency Payment,
    # as it would appear in a $transaction event.
    # Note: There is one payment method per $transaction.
    payment_method = {
      "$payment_type"  => "$points"
    // A Credit Card Payment and a Gift Card used together,
    // as $payment_methods in $create_order.
    // Note: A $create_order event can have multiple payment
    // methods, and thus takes an array of objects.
    $paymentMethods = array(
        '$payment_type'    => '$credit_card',
        '$payment_gateway' => '$stripe',
        '$card_bin'        => '542486',
        '$card_last4'      => '4242',
        '$cvv_result_code' => 'M',
        '$avs_result_code' => 'Y',
        '$stripe_address_line1_check' => 'pass',
        '$stripe_address_line2_check' => 'pass',
        '$stripe_address_zip_check'   => 'pass'
        '$payment_type'    => '$gift_card'
    // A Electronic Fund Transfer Payment,
    // as it would appear in a $create_order event.
    $paymentMethods = array(
        '$payment_type'  => '$electronic_fund_transfer',
        '$routing_number'  => '021001088'
    // A Paypal Payment, as it would appear
    // in a $create_order event.
    "$payment_methods" : [
        "$payment_type"  : "$third_party_processor",
        "$payment_gateway" : "$paypal",
        "$paypal_payer_id" : "7E7MGXCWKTKK2",
        "$paypal_payer_email" : "bill@gmail.com",
    // A Points or Alternative Currency Payment,
    // as it would appear in a $transaction event.
    // Note: There is one payment method per $transaction.
    $paymentMethod = array(
      '$payment_type'  => '$points'
    import com.siftscience.model.PaymentMethod;
    // A Credit Card Payment and a Gift Card used together,
    // as $payment_methods in $create_order.
    // Note: A $create_order event can have multiple payment
    // methods, and thus takes a list of objects.
    List paymentMethods = Arrays.asList(
            new PaymentMethod()
            new PaymentMethod()
    // A Electronic Fund Transfer Payment,
    // as it would appear in a $create_order event.
    paymentMethods = Arrays.asList(
            new PaymentMethod()
    // A Paypal Payment, as it would appear
    // in a $create_order event.
    paymentMethods = Arrays.asList(
            new PaymentMethod()
    // A Points or Alternative Currency Payment,
    // as it would appear in a $transaction event.
    // Note: There is one payment method per $transaction.
    paymentMethods = Arrays.asList(
            new PaymentMethod()


    The Promotion field type generically models different kinds of promotions such as referrals, coupons, free trials, etc. The value must be a nested JSON object which you populate with the appropriate information to describe the promotion. Not all sub-fields will likely apply to a given promotion. Populate only those that apply.

    A promotion can be added when creating or updating an account, creating or updating an order, or on its own using the $add_promotion event. The promotion object supports both monetary (e.g. $25 coupon on first order) and non-monetary (e.g. "1000 in game points to refer a friend").

    • $promotion_id

      The ID within your system that you use to represent this promotion. This ID is ideally unique to the promotion across users (e.g. "BackToSchool2016").

    • $status

      The status of the addition of promotion to an account. Best used with the $add_promotion event. This way you can pass to Sift both successful and failed attempts when using a promotion. May be useful in spotting potential abuse.

      Allowed Values
      • $success $failure
    • $failure_reason

      When adding a promotion fails, use this to describe why it failed.

      Allowed Values
      • $already_used $invalid_code $not_applicable $expired
    • $description

      Freeform text to describe the promotion.

    • $referrer_user_id

      The unique account ID of the user who referred the user to this promotion. Note: User IDs are case sensitive.

    • $discount

      The $discount field type generically models monetary discounts that are associated with a promotion (e.g. $25 off an order of $100 or more, 10% off, etc). Most promotions likely require a discount object or credit_point object to describe them, though both can be set for a given promotion.

    • $credit_point
      Credit Point

      The credit_point field type generically models monetary and non-monetary rewards (e.g. in-game currency, stored account value, MBs storage, frequent flyer miles, etc.) for a promotion. Most promotions likely require a credit_point object or discount object to describe them, though both can be set for a given promotion.

    // Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off goods or services
      "$promotion_id"      : "SPRING-1009",
      "$status"            : "$failed",
      "$failure_reason"    : "$already_used",
      "$description"       : "Spring coupon",
      "$discount"          : {
        "$percentage_off"          : 0.2,  // 20% off
        "$amount"                  : 115940000,  // $115.94
        "$currency_code"           : "USD",
        "$minimum_purchase_amount" : 50000000  // $50
    // Example of a promotion for account credits
      "$promotion_id"      : "NewCustomerReferral2016",
      "$status"            : "$success",
      "$description"       : "Signup bonus for new customers in 2016",
      "$referrer_user_id"  : "john_smith_0123",
      "$credit_point"      : {
        "$amount"             : 5000,
        "$credit_point_type"  : "character xp points"
    # Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off goods or services
      "$promotion_id"      : "SPRING-1009",
      "$status"            : "$failed",
      "$failure_reason"    : "$already_used",
      "$description"       : "Spring coupon",
      "$discount"          : {
        "$percentage_off"          : 0.2,  # 20% off
        "$amount"                  : 115940000,  # $115.94
        "$currency_code"           : "USD",
        "$minimum_purchase_amount" : 50000000  # $50
    # Example of a promotion for account credits
      "$promotion_id"      : "NewCustomerReferral2016",
      "$status"            : "$success",
      "$description"       : "Signup bonus for new customers in 2016",
      "$referrer_user_id"  : "john_smith_0123",
      "$credit_point"      : {
        "$amount"             : 5000,
        "$credit_point_type"  : "character xp points"
    # Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off goods or services
      "$promotion_id"      => "SPRING-1009",
      "$status"            => "$failed",
      "$failure_reason"    => "$already_used",
      "$description"       => "Spring coupon",
      "$discount"          => {
        "$percentage_off"          => 0.2,  # 20% off
        "$amount"                  => 115940000,  # $115.94
        "$currency_code"           => "USD",
        "$minimum_purchase_amount" => 50000000  # $50
    # Example of a promotion for account credits
      "$promotion_id"      => "NewCustomerReferral2016",
      "$status"            => "$success",
      "$description"       => "Signup bonus for new customers in 2016",
      "$referrer_user_id"  => "john_smith_0123",
      "$credit_point"      => {
        "$amount"             => 5000,
        "$credit_point_type"  => "character xp points"
    // Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off goods or services
      '$promotion_id'      => 'SPRING-1009',
      '$status'            => '$failed',
      '$failure_reason'    => '$already_used',
      '$description'       => 'Spring coupon',
      '$discount'          => array(
        '$percentage_off'          => 0.2,  // 20% off
        '$amount'                  => 115940000,  // $115.94
        '$currency_code'           => 'USD',
        '$minimum_purchase_amount' => 50000000  // $50
    // Example of a promotion for account credits
      '$promotion_id'      => 'NewCustomerReferral2016',
      '$status'            => '$success',
      '$description'       => 'Signup bonus for new customers in 2016',
      '$referrer_user_id'  => 'john_smith_0123',
      '$credit_point'      => array(
        '$amount'             => 5000,
        '$credit_point_type'  => 'character xp points'
    import com.siftscience.model.Promotion;
    import com.siftscience.model.Discount;
    import com.siftscience.model.CreditPoint;
    // Example of a promotion for monetary discounts off goods or services
    Promotion promotion = new Promotion()
            .setDescription("Spring coupon")
            .setDiscount(new Discount()
                    .setPercentageOff(0.2) // 20% off
                    .setAmount(115940000L) // $115.94
                    .setMinimumPurchaseAmount(50000000L) // $50
    // Example of a promotion for account credits
    promotion = new Promotion()
            .setDescription("Signup bonus for new customers in 2016")
            .setCreditPoint(new CreditPoint()
                    .setCreditPointType("character xp points"));


    The Discount field type generically models monetary discounts that are associated with a promotion (e.g. $25 off an order of $100 or more, 10% off, etc). Discounts are usually used for promotions that apply at the order level. The value must be a nested JSON object populated with the appropriate information to describe the discount. Not all sub-fields will likely apply to a given discount. Populate only those that apply.

    A discount is an object that gets included as part of promotion object. Learn more about promotions.

    • $percentage_off

      The percentage discount. If the discount is 10% off, you would send "0.1".

    • $amount

      The amount of the discount that the promotion offers in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros.

    • $currency_code

      ISO-4217 currency code for the amount. e.g., USD, CAD, HKD. If your site uses alternative currencies, like bitcoin or points systems, specify that here.

    • $minimum_purchase_amount

      The minimum amount someone must spend in order for the promotion to be applied. The amount should be in micros in the base unit of the $currency_code. 1 cent = 10,000 micros. $1.23 USD = 123 cents = 1,230,000 micros. For currencies without cents of fractional denominations, like the Japanese Yen, use 1 JPY = 1000000 micros.

    // Example of a monetary discount off goods or services
      "$percentage_off"          : 0.2,  // 20% off
      "$amount"                  : 115940000,  // $115.94
      "$currency_code"           : "USD",
      "$minimum_purchase_amount" : 50000000  // $50
    # Example of a monetary discount off goods or services
      "$percentage_off"          : 0.2,  # 20% off
      "$amount"                  : 115940000,  # $115.94
      "$currency_code"           : "USD",
      "$minimum_purchase_amount" : 50000000  # $50
    # Example of a monetary discount off goods or services
      "$percentage_off"          => 0.2,  # 20% off
      "$amount"                  => 115940000,  # $115.94
      "$currency_code"           => "USD",
      "$minimum_purchase_amount" => 50000000  # $50
    // Example of a monetary discount off goods or services
      '$percentage_off'          => 0.2,  // 20% off
      '$amount'                  => 115940000,  // $115.94
      '$currency_code'           => 'USD',
      '$minimum_purchase_amount' => 50000000  // $50
    import com.siftscience.model.Discount;
    // Example of a monetary discount off goods or services
    Discount discount = new Discount()
            .setPercentageOff(0.2) // 20% off
            .setAmount(115940000L) // $115.94
            .setMinimumPurchaseAmount(50000000L); // $50

    Credit Point

    The Credit Point field type generically models monetary and non-monetary rewards (e.g. in-game currency, stored account value, MBs storage, frequent flyer miles, etc) associated with a promotion. Credit points are usually used for promotions that apply at the account level. The value must be a nested JSON object populated with the appropriate information to describe the credit_point. All values are required.

    A credit_point is an object that gets included as part of promotion object. Learn more about promotions.

    • $amount
      Required · Integer

      The amount of credits the promotion is worth.

    • $credit_point_type
      Required · String

      The type of credit point. Particularly useful if you have multiple types of credit points that you give out. Enables us to distinguish amongst them to find patterns (e.g. days of free service, karma, frequent flyer miles, MBs of storage, etc.).

    // Example of a credit point for an in-game currency
      "$amount"             : 5000,
      "$credit_point_type"  : "character xp points"
    # Example of a credit point for an in-game currency
      "$amount"             : 5000,
      "$credit_point_type"  : "character xp points"
    # Example of a credit point for an in-game currency
      "$amount"             => 5000,
      "$credit_point_type"  => "character xp points"
    // Example of a credit point for an in-game currency
      '$amount'             => 5000,
      '$credit_point_type'  => 'character xp points'
    import com.siftscience.model.CreditPoint;
    // Example of a credit point for an in-game currency
    CreditPoint creditPoint = new CreditPoint()
            .setCreditPointType("character xp points");


    The app field type represents the details of an application as well as the device and OS it's running on. $app is currently only used in the $login event when using the Sift Account Takeover Prevention product.

    • $os

      The operating system on which application is running. (e.g. iOS, Android)

    • $os_version

      The operating system version on which application is running. (e.g. 10.3.1, 7.1.1)

    • $device_manufacturer

      The manufacturer of the device on which application is running. . (e.g. Samsung, Apple, LG)

    • $device_model

      The model of the device on which application is running. (e.g. SM-G920x, iPhone8,1)

    • $device_unique_id

      The unique ID of the device on which application is running. For iOS, send the IFV identifier. For Android, send the Android ID.

    • $app_name

      The name of your application.

    • $app_version

      The version of your application.

    // Example for the iOS Calculator app.
      "$os"                  : "iOS",
      "$os_version"          : "10.1.3",
      "$device_manufacturer" : "Apple",
      "$device_model"        : "iPhone 4,2",
      "$device_unique_id"    : "A3D261E4-DE0A-470B-9E4A-720F3D3D22E6",
      "$app_name"            : "Calculator",
      "$app_version"         : "3.2.7"
    # Example for the iOS Calculator app.
      "$os"                  : "iOS",
      "$os_version"          : "10.1.3",
      "$device_manufacturer" : "Apple",
      "$device_model"        : "iPhone 4,2",
      "$device_unique_id"    : "A3D261E4-DE0A-470B-9E4A-720F3D3D22E6",
      "$app_name"            : "Calculator",
      "$app_version"         : "3.2.7"
    # Example for the iOS Calculator app.
      "$os"                  => "iOS",
      "$os_version"          => "10.1.3",
      "$device_manufacturer" => "Apple",
      "$device_model"        => "iPhone 4,2",
      "$device_unique_id"    => "A3D261E4-DE0A-470B-9E4A-720F3D3D22E6",
      "$app_name"            => "Calculator",
      "$app_version"         => "3.2.7"
    // Example for the iOS Calculator app.
      '$os'                  => 'iOS',
      '$os_version'          => '10.1.3',
      '$device_manufacturer' => 'Apple',
      '$device_model'        => 'iPhone 4,2',
      '$device_unique_id'    => 'A3D261E4-DE0A-470B-9E4A-720F3D3D22E6',
      '$app_name'            => 'Calculator',
      '$app_version'         => '3.2.7'
    import com.siftscience.model.App;
    // Example for the iOS Calculator app.
    App app = new App()
            .setDeviceModel("iPhone 4,2")


    The $browser field type contains information about the browser. $browser is currently only used in the $login event when using the Sift Account Takeover Prevention product. For all other use cases, the Sift Javascript Snippet automatically sends this information.

    • $user_agent
      Recommended · String

      The user agent of the browser that is interacting with your website.

      "$user_agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36"
      "$user_agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36"
      "$user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36"
    // Example for the iOS Calculator app.
      '$user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36'
    import com.siftscience.model.Browser;
    Browser browser = new Browser()
            .setUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36");

    Custom Events and Fields

    Custom events and fields capture user behavior and differences not covered by our reserved events and fields. For example, a voice over IP (VOIP) business can create a custom event called make_call with custom fields that are relevant:

    // Sample make_call event
      "$type"              : "make_call",
      "$api_key"           : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$user_id"           : "billy_jones_301",
      "recipient_user_id"  : "marylee819",
      "call_duration"      : 4428
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample make_call event
    properties = {
      "$user_id"           : "billy_jones_301",
      "recipient_user_id"  : "marylee819",
      "call_duration"      : 4428
    response = client.track("make_call", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # Sample make_call event
    properties = {
      "$user_id"           => "billy_jones_301",
      "recipient_user_id"  => "marylee819",
      "call_duration"      => 4428
    response = client.track("make_call", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // Sample make_call event
    $properties = array(
      '$user_id'           => 'billy_jones_301',
      'recipient_user_id'  => 'marylee819',
      'call_duration'      => 4428
    $response = $client->track('make_call', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.CustomEventFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(new CustomEventFieldSet()
            .setCustomField("recipient_user_id", "marylee819")
            .setCustomField("call_duration", 4428)
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true

    For every custom event, three fields are required:

    • the $type field where you specify the name of the custom event you're creating. Note that the leading $ denotes reserved events, and may not be used in custom events. Custom event names may only include alphanumeric characters and _.
    • the $api_key field where you provide your REST API key.
    • the $user_id or, if not available, the $session_id which identifies the user taking this action.

    For guidance on how to create custom events, see our Custom Events and Fields guide.

    Custom Field Suffixes

    The following the suffixes should be used for custom fields when relevant:

    • Email
      _email · String

      Sift performs a number of fraud detection algorithms on emails, including matching against throwaway email domains, and looking for similarity to known fraudsters in the past.

      Send any other emails associated with the user in field names like secondary_email.

    • Phone
      _phone · String

      Sift can perform lookups to identify country and region of phone numbers if the data is well formed. The contact phone number provided with the posting. Provide the phone number as a string starting with the country code. Use E.164 format or send in the standard national format of number's origin. For example: "+14155556041" ro "1-415-555-6041" for a U.S. number.

      Send phone numbers in field names like secondary_phone and mobile_phone.

    • Latitude
      _lat · Float

      Sent as a floating point number with at least two significant figures. Sift uses this data to calculate location and movement, which are particularly useful for businesses where location is an important part of the transaction and for mobile transactions. Typically used along with longitude.

      Send latitudes in field names like dropoff_location_lat.

    • Longitude
      _lng · Float

      Sent as a floating point number with at least two significant figures. Sift uses this data to calculate location and movement, which are particularly useful for businesses where location is an important part of the transaction and for mobile transactions. Typically used along with latitude.

      Send longitudes in field names like dropoff_location_lng.

    • ID
      _id · String

      ID of a user or other entity. Valid characters in IDs are alphanumeric characters (without space) and:=, ., -, _, +, @, :, &, ^, %, !, $.

      Send IDs in field names like buyer_user_id or store_id.

    • Status
      _status · String

      Status of an event.

      Allowed Values
      • $success
      • $failure
      • $pending

      Many events (e.g., payment authorization, email verification) result in some permission or verification state. End field names with _status to capture these permission states.

    • User-entered text
      _title, _desc, _message, _name, · String

      When users enter text in a form, send with one of the supported suffixes to take advantage of additional machine learning features.

      Send user-entered text in field names like post_title, job_desc, profile_message, or user_name.

    Error Codes

    A successful API request will respond with an HTTP 200. An invalid API request will respond with an HTTP 400. The response body will be a JSON object describing why the request failed.

    Any non-zero status indicates an error

        "status" : 51,         // Non-zero status indicates an error!
        "error_message" : "Invalid API Key. Please check your credentials and try again.",
        "time" : 1327604222,   // When we received the original request (as seconds since the epoch)
        "request" : "{ "$api_key": "XXXXXXXXXXX", "$type": "$capture_payment"... }"
    # To check if the call was successful:
    response.is_ok() # returns true on successful calls, false on failed score requests.
    response.api_status         # returns Sift Error Code, 51 in this case.
    response.api_error_message  # returns the error message associated with the api_status, "Invalid API Key. Please check your credentials and try again." in this case.
    # To check if the call was successful:
    response.ok? # returns true on successful calls, false on failed score requests.
    response.api_status         # returns Sift Error Code, 51 in this case.
    response.api_error_message  # returns the error message associated with the api_status, "Invalid API Key. Please check your credentials and try again." in this case.
    // To check if the call was successful:
    response->isOk() // returns true on successful calls, false on failed score requests.
    response->apiStatus         // returns Sift Error Code, 51 in this case.
    response->apiErrorMessage  // returns the error message associated with the api_status, "Invalid API Key. Please check your credentials and try again." in this case.
    // To check if the call was successful:
    response.isOk(); // returns true on successful calls, false on failed score requests.
    response.getApiStatus(); // returns Sift Error Code, 51 in this case.
    response.getApiErrorMessage();  // returns the error message associated with the api_status, "Invalid API Key. Please check your credentials and try again." in this case.

    Possible status codes

    • -4

      Service currently unavailable. Please try again later.

    • -3

      Server-side timeout processing request. Please try again later.

    • -2

      Unexpected server-side error

    • -1

      Unexpected server-side error

    • 0


    • 51

      Invalid API key

    • 52

      Invalid characters in field name

    • 53

      Invalid characters in field value

    • 55

      Missing required field

    • 56

      Invalid JSON in request

    • 57

      Invalid HTTP body

    • 60

      Rate limited

    • 104

      Invalid API version

    • 105

      Not a valid reserved field

    If our servers are dealing with unexpected problems, you'll likely see an HTTP 500 response.

    Anonymous Events

    Anonymous events are events that do not have a $user_id. This can happen when a user visits a website for the first time, when a customer user has not logged in, or during a guest checkout flow.

    Anonymous Events Restrictions

    Anonymous events are not allowed to be scored synchronously because there is no user associated with the event. Anonymous event promotion is not supported for synchronous events.

    Anonymous Event Promotion

    When an anonymous event is sent to Sift we will try to fill in the $user_id based on past or future non-anonymous events. When we find an event that can promote the anonymous event to a non-anonymous event then we promote this event asynchronously. When the event is promoted the event is scored, workflows are not run on the event, and the event can be seen in the user’s activity log.

    Additional Resources

    Tracking Anonymous User Activity

    Decisions Overview

    Decisions represent business actions taken on a user, order, or session (eg "Block Order", "Approve User", etc). You use Decisions to record of what has happened. Sift uses this information to continuously improve the accuracy of your risk scores.

    When integrating with Sift, you need to create Decisions that represent the different business actions your team takes. These will vary based on your business but some examples could include: "Accept Order”, “Approve Posting”, “Put User on Watchlist”, “Block Order”, “Ban User”, etc. Decisions are entirely customizable by you to meet the needs of your business. Decisions are created and updated using the Decisions page of the Console.

    Using Decisions

    Decisions can be applied from within the Sift console, sent by your application to the Sift API, or from a Sift Workflow. Whenever a Decision is applied, it should be accompanied by some business action you are taking on your side. For example:

    • From the Sift console - When an analyst manually reviews a user and decides an order should be blocked, the analyst would click a Decision button in the console to cancel the order. Once it’s clicked, Sift sends a webhook to your system so that you can cancel the order within your system.
    • From your application - When your application logic decides to block an order, you’d first block the order within your system and then send that Decision to the Sift API to record what took place.
    • From a Workflow - When your Sift Workflow logic determines to block an order (eg Payment Abuse Score > 95), Sift generates the Decision on that user, and sends a Webhook to your system so you can block the order within your system.

    Decision Properties

      "id": "credit_card_fraud_payment_abuse",
      "name": "Credit Card Fraud",
      "description": "cancel and refund all of the user's pending order.",
      "entity_type": "user",
      "abuse_type": "payment_abuse",
      "category": "block",
      "webhook_url": "http://webhook.example.com",
      "created_at": 1468005577348,
      "created_by": "admin@example.com",
      "updated_at": 1469229177756,
      "updated_by": "billy@exmaple.com"

    A Decision object includes the following:

    • id a unique ID within Sift that is set when the Decision is created.
    • name The name of the Decision that is shown to analysts within the Sift console.
    • description a human friendly description of the Decision. This is displayed along with the decision name in the Console to help your users better understand what action they are taking.
    • entity_type describes whether the decision is related to an order, user, or session.
    • abuse_type The type of abuse the Decision is related to. Sift can learn the different patterns of abuse you face. The possible values are: payment_abuse, account_abuse content_abuse promotion_abuse
    • category describes the type of action being taken. The 3 possible categories are:
      • BLOCK: You are taking a negative action. (eg "Stop Order", "Blacklist User", "Ban Listing", etc)
      • WATCH: Your team is not ready to fully block or accept this user. (eg "Require Verification", "Limit Order Amount", "Freeze Listing", etc)
      • ACCEPT: You are taking a positive action. (eg "Ship Order", "Approve User", "Publish Listing", etc)
    • webhook_url URl Sift will send a webhook to when a Decision is made within the Sift Console or from a Sift Workflow

    When you apply a Decision, it represents a business action taken at a specific point in time. As a result, once a Decision is made, it can't be deleted or modified. However, you can represent updates by applying a subsequent Decision to that entity. This way, you'll have a full and complete record of what occurred. You can always retrieve the most recent Decision by using the Decision Status API.

    Decisions API Overview

    The Decisions APIs allow you to:

    Apply Decisions

    The Apply Decisions API allows you to apply Decisions to users, orders, or sessions. This is important so that Sift can track the actions you've taken within your system and learn from them. You can only apply Decisions that are active and already configured for your account in the Decisions section in the Console.

    When you send a Decision via the API, we will not send a webhook back to you as you'll already have a record within your system of what occurred. However, if you were to apply that same Decision in the Sift Console, we would send a webhook to your application so that you can update your system.

    The Request

    Applying a decision to a user

    NOTE: To apply a Decision on a user you must provide the user ID.

    $ curl -XPOST https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}/decisions
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n-u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    -d \n        '{
              "decision_id"   : "block_user_payment_abuse",
              "source"        : "MANUAL_REVIEW",
              "analyst"       : "analyst@example.com",
              "description"   : "User linked to three other payment abusers and ordering high value items"
    import sift

    client = sift.Client(api_key='{YOUR_API_KEY}', account_id='{accountId}')
    applyDecisionRequest = {
        'decision_id'     : 'block_user_payment_abuse',
        'source'          : 'MANUAL_REVIEW',
        'analyst'         : 'analyst@example.com',
        'description'     : 'User linked to three other payment abusers and ordering high value items'
    response = self.client.apply_user_decision(user_id, applyDecisionRequest)
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusResponse;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.DecisionStatusFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("{YOUR_API_KEY}");
    ApplyDecisionRequest request;
    ApplyDecisionRequest request = client.buildRequest(
            new ApplyDecisionFieldSet()
                .setDescription("User linked to three other payment abusers and ordering high value items");
    ApplyDecisionResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    DecisionLog decisionLog = response.getDecisionLog();
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(api_key: "{YOUR_API_KEY}", account_id: "{accountId}")
    response = client.apply_decision({
      decision_id: "block_user_payment_abuse",
      description: "User linked to three other payment abusers and ordering high value items",
      source: "manual_review",
      analyst: "analyst@example.com",
      user_id: "userId"
    if (!response.ok?)
      puts "Unable to apply decision: " + response.api_error_message
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $options = array(
        'analyst' => 'analyst@example.com',
        'description' => 'User linked to three other payment abusers and ordering high value items'
    $response = $client->applyDecisionToUser('userId',

    Applying a decision to an order

    NOTE: To apply a Decision on an order you must provide both the user and order ID.

    $ curl -XPOST https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}/orders/{orderId}/decisions
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n-u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    -d \n        '{
              "decision_id"   : "block_order_payment_abuse",
              "source"        : "AUTOMATED_RULE",
              "description"   : "Auto block pending order as score exceeded risk threshold of 90"
    import sift

    client = sift.Client(api_key='{YOUR_API_KEY}', account_id='{accountId}')
    applyDecisionRequest = {
        'decision_id': 'block_order_payment_abuse',
        'source': 'AUTOMATED_RULE',
        'description': 'Auto block pending order as score exceeded risk threshold of 90'
    response = self.client.apply_order_decision(user_id, order_id, applyDecisionRequest)
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusResponse;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.DecisionStatusFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("{YOUR_API_KEY}");
    ApplyDecisionRequest request;
    ApplyDecisionRequest request = client.buildRequest(
            new ApplyDecisionFieldSet()
    ApplyDecisionResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    DecisionLog decisionLog = response.getDecisionLog();
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(api_key: "{YOUR_API_KEY}", account_id: "accountId")
    response = client.apply_decision({
      decision_id: "block_order_payment_abuse",
      description: "applied via the high priority queue, queued user because their risk score exceeded 85",
      source: "AUTOMATED_RULE",
      user_id: "userId",
      order_id: "orderId"
    if (!response.ok?)
      puts "Unable to apply decision: " + response.api_error_message
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $options = array(
        'analyst' => 'analyst@example.com',
        'description' => 'applied via the high priority queue, queued user because their risk score exceeded 85'
    $response = $client->applyDecisionToOrder('userId',

    Applying a Decision to a session

    NOTE: To apply a Decision on a session you must provide both the user and session ID.

    $ curl -XPOST https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}/sessions/{sessionId}/decisions
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n-u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    -d \n        '{
              "decision_id"   : "session_looks_bad_account_takeover",
              "source"        : "MANUAL_REVIEW",
              "analyst"       : "analyst@example.com",
              "description"   : "compromised account reported to customer service"

    Request fields

    • decision_id
      required · String

      The unique identifier of the Decision to be applied to an entity. decision_id and descriptions can be retrieved using the GET decisions API Note: A Decision configured with entity_type=user can only be applied to a user. Similarly, a Decision configured with entity_type=order can only be applied to an order.

    • source
      required · String

      The source of this Decision.

      Allowed Values
        This Decision was applied by an analyst during review of a user/order.
        This Decision was applied to a user/order by an automated rules engine or internal system. There was no human analysis before this Decision was made.
        This Decision was applied to a user/order in response to a chargeback received. Source of CHARGEBACK should only be used for Decisions your system automatically takes in response to a Chargeback. Note: Whether or not you take automated action in response to Chargebacks, you should send Sift the Chargeback events.
    • analyst

      Analyst who applied the Decision, only required when source is set to manual_review. Does not need to be an email, can be any analyst identifier.

    • time
      optional · Long

      The time the Decision was applied, as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds. This is only necessary to send for historical backfill.

    • description
      optional · String

      A description of the Decision that will be applied.


    For successful requests, the response will have an HTTP status code of 200.

        "entity": {
            "id" : {entity_id}
            "type" : "{entity_type}"
        "decision": {
            "id": "{decision_id}"
        "time": "1461963439151"

    Response Fields

    • entity

      The entity object containing information on the entity on which the Decision was applied.

      • id

        The id of the entity on which the Decision was applied.

      • type

        Type of entity, (user or order), to which Decision was applied.

    • decision

      The Decision object containing information on the Decision that was applied.

      • id

        The id of the Decision that was applied.

    • time

      The time the Decision was applied, as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

    Get Decisions

    Get Decisions API allows you to retrieve the list of all Decisions you've configured for your account. Currently, Decisions can only be created in the Decisions section in the Console.

    Getting available decisions

    $ curl -XGET https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{account_id}/decisions?abuse_types=payment_abuse,legacy&entity_type=user&from=5&limit=10
    -u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    import sift
    client = sift.Client(api_key='{YOUR_API_KEY}', account_id='{account_id}')
    response = client.get_decisions(entity_type='user', limit=10, start_from=5, abuse_types='legacy,payment_abuse')
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusResponse;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.DecisionStatusFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("{YOUR_API_KEY}");
    GetDecisions request = client.buildRequest(new GetDecisionsFieldSet()
            .setAbuseTypes(ImmutableList.of(AbuseType.PAYMENT_ABUSE, AbuseType.LEGACY)
    GetDecisionsResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    List<Decision> decisions = response.getDecisions();
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(api_key: "{YOUR_API_KEY}", account_id: "{account_id}")
    response = client.decisions({
      abuse_types: ["payment_abuse", "legacy"],
      entity_type: "user",
      from: 5,
      limit: 10
    if (response.ok?) {
      decision = response.body["data"].find do |decision_hash|
        decision_hash["id"] == "block_bad_user"
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $options = array(
        'abuse_types' => array('payment_abuse', 'legacy'),
        'entity_type' => 'user',
        'from' => 5,
        'limit' => 10
    $response = $client.getDecisions($options);

    Query Parameters

    • entity_type
      optional · String

      Return only decisions applicable to the specified entity_type.

      Allowed Values
      • USER
        This Decision should be applied to users.
      • ORDER
        This Decision should be applied to orders.
    • abuse_types
      optional · Comma-separated strings

      Return only decisions applicable to specified abuse_types.

      Allowed Values
      • LEGACY
        Return Decisions associated with the Legacy product.
        Return Decisions associated with the Payment Abuse product.
        Return Decisions associated with the Account Abuse product.
        Return Decisions associated with the Content Abuse product.
        Return Decisions associated with the Promotion Abuse product.
        Return Decisions associated with the Account Takeover product.
    • limit
      optional · integer

      Used in conjunction with the from parameter to paginate results. limit sets the maximum number of results to return from each request. The default value for limit is 100.

    • from
      optional · integer

      Used in conjunction with limit parameter to page through the result set. By default, result set is sorted by id. The field from specifies the index of the first entry in a collection to return. The default value for from is 0. For example if from is set to 10 you will receive the 11th decision + limit.


    For successful requests, the response should have an HTTP status code of 200. You will receive a response in the following format:

      "data": [
          "id": "block_user_payment_abuse",
          "name": "Block user",
          "description": "cancel and refund all of the user's pending order.",
          "entity_type": "user",
          "abuse_type": "payment_abuse",
          "category": "block",
          "webhook_url": "http://webhook.example.com",
          "created_at": 1468005577348,
          "created_by": "admin@example.com",
          "updated_at": 1469229177756,
          "updated_by": "billy@exmaple.com"
          "id": "user_looks_ok_legacy",
          "name": "User looks ok",
          "description": "legacy decision for users that looks ok",
          "entity_type": "user",
          "abuse_type": "legacy",
          "category": "accept",
          "webhook_url": "http://webhook.example.com",
          "created_at": 1468005577348,
          "created_by": "admin@example.com",
          "updated_at": 1469229177756,
          "updated_by": "billy@exmaple.com"
      "has_more": "true",
      "next_ref": "https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{account_id}/decisions?entity_type=user&abuse_types=payment_abuse,legacy&from=15&limit=10"

    Response Fields

    • data

      An array of decisions.

      • id

        The id of the decision. This is auto generated when the Decision is created based on the initial display name of the Decision.

      • name

        Display name of the decision.

      • description

        A description of the Decision. This field is intended as a way to describe the business action(s) associated with the Decision.

      • entity_type

        Entity type to which this Decision is applicable.

        Possible Values
        • USER
          This Decision should be applied to users.
        • ORDER
          This Decision should be applied to orders.
        • SESSION
          The Decision should be applied to sessions.
      • abuse_type

        Abuse type which this Decision describes.

        Possible Values
        • LEGACY
          Return Decisions associated with the Legacy product.
          Return Decisions associated with the Payment Abuse product.
          Return Decisions associated with the Account Abuse product.
          Return Decisions associated with the Content Abuse product.
        • PROMO_ABUSE
          Return Decisions associated with the Promotion Abuse product.
      • category

        Roughly categorizes the type of business action that this Decision represents. For example, if the Decision was named "Cancel Order" and every time this Decision was applied your application was configured to cancel the user’s order, this should be categorized as a BLOCK Decision.

        Possible Values
        • ACCEPT
          Accept entity
        • WATCH
          Watch entity
        • BLOCK
          Block entity
      • webhook_url

        URL configured as webhook for this Decision. This is an optional field, only necessary if you are receiving Webhooks. When a Decision with a webhook is applied via API, no webhook notification will be sent.

      • created_at

        Time at which the Decision was created, as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

      • created_by

        User who created decision.

      • updated_at

        Time at which the Decision was last updated, as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

      • updated_by

        User who last updated the Decision.

    • has_more

      For result sets that span multiple requests, the has_more field indicates whether more results may be retrieved. Used in conjunction with next_ref to paginate result sets.

    • next_ref

      For paginated results, next_ref contains a URL where the next set of results can be retrieved

    Decision Webhooks

    Decision Webhooks can be set up when you create or edit a Decision in the Sift Console. If you haven't yet configured webhooks on your Decisions, read our Connecting Decisions to Business Actions tutorial to learn how. Once you've configured webhooks for a Decision, we'll start sending webhooks to the URL you've specified whenever a Decision is applied by a user or automatically by a Workflow. Webhooks will be sent with the following body:


      "entity": {
        "type": "user",
        "id": "USER123"
      "decision": {
        "id": "block_user_payment_abuse"
      "time": 1461963439151

    Response Fields

    • entity

      The entity object containing information on the entity on which the Decision was taken.

      • type

        The type of entity on which the Decision was taken.

        Possible Values
        • user
          This entity is a user and so the following id field will be a $user_id.
        • order
          This entity is an order and so the following id field will be an $order_id.
      • id

        The unique identifier of the entity on which the Decision was taken.

    • decision

      The Decision object containing information on the Decision taken.

      • id

        The unique identifier of the Decision that was taken. This is generated by taking the first display name provided for the Decision, replacing spaces with underscores, and concatenating it with the fraud type for which this Decision is configured.

        Note: You cannot have two Decisions with the same initial display name for any given fraud type.

    • time

      The time the Decision was applied, as a UNIX timestamp.

    Now that you know what to expect from your Decision Webhooks, you need to authenticate that they are indeed coming from Sift and meant for you. We'll cover this in the next section.


    Take advantage of webhook authentication to ensure that the request you receive is coming from Sift.


    • There can only be one active webhook key per account.
    • Generate your key on the Production API Keys page of your console.
    • The Production key is used for your Sandbox account.
    • The Signature will appear in the http header of the webhook request as 'X-Sift-Science-Signature'.
    Switch to one of the programming language tabs for the specific language implementation of webhook signature verification.
    import json
    from hashlib import sha256
    import hmac
    from flask import request
    def webhook():
      # Let's check whether this webhook actually came from Sift!
      # First let's grab the signature from the postback's headers
      postback_signature = request.get("X-Sift-Science-Signature")
      # Next, let's try to assemble the signature on our side to verify
      postback_body = json.dumps(request.json)
      h = hmac.new(SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY, postback_body, sha1)
      verification_signature = "sha256={}".format(h.hexdigest())
      if verification_signature == postback_signature:
        raise SomeException()
    require 'json'
    require 'openssl'
    require 'sinatra'
    post '/webhook' do
      # Let's check whether this webhook actually came from Sift!
      # First let's grab the signature from the postback's headers
      postback_signature = request.env['X-Sift-Science-Signature']
      # Next, let's try to assemble the signature on our side to verify
      digest  = OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha256')
      calculated_hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(digest, SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY, request.body)
      verification_signature = "sha256=#{calculated_hmac}"
      if verification_signature == postback_signature
        puts "success"
        raise Exception
    BLOCK_ACTION = 'block'; #name of the Action you set up in the console
    # Let's check whether this webhook actually came from Sift!
    # First let's grab the signature from the postback's headers
    $webhookSignature = $headers['X-Sift-Science-Signature'];
    # Next, let's try to assemble the signature on our side to verify
    $verificationSignature  = "sha256=" . hash_hmac('sha256', $requestBody, $SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY);
    if ($webhookSignature == $verificationSignature) {
      $siftRequest = json_decode($requestBody);
      if ($siftRequest->action->id == BLOCK_ACTION) {
    import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.HmacUtils;
    String SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY = "#####";
    // Get the "X-Sift-Science-Signature" request header.
    String webhookSignature = requestHeaders.get("X-Sift-Science-Signature");
    String verificationSignature = "sha256=" + HmacUtils.hmacSha256Hex(
    if (!webhookSignature.equals(verificationSignature)) {
        // Handle unauthenticated webhook

    Decision Status

    The Decision Status API allows you to query the latest Decision for an entity. Sift returns the latest Decision status for each abuse type so that you have a full view of the entity.

    curl -XGET https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/{users}/{userId}/decisions
    # or
    curl -XGET https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/orders/{orderId}/decisions
    # or
    curl -XGET https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}/sessions/{sessionId}/decisions
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n-u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    import sift
    client = sift.Client(api_key='{YOUR_API_KEY}', account_id='{accountId}')
    response = client.get_user_decisions('the_user_id')
    # or
    response = client.get_order_decisions('the_order_id')
    require 'sift'
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key = > '{YOUR_API_KEY}', :account_id => '{accountId}')
    response = client.get_user_decisions('the_user_id')
    # or
    response = client.get_order_decisions('the_order_id')
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => '{YOUR_API_KEY}', 'account_id' => '{accountId}'));
    $response = $client->getUserDecisions('the_user_id');
    // or
    $response = $client->getOrderDecisions('the_order_id');
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusResponse;
    import com.siftscience.DecisionStatusRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.DecisionStatusFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    DecisionStatusRequest request;
    request = client.buildRequest(new DecisionStatusFieldSet()
    // or
    request = client.buildRequest(new DecisionStatusFieldSet()
    DecisionStatusResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    Map<String, LatestDecision> decisionStatuses = response.getDecisionStatuses();

    Be sure to replace {accountId} with your Sift account ID, found on the Profile Tab on the Console. Also, make sure to pick an entity, either users or orders or sessions to fill in the id of the entity. Lastly, replace {YOUR_API_KEY} with your REST API key, found in the API Keys tab of the Developer page in the Console. You will receive a response in the following format:


      "decisions": {
        "payment_abuse": {
          "decision": {
            "id": "block_user_payment_abuse"
          "time": 1461963439151,
          "webhook_succeeded": true
        "promo_abuse": {
          "decision": {
            "id": "reject_promo_promo_abuse"
          "time": 1461963431151,
          "webhook_succeeded": true
        "content_abuse": {
          "decision": {
            "id": "block_post_content_abuse"
          "time": 1461963429151,
          "webhook_succeeded": true
        "account_abuse": {
          "decision": {
            "id": "ban_account_account_abuse"
          "time": 1461963839151,
          "webhook_succeeded": true
        "legacy": {
          "decision": {
            "id": "block_user_legacy"
          "time": 1461966439151,
          "webhook_succeeded": false

    Response Fields

    • decisions

      A map of abuse types to the associated latest Decisions for the entity.

      Possible Key Values
      • payment_abuse
        The associated JSON object is the latest Decision for the Payment Abuse abuse type.
      • promo_abuse
        The associated JSON object is the latest Decision for the Promo Abuse abuse type.
      • content_abuse
        The associated JSON object is the latest Decision for the Content Abuse abuse type.
      • account_abuse
        The associated JSON object is the latest Decision for the Account Abuse abuse type.
      • legacy
        The associated JSON object is the latest Decision for the Legacy abuse type.
      • account_takeover
        The associated JSON object is the latest Decision for the Account Takeover abuse type.

      Note:If a latest Decision does not exist for a particular abuse type, that key and associated JSON object will not exist in this response.

      • latest decision object

        The information associated with the latest Decision for a specific abuse type key (read above).

        • decision

          The Decision object containing information on the Decision taken.

          • id

            The unique identifier of the Decision that was taken. This is generated by taking the first display name provided for the Decision, replacing spaces with hyphens, and concatenating it with the fraud type for which this Decision is configured.

            Note: You cannot have two Decisions with the same initial display name for any given fraud type.

        • time

          The time the Decision was applied, as a UNIX timestamp.

        • webhook_succeeded

          true if the webhook was successfully sent, false if the webhook failed to send, null if no webhook is configured.

    Workflows API Overview

    The Workflow APIs allow you to consume the output/query the status of a Workflow you've configured in the Sift Console. If you still need to create Workflows, please read our Creating a Workflow tutorial, which will walk you through the process of creating Workflows and attaching Decisions/Review Queues to them. There are two ways for you to query and consume Workflow output:

    • Synchronously when you send Sift any REST API event using the return_workflow_status URL parameter. This is best for when you need to know the output of the Workflow immediately after the triggering event occurs to make a time sensitive decision.
    • Asynchronously using the Workflow Status API. This is best for when you want to query a Workflow after the triggering event has passed. A common use case is for reporting needs.

    Automated Decisions

    There are two ways to consume an automated decision:

    1. Synchronously retrieve the Workflow's output when you send the triggering event.
    2. Use Decision Webhooks to consume the workflow's output.


    If you want to consume the automated Decision synchronously, you simply need to add return_workflow_status=true to the URL parameters when you are sending Sift a Reserved or Custom event. You can also request scores for specific abuse types using the abuse_types query parameter.


    curl -X POST "https://api.sift.com/v204/events?return_workflow_status=true&abuse_types=legacy"
    -H "Accept: application/json"
    -d '{
      "$api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$type": "$create_order",
      "$user_id": "test_user"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client('YOUR_API_KEY')
    properties = {
      '$user_id'    : 'test_user',
      '$user_email' : 'sample_user@gmail.com'
    response = client.track('$create_order', properties, return_workflow_status=True,
                             abuse_types=['promo_abuse', 'content_abuse', 'payment_abuse'])
    require 'sift'
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => 'YOUR_API_KEY')
    properties = {
      '$user_id'    => 'sample_user',
      '$user_email' => 'sample_user@gmail.com'
    response = client.track('$create_order', properties, :return_workflow_status => true,
                            :abuse_types => ['promo_abuse', 'payment_abuse'])
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $properties = array(
      '$user_id' => 'sample_user51',
      '$user_email' => 'sample_user@gmail.com'
    $opts = array(
              'return_workflow_status' => True,
              'abuse_types' =>  array(
    $response = $client->track('$create_order', $properties, $opts);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.exception.SiftException;
    import com.siftscience.model.CreateOrderFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(
            new CreateOrderFieldSet()
            .withScores("promo_abuse", "payment_abuse");
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {

    If you are an existing customer who has not yet upgraded to our abuse-specific scores, you will need to set abuse_types to legacy to get a score.


      "http_status_code": 200
      "body": {
        "status": 0,
        "error_message": "OK",
        "request": "body_of_the_request_you_sent",
        "time": 1454517138,
        "score_response": {
          "status": 0,
          "error_message": "OK",
          "user_id": "billy_jones_301",
          "scores": {
            "payment_abuse": {
              "score": 0.898391231245,
              "reasons": [
                  "name": "UsersPerDevice",
                  "value": 4,
                  "details": {
                    "users": "a, b, c, d"
            "promotion_abuse": {
              "score": 0.472838192111,
              "reasons": []
          "latest_labels": {
            "payment_abuse": {
              "is_fraud": true,
              "time": 1352201880,
              "description": "received a chargeback"
            "promotion_abuse": {
              "is_fraud": false,
              "time": 1362205000
          "workflow_statuses": [
              "id": "6dbq76qbaaaaa",
              "state": "running",
              "config": {
                "id": "pv3u5hyaaa",
                "version": "1468013109122"
              "config_display_name": "my create order flow",
              "abuse_types": ["payment_abuse", "legacy"],
              "entity": {
                "type": "user",
                "id": "test"
              "history": [
                  "app": "decision",
                  "name": "ban user",
                  "state": "running",
                  "config": {
                   "decision_id": "ban-user-payment-abuse"
                  "app": "review_queue",
                  "name": "risky user queue",
                  "state": "finished"
                  "config": {
                    "buttons": [
                      { "id": "ban-user-payment-abuse", "name": "Ban User" },
                      { "id": "suspend-user-payment-abuse", "name": "Ban User" },
                      { "id": "accept-user-payment-abuse", "name": "Ban User" }
                  "app": "user_scorer",
                  "name": "Entity",
                  "state": "finished"
                  "app": "event_processor",
                  "name": "Event",
                  "state": "finished"

    Response Fields

    • http_status_code

      The HTTP status code of this Events API

    • body

      The body of the response.

      • status

        The success or error code (see relevant error codes below).

      • error_message

        Description of error or success.

      • request

        The content of the event you sent.

      • time

        The time the request was processed.

      • score_response

        The requested scoring information for the given user.

        • status

          The status of the requested re-scoring and Formula check this event initiated.

        • error_message

          Description of error or success.

        • user_id

          The id of the user, matching what was passed in the Events API call.

        • scores

          The scores map contains all computed scores for all applicable abuse types for a given user. The map is keyed by abuse type, which could be one of: payment_abuse, account_abuse, content_abuse, promotion_abuse. The values in this map are objects which contain the following fields:

          • score

            Score for the user between 0.0 and 1.0. A score of 0.5 translates to a score a 50 in the console.

          • reasons

            A list of the most significant reasons for the score and the values associated with the user. The included values will vary based on the user. Includes related users in the details object when applicable.

            • name

              Name of the risk signal.

            • value

              Value of the risk signal.

            • details

              Additional details. Provided only when relevant. E.g., may contain a details field which contains the IDs of related users.

        • latest_labels

          NOTE: Latest Labels section is only intended for customers using the Labels API.

          The latest_labels map contains entries for all abuse types for which the given user has been labeled. Note that the content of this map is not subject to the abuse types specified in the request; we always include all labels that have been applied to the given user. The map is keyed by abuse type, which could be one of: payment_abuse, account_abuse, content_abuse, promotion_abuse. The values in this map are objects which contain the following fields:

          • is_fraud

            true if the user is labeled Fraud, false if the user is labeled Not Fraud.

          • time

            The time this label was applied to the user. It is a UNIX timestamp in seconds.

          • description

            Freeform text description of the user and/or incident triggering the label.

        • workflow_statuses

          A list of objects containing the responses of any Workflows that were triggered by this event. There will be one list item per Workflow triggered.

          • id

            The run ID of this Workflow, identifying this specific instance of the Workflow. Use this with theWorkflow Status API to query the status of a Workflow run directly.

          • state

            The state of this Workflow instance.

            Possible Values
            • running
              This Workflow instance is still running, either because it is still sending the webhook or the user/order was put into a manual review queue
            • finished
              This Workflow instance is finished running and there is a Decision associated with it in the history section discussed below
            • failed
              This Workflow instance has failed to run.
          • config

            An object containing the configuration information for this Workflow.

            • id

              The configuration ID of the Workflow. This is the unique identifier of this Workflow, but not this Workflow instance.

            • version

              The version of this Workflow.

          • config_display_name

            The display name given to this Workflow in the Workflow editor.

          • abuse_types

            A list of abuse types configured in this workflow

            Possible Values
            • payment_abuse
              This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Payment Abuse abuse type.
            • promo_abuse
              This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Promo Abuse abuse type.
            • content_abuse
              This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Content Abuse abuse type.
            • account_abuse
              This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Account Abuse abuse type.
            • legacy
              This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Legacy abuse type.
          • entity

            The entity object containing information on the entity on which the Decision was taken.

            • type

              The type of entity on which the Decision was taken.

              Possible Values
              • user
                This entity is a user and so the following id field will be a $user_id
              • order
                This entity is an order and so the following id field will be an $order_id
            • id

              The unique identifier of the entity on which the Decision was taken.

          • history

            A list of object containing information on each app that was run in chronological order. The first item in the list is the most recent app to run.

            Note: The first 2 apps that ran ('event_processor' and 'user_scorer'/'order_scorer') are run on every Workflow and are not associated with any configured Routes.

            • app

              The type of app which was run.

              Possible Values
              • decision
                This is a Decision app, and is the result of either an automated Decision or a Decision from a manual review queue
              • review_queue
                This is a Manual Review Queue app, and indicates that the user/order went to a Manual Review Queue.
              • user_scorer
                This is a scoring app, specific to the user entity. This is a static app and always appears on Workflows triggered for the user entity.
              • order_scorer
                This is a scoring app, specific to the order entity. This is a static app and always appears on Workflows triggered for the order entity.
              • event_processor
                This is an event processing app. This is a static app and appears on every Workflow.
            • name

              The display name of the app which was run.

            • state

              The state of this app.

              Possible Values
              • running
                This app is still running, either because it is still sending a Decision webhook or the user/order is still in a manual review queue
              • finished
                This app is finished running.
              • failed
                This app has failed to run.
            • config

              The configuration information of the app.

              • decision_id

                The unique identifier of the Decision taken in this app.

                Note: This field only exists if the value for app is decision

              • buttons

                A list of button objects associated with this Manual Review Queue.

                Note: This field only exists if the value for app is review_queue

                • id

                  The unique Decision ID for this button.

                • name

                  The display name for this button.

    Error Codes

    • -4

      Service currently unavailable. Please try again later.

    • -3

      Server-side timeout processing request. Please try again later.

    • -2

      Unexpected server-side error

    • -1

      Unexpected server-side error

    • 0


    • 51

      Invalid API key

    • 54
    • 60

      Rate limited; too many events have been received in a short period of time


    If you wish to use webhooks to consume the Workflow's output, please see the Decision Webhooks documentation.

    Decisions From Review Queues

    When a user/order arrives in a Review Queue, which you can verify by looking at the first item in the history section of the Workflow Status, someone on your review team will take a look and make a Decision by choosing one of the available Decision Buttons in the queue. There are two available methods to capture and act on these Decisions:

    • Decision Webhooks
    • The Decision Status API

    The Webhooks will push a notification to you when a Decision is made, while the Decision Status API allows you to query the latest Decisions on a user/order at any time. Choose the method that best fits your workflow.

    Workflow Status

    The Workflow Status API allows you to query the status of a specific instance of a Workflow. In order to use this API you need the instance's Run ID. You can get this by using the Synchronous Workflow Status API when you send the triggering event for the Workflow. This API is useful for gathering information on previously executed Workflows.

    To use this API, make the following request:


    curl -XGET  https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{accountId}/workflows/runs/{workflow_run_id}
    -H "Accept: application/json" \n-u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    import sift
    client = sift.Client(api_key='{YOUR_API_KEY}', account_id='{accountId}')
    workflow_run_id = '123' # obtained in response of 'return_workflow_status=true' call
    response = client.get_workflow_status(workflow_run_id)
    require 'sift'
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key = > '{YOUR_API_KEY}', :account_id => '{accountId}')
    workflow_run_id = '123' # obtained in response of 'return_workflow_status=true' call
    response = client.get_workflow_status(workflow_run_id)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => '{YOUR_API_KEY}', 'account_id' => '{accountId}'));
    $workflow_run_id = '123' // obtained in response of 'return_workflow_status=True' call
    $response = $client->getWorkflowStatus($workflow_run_id);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.WorkflowStatusResponse;
    import com.siftscience.WorkflowStatusRequest;
    import com.siftscience.model.WorkflowStatusFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    WorkflowStatusRequest request = client.buildRequest(new WorkflowStatusFieldSet()
    WorkflowStatusResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.getBody().getState(); // "running", "finished", or "failed"

    Be sure to replace {accountId} with your Sift account ID, found on the Profile Tab on the Console. Also, make sure to replace {workflow_run_id} with the Workflow Run ID. Lastly, replace {YOUR_API_KEY} with your REST API key, found on the API Keys tab of the Developer page on the Console. You will receive a response in the following format:


      "id": "6dbq76qbaaaaa",
      "state": "running",
      "config": {
        "id": "pv3u5hyaaa",
        "version": "1468013109122"
      "config_display_name": "my create order flow",
      "abuse_types": ["payment_abuse", "legacy"],
      "entity": {
        "type": "user",
        "id": ""dracula@vampires.com""
      "history": [
          "app": "decision",
          "name": "ban user",
          "state": "running",
          "config": {
             "decision_id": "ban-user-payment-abuse"
          "app": "review_queue",
          "name": "risky user queue",
          "state": "finished",
          "config": {
            "buttons": [
              { "id": "ban-user-payment-abuse", "name": "Ban User" },
              { "id": "suspend-user-payment-abuse", "name": "Ban User" },
              { "id": "accept-user-payment-abuse", "name": "Ban User" }
          "app": "user_scorer", // name TBD
          "name": "Entity",
          "state": "finished",
          "app": "event_processor", // name TBD
          "name": "Event",
          "state": "finished",

    Response Fields

    • id

      The run ID of this Workflow, identifying this specific instance of the Workflow.

    • state

      The state of this Workflow instance.

      Possible Values
      • running
        This Workflow instance is still running, either because it is still sending the webhook or the user/order was put into a manual review queue
      • finished
        This Workflow instance is finished running and there is a Decision associated with it in the history section discussed below
      • failed
        This Workflow instance has failed to run.
    • config

      An object containing the configuration information for this Workflow.

      • id

        The configuration ID of the Workflow. This is the unique identifier of this Workflow, but not this Workflow instance.

      • version

        The version of this Workflow.

    • config_display_name

      The display name given to this Workflow in the Workflow editor.

    • abuse_types

      A list of abuse types configured in this workflow

      Possible Values
      • payment_abuse
        This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Payment Abuse abuse type.
      • promo_abuse
        This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Promo Abuse abuse type.
      • content_abuse
        This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Content Abuse abuse type.
      • account_abuse
        This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Account Abuse abuse type.
      • legacy
        This Workflow is configured to give Decisions on the Legacy abuse type.
    • entity

      The entity object containing information on the entity on which the Decision was taken.

      • type

        The type of entity on which the Decision was taken.

        Possible Values
        • user
          This entity is a user and so the following id field will be a $user_id
        • order
          This entity is an order and so the following id field will be an $order_id
      • id

        The unique identifier of the entity on which the Decision was taken.

    • history

      A list of object containing information on each app that was run in chronological order. The first item in the list is the most recent app to run.

      Note: The first 2 apps that ran ('event_processor' and 'user_scorer'/'order_scorer') are run on every Workflow and are not associated with any configured Routes.

      • app

        The type of app which was run.

        Possible Values
        • decision
          This is a Decision app, and is the result of either an automated Decision or a Decision from a manual review queue
        • review_queue
          This is a Manual Review Queue app, and indicates that the user/order went to a Manual Review Queue.
        • user_scorer
          This is a scoring app, specific to the user entity. This is a static app and always appears on Workflows triggered for the user entity.
        • order_scorer
          This is a scoring app, specific to the order entity. This is a static app and always appears on Workflows triggered for the order entity.
        • event_processor
          This is an event processing app. This is a static app and appears on every Workflow.
      • name

        The display name of the app which was run.

      • state

        The state of this app.

        Possible Values
        • running
          This app is still running, either because it is still sending a Decision webhook or the user/order is still in a manual review queue
        • finished
          This app is finished running.
        • failed
          This app has failed to run.
      • config

        The configuration information of the app.

        • decision_id

          The unique identifier of the Decision taken in this app.

          Note: This field only exists if the value for app is decision

        • buttons

          A list of button objects associated with this Manual Review Queue.

          Note: This field only exists if the value for app is review_queue

          • id

            The unique Decision ID for this button.

          • name

            The display name for this button.

    Formulas and Actions API

    NOTE: As of July, 2016 Formulas and Actions are a legacy option for automating fraud decisions with Sift. If you are a Sift customer that is already using Formulas, they will continue working as expected, but we encourage you to check out our new suite of automation tools - Workflows!

    For more information on integrating Formulas and Actions, view the tutorial.

    1. Synchronous Actions are the best way to get a real-time score at your key decision point, such as $create_order, $create_content, or $create_account.
    2. Action Webhooks are the best way to get updates about a change to a user's risk score or other state outside of your key event where you make an automated decision.

    Synchronous Actions

    Synchronous Actions are the best way to make a decision at your key decision point, such as $create_order, $create_content, or $create_account. Once you choose the event to make your Synchronous Action call on, simply append the '?return_action=true' to our Events API url or use one of our client libraries as shown below.

    Synchronous Action calls will return each user's risk score. You can enhance them to include any actions that should be taken on the user, order, or posting, such as block or review. Your fraud team can set up and configure actions in the console. Formulas and actions can be adjusted in the console at anytime without the need for developer resources. For an overview of creating Actions to enhance Synchronous Action calls, see our tutorial.

    curl -X POST https://api.sift.com/v203/events?return_action=true
    -H "Accept: application/json"
    -d '{
      "$api_key": "YOUR_SANDBOX_REST_API_KEY",
      "$type": "$create_order",
      "$user_id": "test_user"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # define event_properties here
    response = client.track("$create_order", event_properties, return_action=True)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # define event_properties here
    response = client.track("$create_order", event_properties, timeout=2, path=nil, false, sift_api_key, return_action=true)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient('YOUR_API_KEY');
    // define event_properties here
    $response = $client->track('$create_order', $properties, $timeout = 2, $path = null, FALSE, $returnAction = TRUE)


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: text/json;charset=UTF-8
    Connection: keep-alive
      "body": {
        "status": 0,
        "error_message": "OK",
        "request": "body_of_the_request_you_sent",
        "time": 1454517138,
        "score_response": {
          "status": 0,
          "error_message": "OK",
          "user_id": "sample_user2",
          "latest_label": { # present only if user is currently labeled
            "reasons": ["$spam"],
            "is_fraud": true,
            "time": 1454517070
          "score": 0.39944676614045643
          "reasons": [
              "name": "Number of users with the same billing address",
              "value": "3",
              "details": { # present only if there are details
                "users": "sample_user3,sample_user4"
          "actions": [
              "action": {
                "id": "take_action"
              "triggers": [
                  "source": "synchronous_action",
                  "trigger": {
                    "id": "568c65bfe4b04102ee5aa080"
                  "type": "formula"
              "time": 1454517138887,
              "id": "cd089ea60de36f3ac0dd47572fc4a00a7ffffead5805ca38:take_action",
              "entity": {
                "id": "sample_user2"
      "http_status_code": 200
    response.is_ok()            # false on failed score requests.
    response.http_status_code   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response.api_status         # see error codes and messages below
    # check for label
    bad_user = response.body['latest_label']['is_fraud'] if 'latest_label' in response.body else None
    # get Sift Score
    sift_score = round((response.body['score_response']['score'] * 100), 1) # e.g. 74.8
    # check if a certain action has been applied to a user or order
    prevent_action_id = 'prevent' # create in Sift Console: https://sift.com/console/actions/users
    entity_id = user_id
    for action in response.body['score_response']['actions']:
      if action['entity']['id'] == entity_id and action['action']['id'] == action_id:
        # take some action
    response.ok?()              # false on failed score requests.
    response.http_status_code   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response.api_status         # see error codes and messages below
    #check for label
    bad_user = response.body.has_key?('latest_label') ? response.body['latest_label']['is_fraud'] : nil
    # get score
    sift_score = (response.body['score_response']['score'] * 100).round(1) # e.g. 74.8
    # check if a certain action has been applied to a user or order
    prevent_action_id = 'prevent' # create in Sift Console: https://sift.com/console/actions/users
    for action in action_list
      if action['entity']['id'] == entity_id && action['action']['id'] == action_id
          # take some action
    prevent_action_id = 'prevent' # create in Sift Console: https://sift.com/console/actions/users
    prevent = action_in_list(prevent_action_id, user_id, response.body['score_response']['actions'])
    $response->isOk()           // false on failed score requests.
    $response->httpStatusCode   // 200 on successful score requests
    $response->apiStatus        // 0 on successful score requests.
    $response->apiErrorMessage  // see error codes and messages below
    // get score
    $siftScore = round(($response->body['score'] * 100), 1); //e.g. 74.8
    // check if a certain action has been applied to a user or order
    $preventActionID = 'take_action'; // create in Sift Console: https://sift.com/console/actions/users
    $entityId = $userID;
    foreach ($response->body['actions'] as $action) {
      if ($action['entity']['id'] == $entityId && $action['action']['id'] == $preventActionID) {
        print "action found!";

    Response Fields

    • status

      The success or error code (see relevant error codes below).

    • error_message

      Description of error or success.

    • request

      The content of the event you sent.

    • time

      The time the request was processed.

    • score_response

      The id of the user, matching what was passed in the Score API call.

      • status

        The status of the requested re-scoring and Formula check this event initiated.

      • error_message

        Description of error or success.

      • user_id

        The id of the user, matching what was passed in the Events API call.

      • latest_label

        Only returned if the user is currently labeled.

        • reasons

          A list of reasons that were given for the label. Only returned if one or more reasons were applied.

        • is_fraud

          True if the user is labeled Fraud, false if the user is labeled Not Fraud. The latest_label object will not be present if the user is unlabeled.

        • time

          The time the most recent label was applied to the user, as UNIX timestamp.

      • score

        Score for the user between 0.0 and 1.0. A score of 0.5 translates to a score a 50 in the console.

      • reasons

        The most significant reasons contributing to the user's risk score. The included values will vary.

        • name

          Name of the risk signal.

        • value

          The value for the risk signal.

        • details
          Object (optional)

          Additional details. Provided only when relevant.

          • users

            Users related to the user by the risk signal

      • actions

        A list of any actions that have been applied to the user, with the most recent action appearing first.

        • id

          Our unique id for this particular application of the action to this user. Used to reference our internal logs if needed.

        • action

          Contains the id associated with the action. This is the ActionID generated when setting up the action in your console. Our unique id for this particular application of the action to this user. Used to reference our internal logs if needed.

        • entity

          Contains the id of the entity the action was applied to (the user_id passed in the Score API call).

        • time

          The time the action was applied, as UNIX timestamp.

        • triggers

          A list of what triggered the application of this action to the user. For example, two Formulas and their ids.

    Error Codes

    Send your events with a $time field in milliseconds and resend on a 60 or a negative error code value in either status field.

    • -1

      Unexpected server-side error

    • -2

      Unexpected server-side error

    • -3

      Server-side timeout processing request. Please try again later.

    • -4

      Service currently unavailable. Please try again later.

    • 0


    • 51

      Invalid API key

    • 60

      Rate limited; too many events have been received in a short period of time. Note: make sure to check the status of the 'score_response' field for this error as well.

    Action webhooks

    Action webhooks are the best way to get updates about a change to the risk of a user outside of your key event where you must make an instant decision. Using Action webhooks requires setting up Actions and Formulas to trigger them in your console. For an overview, see our Formulas and Actions tutorial.

    See Action Webhooks Authentication for instructions on how to verify the requests you are receiving are coming from Sift.

      id: "3ff1082a4aea8d0c58e3643ddb7a5bb87ffffeb2492dca33",
      action: {
        id: "test",
        href: "https://sift.com/v3/accounts/5265ac265f5ce205a2bdc80f/actions/test"
      entity: {
        id: "example_order",
        href: "https://sift.com/v3/accounts/5265ac265f5ce205a2bdc80f/orders/example_order"
      time: 1454526160387,
      triggers: [
          type: "formula",
          source: "formula_service",
          trigger: {
            id: "556e4a1de4b04ed910169adb",
            href: "https://sift.com/v3/accounts/5265ac265f5ce205a2bdc80f/formulas/556e4a1de4b04ed910169adb"


    • id

      Our unique id for this particular application of the action to this user. Used to reference our internal logs if needed.

    • action

      Contains the id associated with the action. This is the ActionID generated when setting up the action in your console. Our unique id for this particular application of the action to this user. Used to reference our internal logs if needed.

    • entity

      Contains the id of the entity the action was applied to (the user_id passed in the Score API call).

    • time

      The time the action was applied, as UNIX timestamp.

    • triggers

      A list of what triggered the application of this action to the user. For example, two Formulas and their ids.


    Take advantage of webhook authentication to ensure that the request you receive is coming from Sift.


    • There can only be one active webhook key per account.
    • Generate your key on the Production API Keys page of your console.
    • The Production key is used for your Sandbox account.
    • The Signature will appear as the value for the HTTP header 'X-Sift-Science-Signature', which will arrive in the request. This header does not appear when you initially set up webhooks for Actions in the console.
    Switch to one of the programming language tabs for the specific language implementation of webhook signature verification.
    import json
    from hashlib import sha256
    import hmac
    from flask import request
    def webhook():
      # Let's check whether this webhook actually came from Sift!
      # First let's grab the signature from the postback's headers
      postback_signature = request.get("X-Sift-Science-Signature")
      # Next, let's try to assemble the signature on our side to verify
      postback_body = json.dumps(request.json)
      h = hmac.new(SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY, postback_body, sha1)
      verification_signature = "sha256={}".format(h.hexdigest())
      if verification_signature == postback_signature:
        raise SomeException()
    require 'json'
    require 'openssl'
    require 'sinatra'
    post '/webhook' do
      # Let's check whether this webhook actually came from Sift!
      # First let's grab the signature from the postback's headers
      postback_signature = request.env['X-Sift-Science-Signature']
      # Next, let's try to assemble the signature on our side to verify
      digest  = OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha256')
      calculated_hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(digest, SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY, request.body)
      verification_signature = "sha256=#{calculated_hmac}"
      if verification_signature == postback_signature
        puts "success"
        raise Exception
    BLOCK_ACTION = 'block'; #name of the Action you set up in the console
    # Let's check whether this webhook actually came from Sift!
    # First let's grab the signature from the postback's headers
    $webhookSignature = $headers['X-Sift-Science-Signature'];
    # Next, let's try to assemble the signature on our side to verify
    $verificationSignature  = "sha256=" . hash_hmac('sha256', $requestBody, $SIFT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_KEY);
    if ($webhookSignature == $verificationSignature) {
      $siftRequest = json_decode($requestBody);
      if ($siftRequest->action->id == BLOCK_ACTION) {

    Score API Overview

    The Sift APIs give you multiple ways to get a risk score for any of your users. A risk score is a measure of how likely a user is to commit abuse using your service. Scores are computed in real time from the data sent via the Events API and the Sift Javascript snippet.

    Sift calculates risk scores for four types of abuse:

    • Payment Abuse - A user fraudulently using a credit card or other payment method.
    • Content Abuse - A user creating content (e.g. spammy/scammy posts) or sending messages on your site in an abusive manner.
    • Promotion Abuse - A user gaming the terms of a promotion in an excessive or abusive way.
    • Account Abuse - A user using your service in a manner you deem abusive (e.g. fake accounts).

    You can get one or more of these abuse scores at a time. We will calculate scores for any of the abuse detection products you’ve enabled. Here is the pricing for our abuse prevention products.

    There are three different ways to get scores from Sift:

    1. Get a score synchronously when you send an event (most common)
    2. Get a score and workflows status synchronously when you send an event
    3. Get a score at a point in time without sending an event

    Getting risk scores synchronously when sending events

    Whenever you send an event, you can receive a Sift Score back synchronously in the response back from the API. This is particularly useful for when you are sending an event that maps to a key decision point for your business. Typically, customers find it most useful to get scores back after creating an account, order, content, or adding a promotion, but you can get scores back after passing any of the events we support.

    For events that you don't plan on using the score, it’s best that you don’t ask for the score as it will add some latency to the request.

    To get scores back when sending an event, just append the query parameter return_score=true to your API request. You can also request scores for specific abuse types using the abuse_types query parameter.

    curl -X POST "https://api.sift.com/v204/events?return_score=true&abuse_types=payment_abuse,promotion_abuse"
      -H "Accept: application/json"
      -d '{
        "$type"             : "$create_order",
        "$api_key"          : "YOUR_API_KEY",
        "$user_id"          : "billy_jones_301",
        "$session_id"       : "gigtleqddo84l8cm15qe4il",
        "$order_id"         : "ORDER-28168441",
        "$user_email"       : "bill@gmail.com",
        "$amount"           : 115940000, // $115.94
        "$currency_code"    : "USD"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    # define event_properties here
    response = client.track("$create_order", event_properties, return_score=True, abuse_types=['payment_abuse', 'promotion_abuse'])
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    # define event_properties here
    response = client.track("$create_order", event_properties, :return_score => true, :abuse_types => ["payment_abuse", "promotion_abuse"])
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    // define event_properties here
    $response = $client->track('$create_order', $properties, array('return_score' => true, 'abuse_types' => array('payment_abuse', 'promotion_abuse')));
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.EventRequest;
    import com.siftscience.EventResponse;
    import com.siftscience.exception.SiftException;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    EventRequest request = client.buildRequest(fieldSet).withScores();
    // or with specific abuse types
    request = client.buildRequest(fieldSet)
        .withScores("payment_abuse", "promotion_abuse");
    EventResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {

    If you are an existing customer who has not yet upgraded to our abuse-specific scores, you will need to set abuse_types to legacy to get a score.


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: text/json;charset=UTF-8
    Connection: keep-alive
      "body": {
        "status": 0,
        "error_message": "OK",
        "request": "body_of_the_request_you_sent",
        "time": 1454517138,
        "score_response": {
          "status": 0,
          "error_message": "OK",
          "user_id": "billy_jones_301",
          "scores": {
            "payment_abuse": {
              "score": 0.898391231245,
              "reasons": [
                  "name": "UsersPerDevice",
                  "value": 4,
                  "details": {
                    "users": "a, b, c, d"
            "promotion_abuse": {
              "score": 0.472838192111,
              "reasons": []
          "latest_labels": {
            "payment_abuse": {
              "is_fraud": true,
              "time": 1352201880,
              "description": "received a chargeback"
            "promotion_abuse": {
              "is_fraud": false,
              "time": 1362205000
      "http_status_code": 200
    response.is_ok()            # false on failed score requests.
    response.http_status_code   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response.api_status         # see error codes and messages below
    # check for a label for a specific abuse type
    bad_user = response.body['latest_labels']['payment_abuse']['is_fraud'] if 'latest_labels' in response.body else None
    # get Sift Score for a specific abuse type
    payment_abuse_score = round((response.body['scores']['payment_abuse']['score'] * 100), 1)
    response.ok?()              # false on failed score requests.
    response.http_status_code   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response.api_status         # see error codes and messages below
    # check for a label for a specific abuse type
    bad_user = response.body.has_key?('latest_labels') ? response.body['latest_labels']['payment_abuse']['is_fraud'] : nil
    # get Sift Score for a specific abuse type
    payment_abuse_score = (response.body['scores']['payment_abuse']['score'] * 100).round(1)
    response->isOk()           # false on failed score requests.
    response->httpStatusCode   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response->apiStatus        # see error codes and messages below
    # To grab the payment_abuse score:
    $siftScore = round(($response->body['scores']['payment_abuse']['score'] * 100, 1);
    import com.siftscience.model.Reason;
    response.isOk();               // false on failed score requests.
    response.getHttpStatusCode();  // 200 on successful score requests.
    response.getApiStatus();       // see error codes and messages below
    // check for a label for a specific abuse type
    // get Sift Score for a specific abuse type
    Long paymentAbuseScore = Math.round(response.getScore("payment_abuse") * 100);
    // get reasons for a Sift Score
    List<Reason> reasons = response.getReasons("payment_abuse");

    Response Fields

    • status

      The success or error code (see relevant error codes below).

    • error_message

      Description of status code.

    • request

      The content of the event you sent.

    • time

      The time the request was processed, in seconds since epoch.

    • score_response

      The requested scoring information for the given user.

      • status

        The success or error code (see relevant error codes below).

      • error_message

        Description of error if applicable.

      • scores

        The scores map contains all computed scores for all applicable abuse types for a given user. The map is keyed by abuse type, which could be one of: payment_abuse, account_abuse, content_abuse, promotion_abuse, account_takeover. The values in this map are objects which contain the following fields:

        • score

          Score for the user between 0.0 and 1.0. A score of 0.5 translates to a score a 50 in the console.

        • reasons

          A list of the most significant reasons for the score and the values associated with the user. The included values will vary based on the user. Includes related users in the details object when applicable.

          • name

            Name of the risk signal.

          • value

            Value of the risk signal.

          • details

            Additional details. Provided only when relevant. E.g., may contain a details field which contains the IDs of related users.

      • user_id

        The id of the user, matching what was passed in the Score API call.

      • latest_labels

        NOTE: Latest Labels section is only intended for customers using the Labels API.

        The latest_labels map contains entries for all abuse types for which the given user has been labeled. Note that the content of this map is not subject to the abuse types specified in the request; we always include all labels that have been applied to the given user. The map is keyed by abuse type, which could be one of: payment_abuse, account_abuse, content_abuse, promotion_abuse. The values in this map are objects which contain the following fields:

        • is_fraud

          true if the user is labeled Fraud, false if the user is labeled Not Fraud.

        • time

          The time this label was applied to the user. It is a UNIX timestamp in seconds.

        • description

          Freeform text description of the user and/or incident triggering the label.

    Error Codes

    • -4

      Service currently unavailable. Please try again later.

    • -3

      Server-side timeout processing request. Please try again later.

    • -2

      Unexpected server-side error

    • -1

      Unexpected server-side error

    • 0


    • 51

      Invalid API key

    • 54
    • 60

      Rate limited; too many events have been received in a short period of time

    Score API Reference

    The Score API is meant to get an up to date risk score when you don’t have new event data to pass. This is useful for when there is a time gap between when you send data for a user and are performing some action where you want to check risk and there is not a natural event to send at this point. Some examples of when you may want to check the score are before:

    • Shipping out a package
    • Finalizing a money transfer
    • Giving access to a prearranged vacation rental

    We do not recommend sending event data for a user and then very quickly attempting to get the score back with the Score API. If you need a score back quickly after an event, we can provide scores synchronously when events are sent. You can also synchronously get the status of a workflow and the score when you send an event.

    • You can only pull the score for $user_id values we've received Events API events or JavaScript activity for.
    • Use your Sandbox REST API key for accessing Sandbox users when testing. Switch to your Production API key for your live integration.
    • Documentation for the previous version of the Score API can be found here.

    Request all scores for a user:

    curl -i "https://api.sift.com/v204/score/USER_ID_HERE/?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    response = client.score("USER_ID_HERE")
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    response = client.score("USER_ID_HERE")
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $response = $client->score('USER_ID_HERE');
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.ScoreRequest;
    import com.siftscience.ScoreResponse;
    import com.siftscience.ScoreFieldSet;
    import com.siftscience.exception.SiftException;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    ScoreRequest request = client.buildRequest(new ScoreFieldSet()
    ScoreResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {

    Request scores for specific abuse types using the abuse_types query parameter:

    curl -i "https://api.sift.com/v204/score/USER_ID_HERE/?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&abuse_types=payment_abuse,promotion_abuse"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    response = client.score("USER_ID_HERE", abuse_types=["payment_abuse", "promotion_abuse"])
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    response = client.score("USER_ID_HERE", :abuse_types => ["payment_abuse", "promotion_abuse"])
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $response = $client->score('USER_ID_HERE', array('abuse_types' => array('payment_abuse', 'promotion_abuse')));
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.ScoreRequest;
    import com.siftscience.ScoreResponse;
    import com.siftscience.ScoreFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    ScoreRequest request = client.buildRequest(new ScoreFieldSet()
            .setAbuseTypes(Arrays.asList("payment_abuse", "account_abuse")));
    ScoreResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: text/json;charset=UTF-8
    Connection: keep-alive
      "status": 0,
      "error_message": "OK",
      "user_id": "billy_jones_301",
      "scores": {
        "payment_abuse": {
          "score": 0.898391231245,
          "reasons": [
              "name": "UsersPerDevice",
              "value": 4,
              "details": {
                "users": "a, b, c, d"
        "promotion_abuse": {
          "score": 0.472838192111,
          "reasons": []
      "latest_labels": {
        "payment_abuse": {
          "is_fraud": true,
          "time": 1352201880,
          "description": "received a chargeback"
        "promotion_abuse": {
          "is_fraud": false,
          "time": 1362205000
    response.is_ok()            # false on failed score requests.
    response.http_status_code   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response.api_status         # see error codes and messages below
    # check for a label for a specific abuse type
    bad_user = response.body['latest_labels']['payment_abuse']['is_fraud'] if 'latest_labels' in response.body else None
    # get Sift Score for a specific abuse type
    payment_abuse_score = round((response.body['scores']['payment_abuse']['score'] * 100), 1)
    response.ok?()              # false on failed score requests.
    response.http_status_code   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response.api_status         # see error codes and messages below
    # check for a label for a specific abuse type
    bad_user = response.body.has_key?('latest_labels') ? response.body['latest_labels']['payment_abuse']['is_fraud'] : nil
    # get Sift Score for a specific abuse type
    payment_abuse_score = (response.body['scores']['payment_abuse']['score'] * 100).round(1)
    response->isOk()           # false on failed score requests.
    response->httpStatusCode   # 200 on successful score requests.
    response->apiStatus        # see error codes and messages below
    # To grab the payment_abuse score:
    $siftScore = round(($response->body['scores']['payment_abuse']['score'] * 100, 1);
    response.isOk();               // false on failed score requests.
    response.getHttpStatusCode();  // 200 on successful score requests.
    response.getApiStatus();       // see error codes and messages below
    // check for a label for a specific abuse type
    // get Sift Score for a specific abuse type
    Math.round(response.getScore("payment_abuse") * 100);

    Response Fields

    • status

      The success or error code (see relevant error codes below).

    • error_message

      Description of error if applicable.

    • scores

      The scores map contains all computed scores for all applicable abuse types for a given user. The map is keyed by abuse type, which could be one of: payment_abuse, account_abuse, content_abuse, promotion_abuse. The values in this map are objects which contain the following fields:

      • score

        Score for the user between 0.0 and 1.0. A score of 0.5 translates to a score a 50 in the console.

      • reasons

        A list of the most significant reasons for the score and the values associated with the user. The included values will vary based on the user. Includes related users in the details object when applicable.

        • name

          Name of the risk signal.

        • value

          Value of the risk signal.

        • details

          Additional details. Provided only when relevant. E.g., may contain a details field which contains the IDs of related users.

    • user_id

      The id of the user, matching what was passed in the Score API call.

    • latest_labels

      NOTE: Latest Labels section is only intended for customers using the Labels API.

      The latest_labels map contains entries for all abuse types for which the given user has been labeled. Note that the content of this map is not subject to the abuse types specified in the request; we always include all labels that have been applied to the given user. The map is keyed by abuse type, which could be one of: payment_abuse, account_abuse, content_abuse, promotion_abuse. The values in this map are objects which contain the following fields:

      • is_fraud

        true if the user is labeled Fraud, false if the user is labeled Not Fraud.

      • time

        The time this label was applied to the user. It is a UNIX timestamp in seconds.

      • description

        Freeform text description of the user and/or incident triggering the label.

    Error Codes

    • -4

      Service currently unavailable. Please try again later.

    • -3

      Server-side timeout processing request. Please try again later.

    • -2

      Unexpected server-side error

    • -1

      Unexpected server-side error

    • 0


    • 51

      Invalid API key

    • 54
    • 60

      Rate limited; too many events have been received in a short period of time

    Device Fingerprinting Integration Guide

    The Device Fingerprinting API is a separate product from our machine learning products. Our machine learning uses device fingerprints in making risk assessments and connecting fraudulent users, but does not provide access to this API. For an overview and a use case example, see our Device Fingerprinting API tutorial.

    Using the Device Fingerprinting API requires that you have installed our JavaScript snippet.

    Device Information

    GET   /v3/accounts/{accountId}/devices/{deviceId}

    You can use the data returned from this endpoint to help investigate suspicious devices. Data like the first time you've seen a device in addition to how the Sift network has labeled a device can help you determine whether to allow a user to continue interacting with your site.

    Example Request

    $ curl -XGET 'https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{id}/devices/{id}' \n -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n -u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    Example Response
    { "id" : "{id}", "label" : "fraud", "labeled_at" : 1241241214000, "first_seen" : 1412990802000, "users" : { "data" : [ { "id" : "bob123", "href" : "https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{id}/users/bob123" } ] }, "network" : { "first_seen" : 1412386033000, "score" : 0.8 }, "sessions" : { "has_more" : false, "total_results" : 1, "data" : [ { "time" : 1412990802000 } ] } }


    • accountId
      required · string

      Your Sift Account ID, which can be found in the Sift Console under the Developer Tab

    • deviceId
      required · string

      Device Fingerprints are strings that are 26 characters in length, e.g. "{id}"


    • id
      required · string

      Device Fingerprints are strings that are 26 characters in length, e.g. '{id}'

    • first_seen

      The time (occurred POSIX time in milliseconds) when Sift first identified this device on your site

    • users

      A list of references to external entities that this object is associated with

      • data
        required · array

        The list of data elements

        • id
          required · string

          id of the referenced resource

      • has_more

        True if there are more data elements available

      • next_ref

        A link to the next set of data elements, if available

      • total_results

        The total number of results, if known

    • sessions

      A list of sessions in which this device has been seen

      • data
        required · array

        A list of data related to sessions in which this device has been seen

        • time

          The time at which this Session ID was first set in the Sift JavaScript snippet.

      • has_more

        True if there are more sessions available

      • next_ref

        A link to the next set of sessions, if available

      • total_results

        The total number of results, if known

    • label

      The label applied to this device. If no label has been applied, this field is undefined

      Allowed Values
      • fraudThis device has exhibited behavior that is fraudulent or otherwise detrimental to your business
      • not_fraudThis device is not fraudulent
    • labeled_at

      The time at which the latest label was applied to this device. If no label has been applied, this field is null

    • network

      Data from our network of customers can help you make decisions on devices you've never seen before or haven't yet exhibited suspicious behavior.

      • first_seen

        The time (occurred POSIX time in milliseconds) when Sift first identified this device within our network of customers.

      • score

        A representation of how likely this device is fraudulent based on labels we've received from our network of customers. The range of values is 0 to 1, where 1 represents a device that almost certainly is fraudulent.

      • pervasiveness

        NOT YET AVAILABLE. A representation of how often Sift has seen this device in our network of customers. You might consider scores where pervasiveness is 'low' less strongly than scores where pervasiveness is 'medium' or 'high'.

        Allowed Values
        • low
        • medium
        • high

    Label a Device

    PUT   /v3/accounts/{accountId}/devices/{deviceId}/label

    Use this endpoint to flag devices as either "fraud" or "not_fraud". Most likely you will need to link some concept of a user (e.g. email address or user ID) to a Device Fingerprint at some point in your product flow. Then, when you find a user to be fraudulent, you should use this endpoint to flag the device the user originated from. You will prevent this device from interacting from your site using the /v3/accounts/{accountId}/session endpoint.

    Example Request

    $ curl -XPUT 'https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{id}/devices/{id}/label' \n -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n -u {YOUR_API_KEY}: \n -d '{ "label" : "fraud" }'
    Example Response
    { "label" : "fraud" }


    • accountId
      required · string

      Your Sift Account ID, which can be found in the Sift Console under the Developer Tab

    • deviceId
      required · string

      A device fingerprint is an identifier that represents a device.


    • label

      Allowed Values
      • fruadThis device has exhibited behavior that is fraudulent or otherwise detrimental to your business
      • not_fraudThis device is not fraudulent


    • label

      Allowed Values
      • fraudThis device has exhibited behavior that is fraudulent or otherwise detrimental to your business
      • not_fraudThis device is not fraudulent

    Session Information

    GET   /v3/accounts/{accountId}/sessions/{sessionId}

    Call this endpoint to determine whether you should allow the device seen for a given session id to continue interacting with your site. Embedded in the response is whether you've seen this device before as well as how you've labeled the device, if at all. If you've labeled a Device Fingerprint "fraud" in the past, you should most likely restrict this device's ability to interact with your site.

    Example Request

    $ curl -XGET 'https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/529def32fe6b73f31300126e/sessions/465733823' \n -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n -u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    Example Response
    { "id" : 465733823, "time" : 1412990802000, "device" : { "id" : "{id}", "label" : "fraud", "labeled_at" : 1241241214000, "first_seen" : 1412990802000, "network" : { "first_seen" : 1412386033000, "score" : 0.8 }, "sessions" : { "total_results" : 1, "has_more" : false, "data" : [ { "time" : 1412990802000 } ] } } }


    • accountId
      required · string

      Your Sift Account ID, which can be found in the Sift Console under the Developer Tab

    • sessionId
      required · string

      Session IDs should be initially set in our JavaScript snippet. Use the same session id to retrieve the device associated with this session. You should only call this endpoint from your server, and not from the client.


    • time

      The time at which this Session ID was first set in the Sift JavaScript snippet.

    • device

      Data related to a Device Fingerprint

      • id
        required · string

        A device fingerprint is an identifier that represents a device.

      • first_seen

        The time (occurred POSIX time in milliseconds) when Sift first identified this device on your site

      • users

        A list of references to external entities that this object is associated with

        • data
          required · array

          The list of data elements

          • id
            required · string

            id of the referenced resource

        • has_more

          True if there are more data elements available

        • next_ref

          A link to the next set of data elements, if available

        • total_results

          The total number of results, if known

      • sessions

        A list of sessions in which this device has been seen

        • data
          required · array

          A list of data related to sessions in which this device has been seen

          • time

            The time at which this Session ID was first set in the Sift JavaScript snippet.

        • has_more

          True if there are more sessions available

        • next_ref

          A link to the next set of sessions, if available

        • total_results

          The total number of results, if known

      • label

        The label applied to this device. If no label has been applied, this field is undefined

        Allowed Values
        • fraudThis device has exhibited behavior that is fraudulent or otherwise detrimental to your business
        • not_fraudThis device is not fraudulent
      • labeled_at

        The time at which the latest label was applied to this device. If no label has been applied, this field is null

      • network

        Data from our network of customers can help you make decisions on devices you've never seen before or haven't yet exhibited suspicious behavior.

        • first_seen

          The time (occurred POSIX time in milliseconds) when Sift first identified this device within our network of customers.

        • score

          A representation of how likely this device is fraudulent based on labels we've received from our network of customers. The range of values is 0 to 1, where 1 represents a device that almost certainly is fraudulent.

        • pervasiveness

          NOT YET AVAILABLE. A representation of how often Sift has seen this device in our network of customers. You might consider scores where pervasiveness is 'low' less strongly than scores where pervasiveness is 'medium' or 'high'.

          Allowed Values
          • low
          • medium
          • high

    Device Information for Users

    GET   /v3/accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}/devices

    Call this endpoint to determine the devices associated for a given user ID

    Example Request

    $ curl -XGET 'https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/529def32fe6b73f31300126e/users/465733823/devices' \n -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \n -u {YOUR_API_KEY}:
    Example Response
    { "data" : [ { "id" : "{id}", "href" : "https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{id}/devices/{id}" }, { "id" : "{id}", "href" : "https://api.sift.com/v3/accounts/{id}/devices/{id}" } ] }


    • accountId
      required · string

      Your Sift Account ID, which can be found in the Sift Console under the Developer Tab

    • userId
      required · string

      User IDs should be initially set in our JavaScript snippet. Use the same user ID to retrieve the devices associated with this user. You should only call this endpoint from your server, and not from the client.


    • schema
      required · string

      Reference to the json schema that the data in the array conforms to

    • data
      required · array

      A list of data items

      • id
        required · string

        id of the referenced resource

    • has_more

      Whether there are more results

    • next_ref

      A link to the next set of data, if available

    • total_results

      The total number of results, if known

    Partner API

    The Partner API allows e-commerce platforms, agencies, and payment gateways/processors to programmatically create Sift accounts for their own merchants, and to interact with those accounts on behalf of their merchants.

    Client libraries

    We have written client libraries in several languages to make using this API even easier.


    Partners can:

    • Create new Sift accounts on behalf of their customers
    • List the set of accounts they have created, along with the API keys for those accounts.
    • Submit events and labels, or request scores on behalf of their customers


    Before using the Partner API, please contact our partner support team and ask to be enabled as a partner.

    The operations below will require two credentialing pieces of information:

    • The Partner Account ID, which can be found in the "Settings" section of the Sift Console.
    • The partner's Production REST API key which can be found in the "API Keys" console page.


    In the following document "partner" will be the organization which is creating and using Sift accounts on behalf of a group of parties. We'll refer to those other parties as "merchants".


    All authentication is based on API keys.

    When acting as a Partner

    When doing partner-level or administrative actions (i.e. creating new accounts, configuring notifications, or listing merchant accounts), the partner's API key should be included in the request header under the Authorization key, with the Basic scheme. See the Account Creation curl example below for a concrete example.

    When acting on behalf of a Merchant

    When performing actions at the level of a specific existing merchant account, use the API key associated with that merchant (which is included in the response when the merchant's Sift account is first created). When using the existing Events API or Labels API this will mean placing this API key into the JSON body. When making requests against the Scores API, the API key will appear as a query parameter.

    Labels API Reference


    The Labels API is not recommended for customers signing up after February 1st, 2017.


    The Labels API is a way to tell Sift which transactions or events are fraudulent or legitimate. By telling us this information, Sift can identify abuse patterns unique to your business. Labels are used by the platform to generate the risk scores you within your application to automate your fraud fighting.

    Labels API is no longer recommended for new customers. Decisions are now the recommended integration, they enable you to send more granular and powerful feedback to our machine learning system. Learn more about Decisions.

    For customers already using Labels API, don't worry! It is still a supported integration method. If you are interested in migrating to Decisions, please contact your account manager or support@sift.com and we can help.

    How it Works

    • Labeling events as fraudulent helps us determine other events that are likely to be fraudulent.
    • Labeling events as legitimate is useful for when a user has a high score but is known to be legitimate; it will help lower your false positive rate.
    • If you want to change an existing label for a user ID - for example, from risky to valid - all you need to do is send a new label and we'll overwrite the existing value.
    • If instead you want to remove labels, you can use our Unlabel API.

    Note: You can find the documentation for the previous version of this API here.

    Labeling a User

    To label a user ID, send an HTTP POST to our Label API endpoint:


    Be sure to replace INSERT_USER_ID with the ID of the user you are labeling. The response should have an HTTP status code of 200 and a status of 0. See our Error Codes for more information on non-zero statuses.

    // Example curl request to label a user:
    curl -X POST https://api.sift.com/v204/users/INSERT_USER_ID/labels -d \n'{
      "$api_key"     : "YOUR_API_KEY",
      "$is_fraud"      : true,
      "$abuse_type"  : "payment_abuse",
      "$description" : "The user was testing cards repeatedly for a valid card",
      "$source"      : "manual review",
      "$analyst"     : "someone@your-site.com"
    // Example of returned response:
      "time" : 1418757635 ,
      "status" : 0 ,
      "request" :
          "$api_key"     : "YOUR_API_KEY", 
          "$is_fraud"      : true, 
          "$abuse_type"  : "payment_abuse", 
          "$description" : "The user was testing cards repeatedly for a valid card", 
          "$source"      : "manual review", 
          "$analyst"     : "someone@your-site.com" 
      }" ,
       "error_message" : "OK"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY")
    properties = {
      "$is_fraud"      : True, # ... or False; Required
      "$abuse_type"  : "payment_abuse", # Required
      "$description" : "The user was testing cards repeatedly for a valid card", # Optional
      "$source"      : "manual review", # Optional
      "$analyst"     : "someone@your-site.com" # Optional
    response = client.label("billy_jones_301", properties)
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY")
    properties = {
      "$is_fraud"      => true, # ... or false; Required
      "$abuse_type"  => "payment_abuse", # Required
      "$description" => "The user was testing cards repeatedly for a valid card", # Optional
      "$source"      => "manual review", # Optional
      "$analyst"     => "someone@your-site.com" # Optional
    response = client.label("billy_jones_301", properties)
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'));
    $properties = array(
      '$is_fraud'      => true, // ... or false; Required Field
      '$abuse_type'  => 'payment_abuse', // Required
      '$description' => 'The user was testing cards repeatedly for a valid card', // Optional
      '$source'      => 'manual review', // Optional
      '$analyst'     => 'someone@your-site.com' // Optional
    $response = $client->label('billy_jones_301', $properties);
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.LabelRequest;
    import com.siftscience.LabelResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.LabelFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    LabelRequest request = client.buildRequest(new LabelFieldSet()
            .setDescription("The user was testing cards repeatedly for a valid card")
            .setSource("manual review")
    LabelResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true
    • $api_key
      required · String

      Your Sift API key.

    • $is_fraud
      required · Boolean

      Indicates whether a user is engaging in behavior deemed harmful to your business. Set to true if the user is engaging in abusive activity. Set to false if the user is engaging in valid activity.

    • $abuse_type
      required · String

      The type of abuse for which you want to send a label. It's important to send a label specific to the type of abuse the user is committing so that Sift can learn about specific patterns of behavior. You'll end up with more accurate results this way.

      Allowed values
      • payment_abuse
        A user using stolen payment information (e.g. a stolen credit card) to purchase goods or services.
      • content_abuse
        A user creating content or sending messages on your site in an abusive manner. This includes spam posts that pollute your site, fake listings intended to scam other users, spammy messages to other users, and any other fraudulent or abusive content.
      • promotion_abuse
        A user gaming the terms of a promotion in an excessive or abusive way. A promotion includes things like coupons, referral credits, limited offers, free trial periods, etc.
      • account_abuse
        A user who uses your service in a manner you deem abusive. This behavior can include creating fake/duplicate accounts or any other abusive patterns specific to your business.
    • $description

      Freeform text description of the user and/or incident triggering the label. Useful as annotation on why the label was added.

    • $source

      String describing the original source of the label information (e.g. payment gateway, manual review, etc.).

    • $analyst

      Unique identifier (e.g. email address) of the analyst who applied the label. Useful for tracking purposes after the fact.

    Unlabeling a User ID

    If you are unsure whether a user is fraudulent or legitimate, you can always remove labels and leave the user in a neutral state. To unlabel a user for a particular abuse type, send an HTTP DELETE to our Labels API endpoint with the abuse_type query parameter:


    This API call should return an HTTP status code of 204.

    In the rare case that you want to remove all labels for all abuse types for a particular user, send an HTTP DELETE to our Labels API endpoint without the abuse_type query parameter:


    If you just want to change an existing label - for example, from fraudulent to legitimate - all you need to do is send a new label and we'll overwrite the existing value. Learn more about labeling a user.

    Note: You can find the documentation for the previous version of this API here.

    // Example curl request to remove a payment abuse label:
    curl -X DELETE "https://api.sift.com/v204/users/USER_ID/labels/?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&abuse_type=payment_abuse"
    import sift
    client = sift.Client("YOUR_API_KEY - production key if not testing")
    response = client.unlabel("billy_jones_301", abuse_type="payment_abuse")
    require "sift"
    client = Sift::Client.new(:api_key => "YOUR_API_KEY - production key if not testing")
    response = client.unlabel("billy_jones_301", :abuse_type => "payment_abuse")
    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $client = new SiftClient(array('api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY - production key if not testing'));
    $response = $client->unlabel('billy_jones_301', array('abuse_type' => 'payment_abuse'));
    import com.siftscience.SiftClient;
    import com.siftscience.UnlabelRequest;
    import com.siftscience.UnlabelResponse;
    import com.siftscience.model.UnlabelFieldSet;
    SiftClient client = new SiftClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
    UnlabelRequest request = client.buildRequest(new UnlabelFieldSet()
    UnlabelResponse response;
    try {
        response = request.send();
    } catch (SiftException e) {
    response.isOk(); // true